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Good info from King V.


For obliques I like to do a kind of sideways sit up. I lye down on my side with my legs together, arm closest to the floor against my body and the arm in the air rested on the back of my head. I then raise my upper body and legs in a 'V' shape, so that my knees and point of my elbow meet.


I go for 25-30 then swap sides.

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A fun week of gymming eet up. Had a good back workout on Thursday, but then woke up the next morning without that tired woke-up-after-gym-yesterday feeling. However, it came throughout the day, and it's still with me even today, haha. My biceps and forearms ache, as do my lats and around that area. Hammered my shoulders on Tuesday, too. Really enjoyed that. :D


Went tonight to do some cardio and ab stuff. Shattered now. Feel very satisfied, but so tired at the same time.

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I like reading peoples gym comments, because i gym it alone at home so don't got a gym buddy :sad: its nice to hear how people are doing.


I didn't do any gym work last week for the first time in forever. I just felt shit from man flu, so missed some of my workouts earlier in the week and ended up convincing myself it would be better to just have the whole week off.


I'm gonna get on the cardio a bit tomorrow, because I feel bad for no exercise plus last night's binge drinking... then i'll get back into the routine on Monday with the ol' chest and back... a good bit of pushing and pulling :D

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I didn't do that cardio i planned on doing Sunday, although i did start back up again yesterday with the chest and back.


I've been keeping a record of how i'm doing (only the weights/reps exercises) since i started and the improvements just keep on coming. Loving it :D


I've just finished my Plyo session... which always kicks me round the floor. Absolutely knackered. I'm now going to have a well earned relax in the bath and listen to some music for a bit. Still got my abs to do yet today though.. Think i'll save that till after the Baggies Swansea game :)

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I like reading peoples gym comments, because i gym it alone at home so don't got a gym buddy :sad: its nice to hear how people are doing.


I do not possess a gym buddy, which is probably for the best, haha. I have a particular schedule because of work, so it would be a pain to have to reorganise stuff to suit the needs of another person. Right now anyway. :heh:


I probably should be doing more forearms and biceps stuff, but it's not really an area I'm concerned about. My arms seem to get a good workout whenever I work my back (or triceps when I do chest), but I think I'm going to try and do a bit more now. I did a little bit when I went today after work, and it felt quite nice.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I don't so much have a partner as I have a group since there are four of us. I find having more people means you make sure you having a sufficient enough rest between sets and you don't lose track of time.


Had a pretty good cardio session yesterday. It was 35 mins on the cross trainer, then 18 mins on the treadmill. After that, it was 10 mins on the rowing machine and finally 12 mins on the exercise bike.


Felt pretty good by the end and not as tired as I thought I would be even though there probably wasn't much left in the tank.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well when we were training for strength, then we would take turns - you are only looking about 2 to 3 mins max between sets. At the moment, we have two people exercising at the same time, due to the nature of the routine. To be honest though, when there have only been two of us doing it, the rest ends up being that short that it's difficult to really push yourself.

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It depends on the amount of equipment you have available to you as well. I've lost count of how many times I've seen small groups of people crowding around the only lateral pulldown machine. What I find annoying is that the one sits on the seat, has a little laugh and a joke, does a few reps, then they alternate between each member of the group. But, fuck, some of them do more talking than pulling. That kind of workout just wouldn't do it for me.


Granted, some groups have a routine, so that they're doing different things at once, which is what I would probably do if I went with a group.


Then there's the ones that chat on their phones, sitting at the only bench press in the whole place. This one time I actually finished my whole workout in the time that the bloke spent on his phone!

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Did my shoulders and arms tonight. I'm well tired. I didn't have much energy before i started, but i've got none whatsoever now.


Hopefully I put enough into it to get something out of it... guess i'll find out tomorrow when i'm either feeling it :) or not :(

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Went for a booted run again today. Up the steepest ofsteep hills. Go to the top and my leg was starting to hurt. Ran on it a bit more and now i can hardly walk never mind run. Think ive done somethingreally bad. Going to leave it until monday and see if it gets any better, if not i might need a new leg lol.

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I just caught up with a friend and we just had an awesome afternoon catching up, anyway, he just moved to another place and doesn't have any room where he is living now for his weight sets...so what does he do? HE GIVES THEM TOO ME FOR FREE!!! AND IT HAS FUCKING GOT EVERYTHING I NEED!!!! I can not wait to pick them up xD


Best friend ever confirmed xD

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I just caught up with a friend and we just had an awesome afternoon catching up, anyway, he just moved to another place and doesn't have any room where he is living now for his weight sets...so what does he do? HE GIVES THEM TOO ME FOR FREE!!! AND IT HAS FUCKING GOT EVERYTHING I NEED!!!! I can not wait to pick them up xD


Best friend ever confirmed xD


Lucky sucker. :heh:


Today/Tonight, I saw the skinniest legs I have ever seen in my life. I was taking a little break after my swim, so decided to sit in the steam room for a few seconds. A lady was lying down in there, and...it just looked quite scary. Very skeletal. A bit odd because the guy she was with was a bit of a fatty. Dunno how that works.


