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Happy Birthday Moogle!


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Thank you guys. I love you all. I had a birthday party with my housemates on saturday. That was awesome and now I love my housemates even more. (Well most of them). The party started with




Then yesterday my parents, brother and sister in law (who shares the same birthday) arrived. After I had breakfast and a shower we walked into town whilst we waited for my hangover to pass. I showed them round town then went to play pool in the pier. Then something awesome happened which I will be posting videos of at a later date. Then went for an Indian and then for darts and more drink. Then I couldn't be bothered to walk up the hill so stayed in the B+B with my family.


Woke up and had full english breakfast (:D). Then exchanged presents and I got lots of cider, which included some Swedish cider (Rekorderlig) one of which you can drink hot or cold, Some chocolate, 2 student cookbooks, Dorian Gray book, COD MW2, this, some money and I think that's about it. Then we went for a walk up the hills and found two ponies just wandering around. One came up hesitantly but wouldn't eat the grass in my hand then the other trots over and scoffs it all. Then I went home and my family left, so I went to bed for a nap. Now I need noms.

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