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Medal of Honor: Modern Warfare

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Just reminding that MW is a ripping off BF2.


Thats just setting, nothing in common gameplay wise and BF2 was hardly the first modern war shooter...


Whats worrying with MOH is that DICE are handling the tech and multiplayer aspects. With BC2 its clear its not EA's priority to look after the franchise.


They could have added a good single player to Battlefield instead they went with the medicore MOH series to have its online improved with a me too game since they are envious of COD.



Here's an excerpt from Kotaku about EA's dumb boss.


Not only can the game compete, said Riccitiello, but he expects it to do one better than publisher Activision and development studio Infinity Ward's latest Modern Warfare game.


"We think we've got an advantage over Modern Warfare 2 with our multiplayer," he said. "The guys at DICE do that really, really well."


What kind of advantage could EA have, given MW2's legacy of fans?


"Frankly, once you get past, sort of, four people on a map, I think our gameplay is better," Riccitiello answered. "That is a legacy of DICE and where they came from. The original Battlefield PC was a 16-on-16 product and they've optimized. The other thing is, I think things like vehicles and destructible environments are a fresh innovation." [Note from Kotaku: The original Battlefield on PC actually supported up to 64-player matches.]


As kotaku point out backwards innovation seem to be the way for EA. Ofcourse cehicle and some destruction were already in the games. Instead we get backwards BC2 again and all focus on MOH.

Edited by Choze

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Thats just setting, nothing in common gameplay wise and BF2 was hardly the first modern war shooter...



And you could say the same about this and MW2.



Whats worrying with MOH is that DICE are handling the tech and multiplayer aspects. With BC2 its clear its not EA's priority to look after the franchise.



so its a bad thing that some of the leading experts in making online games are working on this title?



They could have added a good single player to Battlefield






instead they went with the medicore MOH series to have its online improved with a me too game since they are envious of COD.



DICE already did a battlefield game with single player, some people liked it, not everyone did. There's no reason they can't have 2 war themed IPs going at the same time. Activision practically does it with treyarch and IW alternating years with CoD. There's absolutely no reason to suggest this will be a me too game. Its an FPS set in Modern Times, in the Middle East. THERE WILL BE SOME OVERLAP! EA are a business. They're going to try and do what they can to win over the market from Activision. That's the way business works. We don't know much about this game yet, but just going by the fact that DICE are doing the multiplayer, and looking at that trailer, It looks as if it could beat MW2 (Although, IMO, that's not going to be that hard).

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So you play as druggies and warlords who massacre civilians. Stay Classy EA.


You normally come across as stupid while talking about video games.


I often suspected that you were maybe around 15/16 with an education to match half that.


However, I now suspect you're an angry 12 year old just getting into that teenage "fuck the system" stage.


But clearly not knowing much about "the system".


Anyway, I didn't understand any hate for this just because it may feed-off the MW love.


If you didn't like it because of that then... meh.


The trailer looks pretty good.


Nothing stands out (in terms of gameplay) but it's just a trailer and early days.

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To be fair, the Northern Alliance have breached a Hell of a lot of human rights, according to Human Rights watch.


There's very little to say about the NA that's positive. NATO backed them to remove the Taliban but they're far, far from liberators and just freedom fighters or anything. Pointing that out isn't racist.


I'm sorry, I was focusing more on the Muslim Protagonist rather than Northern Alliance who tbh I really haven't heard of.

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I haven't heard anything good from the beta, tbh. Hope it turns out good, though.

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I haven't heard anything good from the beta, tbh. Hope it turns out good, though.


Really? I've heard good things about it but the issue I'm hearing is that it feels very much like MW, with a bit more strategy and team work needed in the game types to win. Overall, though, people are saying both MW and Battlefield Bad Company beat it so far in terms of the multiplayer, although it's still rated well by those who've been playing it, but it is still a beta with not a whole lot available to play in it.

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This article makes me kind of interested:




But then none of the footage I've seen conveys any of that...


That's pretty accurate I would say.


The only real problem I've had with the beta is the constant freezing. And that shouldn't carry over to the final game. Otherwise, its probably the most fun multiplayer I've played in a while. There are similarities to CoD, but any military FPS is going to have some these days. For what it is, the Beta's been getting a lot more hate than it should be. A lot of it is PC gamers pissed off that its not Battlefield 3 though.

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That's pretty accurate I would say.


The only real problem I've had with the beta is the constant freezing. And that shouldn't carry over to the final game. Otherwise, its probably the most fun multiplayer I've played in a while. There are similarities to CoD, but any military FPS is going to have some these days. For what it is, the Beta's been getting a lot more hate than it should be. A lot of it is PC gamers pissed off that its not Battlefield 3 though.

Oh get out, I can tell it's average just by watching. I CAN.


I approve of the title change.

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multiplayer wise, it won't be anywhere near as good as Halo so I may as well ignore it.

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Oh get out, I can tell it's average just by watching. I CAN.


I approve of the title change.


It looks very average. I'd say in terms of the gunplay its not quite as good as Bad Company 2, but its a little better than MW2, in my opinion anyway.

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If anybody is interested, ShopTo are now sending out the beta invites for this with every pre-order.

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Just got a Beta code for this from FileShack. Kind of looking forward to trying it out.

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So i have been playing the beta for quite some time now and i have to say its alright. Yes some bugs here and there but nothing they cant fix.


The gameplay is essentially like Call of Duty but without most the cheap elements such as killcam, over the top perks and over powered killstreak rewards, auto homing knife etc. Better balancing and three classes to divide guns and abilities. So some will prefer it to call of duty straight off. Which is what some of my cod loving friends also say.

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Hey guys, recently wrote an article semi-related to this (on the depiction of terrorism in video games) and would appreciate if you could read it and perhaps share some of your thoughts!


You don't need to login in order to post comments and all I ask is that you keep your views as unoffensive as possible!



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Some new footage over at GameTrailers. I might buy this over Call of Duty since I only play that now when we play LAN on friends Xbox's.

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That actually looks kinda cool. The delay from the bullet and having a spotter is quality. (In fact, I think you are the spotter)


Obviously inspired by Generation Kill/ The Hurt Locker over Michael Bay.

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Tbh I opened that link expecting to scoff at some moronic typical fox-news "Mom" but... I can actually see where she's coming from. And she wasn't as stupid or ignorant as I imagined.


She doesn't say nobody died in WW2, but that the families of the people who did die in WW2 aren't still upset by it. People who lost sons, daughters, brothers etc in Afghanistan are not going to be over their loss yet. The idea of actually being Taliban, shooting Americans in the head... it's a bit much.

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And would it make any difference to us gamers if it was just a terrorist organisation with a similar name? Suliban or something like that.

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What people need to keep in mind though is that there were veterans of the Afghan War that EA brought into the studio to help make the game authentic. These were people who had lost good friends during the war, people who were actually in the War getting shot at by the Taliban. They wanted to tell their story. That's what this game is all about. And in this type of game, someone has to play the bad guy.

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