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Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Ren of Heavens

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Not bad news at all - considering Ubisoft's track record on Wii. Hopefully, it'll pursuade EA and Activision to ensure that they get their products out on Wii too.




"It's done by a different team, so it's a different approach, and will be created for the Wii population."


Fuck. On rails it is.

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Bad name is bad.


On-rails or not, I never trust a statement that says the Wii version is being handled by a separate studio, it never ends well.


I thought Ghostbusters and Modern Warfare turned out alright. They both felt like alternate versions of the originals rather than washed down copies.

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If this is a rail shooter, then I'm not going to be happy. At first I was pleased with the re-emergence of the rail shooter, now I'm tired of them. Both COD:WAW and COD:MWR have been great on Wii, have had well sized online communities and have been great alternatives to the PS/360 versions. If they go down the same route as COD I'll be happy, if not, the game will no doubt flop and then Ubi will slag the Wii!


Funny, because COD3 and WAW have done over a million and MWR is already over 800k, and MWR had ZERO advertising and is two years old! There is a 'hardcore' market on Wii, it's just a bit sick of rail shooters!

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If this is a rail shooter, then I'm not going to be happy. At first I was pleased with the re-emergence of the rail shooter, now I'm tired of them. Both COD:WAW and COD:MWR have been great on Wii, have had well sized online communities and have been great alternatives to the PS/360 versions. If they go down the same route as COD I'll be happy, if not, the game will no doubt flop and then Ubi will slag the Wii!


Funny, because COD3 and WAW have done over a million and MWR is already over 800k, and MWR had ZERO advertising and is two years old! There is a 'hardcore' market on Wii, it's just a bit sick of rail shooters!

I think they'll go down the COD route here too, seeing as it makes the most financial sense / easiest developement route to share as many resources (i.e. voice acting, storyline, Cut scenes, marketing budget etc) then create a completely different game.


The core gameplay might vary, but what that means is anyones guess, most likely a greater focus on local multiplayer and an aiming / cover system designed for motion controls.


I can understand Ubi's reservations about it though, Call of Duty is the biggest brand name in gaming right now, and they can't really expect a similiar game in a similiar genre to out sell any Call of Duty game; on any system. They need something to differentiate this on the Wii :/.

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I can understand Ubi's reservations about it though, Call of Duty is the biggest brand name in gaming right now, and they can't really expect a similiar game in a similiar genre to out sell any Call of Duty game; on any system. They need something to differentiate this on the Wii :/.


If I know one thing about CoD and GR, they aren't similar. The genre is, war based shooter, but that's as far as it goes.

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"Modern war" (not the games) seems to become the new "world war two" trend.


You say that as if Ghost Recon is "Jumping on the bandwagon". Ghost Recon has been modern and slightly future since the series inception


You are right though, more games are going Modern rather than WWII

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Aside from CoD, and MoH, I can't really think of that many major IPs that have shifted into modern times from World War 2.


And that's already too many imho...

So many of the major IPs in gaming are:



- Generic settings (albeit focus on WW2, Modern War or Future)


Where is the innovation in that???

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Not every game has to be about innovation. Sometimes there can be little difference separating a game from others except that they're that much better made and more fun to play.


Innovation is great, it helps us move forward, but not every game has to be a progressive step. Sometimes you just want to be entertained by a tried and tested formula. That's why people are more excited about Sonic the Hedgehog 4 than they ever were by the likes of Sonic Unleashed.

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Not every game has to be about innovation. Sometimes there can be little difference separating a game from others except that they're that much better made and more fun to play.


Innovation is great, it helps us move forward, but not every game has to be a progressive step. Sometimes you just want to be entertained by a tried and tested formula. That's why people are more excited about Sonic the Hedgehog 4 than they ever were by the likes of Sonic Unleashed.


You're absolutely right, but it was more a reference to the so-called "gamers" who keep claiming those FPS's not coming to Wii proof that the Wii is last-gen, sigh...


They say that like last-gen means less evolved graphic specs, which I beg to diver ;)

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Soldiers running around, using weapons and gadgets that either don't exist, or are too expensive to be deployed into any battlefield... Sounds like something I've already played.

Think it's called... Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter?


Personally I'd prefer them going back to the original style of play.

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I think this game purpose is to take more money from the MW crawd. Thats why they are annonced short time after MW2.


But for us, question here is if the Wii game will be any good and will we buy it. Its not my kind of game, so Im pretty sure I will pass on this one. I will have second thought about it if the multiplayer is any good.

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You're absolutely right, but it was more a reference to the so-called "gamers" who keep claiming those FPS's not coming to Wii proof that the Wii is last-gen, sigh...


They say that like last-gen means less evolved graphic specs, which I beg to diver ;)


Generation is based on time, and nothing else. You wouldn't say an 80 year old man who is really fit is a member of the generation that young adults currently belong to, just like you wouldn't say a teenager who has similar health problems to seniors, is a member of the generation that today's seniors are part of. Its exactly the same for gaming consoles. The Wii is a member of the 7th generation of gaming consoles, due to it coming out in 2006, and being produced at the same time as, as well as being sold beside the PS3 and 360.


Besides, the modern war setting was featured on some 6th generation consoles, just look at Battlefield 2.

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  • 6 months later...

Well, it's now just called Ghost Recon, and it's now a Rail Shooter...


Let the flaming commence!


Also, here is the trailer:



My take: Looks OK, and I like rail shooters, will probably get it when it drops in price, but as it's a November release, up against Black Ops and Goldeneye it's a 'no thanks'.

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Honestly, I really don't think this looks good at all. Especially seeing there's so many better on-rails shooters such as Dead Space: Extraction, Darkside Chronicles and House of the Dead: Overkill. If I ever decide to buy an on-rails shooter, it definitely wont be this.


I'll be happy to be proved wrong though.

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