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Reviewers Wanted!!


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Hey, we have just done an initial design of a magazine for my corporate film company. Emag here:




We are also doing magazines for Foundation (community, young people) and my Creative film company.


With these we are starting to do reviews - of films primarily. But I also want to start doing games, film games at first, and then games full stop and bring it into full on reviews of films, games, music etc etc Now with his we are also setting up a review website and an accompanying app (iphone, android, blackberry).


We're already getting sent lots of review disks and have a lot of reviews already completed ready for the launch (don't want to start with nothing on). But wondered if anyone would be interested in being a reviewer. Can't offer any payment other than we'll send you the films for review and maybe some other benefits (we always get tickets for premieres and festival and such).


Also, if anyone is interested in film games. I would actually be interested in ANY game of a film that has ever been released. But especially all on the current generation of consoles.


Our first emag is subscribed to a few thousand people (which will grow each month) and we'll be really pushing the website and app so there'll be quite a bit of exposure.


Anyways, if you're up for it, email me - [email protected] and I'll tell you what you'll need to do - pretty much just send a review in and we'll check it out, but I'm not leading on this, someone else is.


Hope to hear from a few of you!

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Cheers guys. We've got some big plans for it, in about a month we're doing a big launch of all the companies, 6 separate websites, moving into apps and games and such. I'll do a big post on here when everything is collated to see what peoples thoughts are. But in the meantime someone at Blueprint will contact you about reviews and features.


Thanks again.

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I'd be really interested in reviewing films (or Wii games, only have a Wii of the current gen), cause it's one of things I'm most interested in, I'm going off to do film production potentially this year etc. I don't have blogs like Dazz and Daft, though...


Closest thing I can think of is my answers to questions an Art college sent me regarding my film application. :p


But yeah, I enjoy writing, and have a good grasp of...english..writing...and shit.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Oooo... I wouldn't mind trying my hand at game reviews.


There's a link to one I wrote in my sig and I'm working on my next right now.

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I'd be really interested in reviewing films (or Wii games, only have a Wii of the current gen), cause it's one of things I'm most interested in, I'm going off to do film production potentially this year etc. I don't have blogs like Dazz and Daft, though...


Closest thing I can think of is my answers to questions an Art college sent me regarding my film application. :p


But yeah, I enjoy writing, and have a good grasp of...english..writing...and shit.


^ What he said. Although I have reviews in the student paper.. they can't really be emailed though.

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Okay, thanks guys. I think I might try and do the switch from Blogspot to Wordpress. It's easier for me to write because I have Windows Live Writer which automatically publishes my reviews and makes it a lot easier to add pictures and videos. Are there any programs out there like this but for Wordpress?

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Hey, just to say thanks for all the interest, PM's and emails guys. We're just putting a few details together and we'll be contacting people. I'm working away 4 days a week currently so I'm being pretty slow, sorry about that. But it'll be rolling very soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not quite yet; we're developing the site now, but because of me working away it's been slowed down. Saying this I have now passed on everyones details to the guy who'll be managing it so he will be contacting people to get the content rolling. When we unleash the site and app we want it to have a fair bit of content on.


Out of interest would you want contemporary film reviews (which I presume you would) or any?


Everything. We want to build a review database of films too. But the focus will be on new releases theatrical and at retail.


Btw how modern do you want movie licensed game reviews to be? Because I have a ton of old megadrive games that I can give coverage on. Anyway looking forward to hear what work you want doing and reviewing films is gonna be something interesting and new.


That would be amazing. We could kick off with a feature on 16bit film license games - I have shed loads of SNES ones - Aladdin, Lawnmower Man, Jurassic Park etc etc.


If people are definitely interested, can you please give my your email address.

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Not quite yet; we're developing the site now, but because of me working away it's been slowed down. Saying this I have now passed on everyones details to the guy who'll be managing it so he will be contacting people to get the content rolling. When we unleash the site and app we want it to have a fair bit of content on.




Everything. We want to build a review database of films too. But the focus will be on new releases theatrical and at retail.




That would be amazing. We could kick off with a feature on 16bit film license games - I have shed loads of SNES ones - Aladdin, Lawnmower Man, Jurassic Park etc etc.


If people are definitely interested, can you please give my your email address.


Just to say sent you my email address and yes cracking idea about the film licenses stuff. I have plenty of megadrive classics.

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