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Brittany Murphy (& Now Her Husband) Has Died


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Brittany Murphy died early this morning after she went into full cardiac arrest and could not be revived, multiple sources tell TMZ.


She was 32.


A 911 call was made at 8:00 AM from a home in Los Angeles that is listed as belonging to her husband, Simon Monjack, the Los Angeles City Fire Department tells TMZ.


We're told Murphy was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center where she was pronounced dead on arrival.


Murphy starred in such films as "Clueless," "8 Mile," and "Don't Say a Word."


It is shocking that she died. RIP.

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Who cares, Rage are number 1!





I er... mean...


Sad, sad day.




Why would you post and thank a post where a young woman has died bored or something?


Anyway really tragic that she died so young. Wow she was in Frasier should track that episode down.

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I was thinking what Wesley posted before I read his post. I'm still euphoric.


That's fucking awful though. 32 is frighteningly young. I'm genuinely shocked, as I would be if anyone that age suffered a heart attack. She was pretty cool.

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Yeah, it was only in jest.


I suppose I could have edited it quickly I guess.


I'm sorry if I upset you Dante.


Well, not really that sorry.


I'm sure you were only annoyed because she won't be appearing in Maxim or whatever else you drool over.


But still.




Dying in your early 30s is terrifying.


Especially of something you usually associate with people older or really, super unfit people.


My friend's flat mate was diagnosed with throat cancer a couple of weeks ago.


He's only our age (early 20s).


It's things like that which make you stop and think.


And also be very scared.


usuck.gifYOU SUCK!


I know.


Quick, remove your thanks, Raining!


It's not too late.


Leave me, I'm already doomed.

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I'm sure you were only annoyed because she won't be appearing in Maxim or whatever else you drool over.


I like her as actress and she appeared in my favorite films.


Sin City, 8 Mile,Just Married etc.

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I mean, can we clear something up?


What celebrity are we allowed to laugh and make jokes at when they die?


It was alright for jokes, songs, videos and images to be put in the Michael Jackson thread, but not for an off-the-cuff remark for... I've already forgotten her name.




One of the most influential pop-singers: ok.


An actor who I'd never heard of: not ok.


Any other rules?

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I mean, can we clear something up?


What celebrity are we allowed to laugh and make jokes at when they die?


It was alright for jokes, songs, videos and images to be put in the Michael Jackson thread, but not for an off-the-cuff remark for... I've already forgotten her name.




One of the most influential pop-singers: ok.


An actor who I'd never heard of: not ok.


Any other rules?


I just don't get why people come in and post negative stuff about someone who has died.


There are no rules barring the forum ones. I find it immature but I'm not going to get into an argument about it as the lines of text you post will be to long to read!

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I do post alot of new stories but I try my hardest to speak my mind but sometimes I get attack over stupid things or my posts has been taking the wrong way with people.


I believe the users on here are negative on other users and do odds things like Rainning Again thanking Wesley post but few days ago she thanks Haggis post about not caring about people backing of RATM.

Edited by Dante
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I just don't get why people come in and post negative stuff about someone who has died.


There are no rules barring the forum ones. I find it immature but I'm not going to get into an argument about it as the lines of text you post will be to long to read!


Probably true.

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Sorry if I believe that people should had self-respect over the dead and people who have died at young age.


I believe this may be a bit hardcore, but... personally I think respect is earned, not given. That being said, I did respect her, she had some good parts, but just because something bad happened to her, it shouldn't mean people can't be themselves out of some fictitious notion of worth and tradition. Yes, it sucks that she died. It sucks when people die. But with death being the only certainty in life, you'd think that in a world with almost 7 billion human beings, it'd have stopped being such a touchy subject by now!

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I knew a 30 year old woman who died (like in real life, shock horror). So i'm certainly not laughing at that! Your daft humerous way of posting makes me chuckle, that's all the thanks were for!


Seems a bit pointless creating threads over every minor celeb dying.. We'd have this forum clogged up with shit if that were so.


Yeah it does suck that she died. Yes a lot of people are thinking about how her family must be suffering. And that will be the entire contents of this thread.

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Is it just me, or is that more of these famous young people are dying that the oldies who've washed up? I swear the majority of the threads we have here about celebrity deaths are people who die young, and more often than not someone I couldn't care much less about. Sure, the girl was a good actress and I liked her in what I saw her in, but like...why should I care when I've seen here in just a few things and people die every day? More and more I see these threads and I wonder, like, what the hell. Maybe I'm just getting older. Maybe every time I see one I secretly just think to myself at least it isn't me or anyone I know. Maybe I'm a terrible person. Maybe, I'm gonna stop typing.

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