Trying to up my cardio at the moment and I'm quite enjoying it. The Cross Trainer and I are in a deeply committed relationship. The downside to tonight is that the back of my foot (the heel-ish) has blisters from my crappy shoes. So, they hurt a little bit when I put my shoes on. Nooo.

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Today/Tonight, I saw the skinniest legs I have ever seen in my life. I was taking a little break after my swim, so decided to sit in the steam room for a few seconds. A lady was lying down in there, and...it just looked quite scary. Very skeletal. A bit odd because the guy she was with was a bit of a fatty. Dunno how that works.

I wanted to respond to this with relevant family guy clip, but for some reason this was the best quality version I could find ;_;


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I've never been a fan of Family Guy, even before that South Park episode where they made Family Guy impossible to watch. But, heh, I chuckled a little at that. That would definitely explain the thinness of the lady's legs.


I leave for Belgium on Saturday, so I've got a final week to make myself sexy (uhh) before I get there...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need some help! I bought these weights:




But I have no idea what I should be training towards and how many sets n etc I should do in a day.


The manual says that I should do 20-25 repetitions, does that sound right? How many times a day should I be doing them?


I started off lifting 7kg, but 25 sets of 7kg didn't feel challenging at all, so I have set one of the weights to 10kg and I can comfortably do 22 repetitions for each arm, but should I be trying to push myself and once I decide to do 25 repetitions of 10kg (the max that these weights can offer), what should I do then? Should I just keep lifting 10kg every other day and hope for some sort of improvement? I am worried that the weights aren't heavy enough after having them for just 5 or so days, but I also don't want to plan on lifting something ridiculous with each arm.


I am 6ft 3 and 95kg/210lb/15st, so how heavy a weight should I aim for in order to get a nice strong set of biceps? I am guessing that I will need to be able to lift more in order to get the same visual result. Is 10kg a bit pathetic or should I be taking it easy? What do people actually go up to before they stop increasing the weight? How many repetitions? Should I be doing a heavier weight for less repetitions or a smaller weight for more?


I suppose after 5 days, my arms look pretty similar to how they were already, but they feel very solid, so I am guessing that the muscle has just replaced whatever fat was there. Normal looking arms..

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I'd recommend setting the weights so that your feeling the burn on either 8-10 reps (if you want to build muscle) or 12-15 reps (if you're trying to tone up). You should be feeling it on at least the final 3 reps.


If you exercise a couple of muscle groups in the same session, you can then swap between groups to give them a rest.. i.e A Biceps & Triceps routine where you go Bicep.. Tricep.. Bicep.. Tricep.. e.t.c


Hope that helps :)

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I'd recommend setting the weights so that your feeling the burn on either 8-10 reps (if you want to build muscle) or 12-15 reps (if you're trying to tone up). You should be feeling it on at least the final 3 reps.


If you exercise a couple of muscle groups in the same session, you can then swap between groups to give them a rest.. i.e A Biceps & Triceps routine where you go Bicep.. Tricep.. Bicep.. Tricep.. e.t.c


Hope that helps :)


Yeah it does, thanks DuD. Since 10 is a good figure, I will switch to 15kg next and see how things look after a few days.


I will try doing 50 push ups now to see if I can still manage them after my weights.:p Should be interesting! ok..just (49).. I'm surprised that I can actually do both on the same day.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought I'd revive this thread. How is the gymmage going, people?


My brother has bought a bench and now he's looking to buy some barbells. I think he's caught the fitness bug off me. We've been playing a little bit of cricket outdoors lately, so it's getting him active.


My abs ache from yesterday, and I'm still feeling a bit "leggy" and tired from the cardio I did yesterday.

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So, I've been hitting the gym hard (protein shakes and all) for a little over six months now. This also includes my daily cycle.


It's been hard at times to keep up the intensity but apart from one or two times I've stuck to it. It's definitely made a difference, almost embarrassingly so, I gone from slim to built (the argument that men are more superficial than women is a load of slosh).


Did arms and chest yesterday and am still feeling it. Tomorrow is back...I think.

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Good work, Wolfy.



It's been hard at times to keep up the intensity but apart from one or two times I've stuck to it. It's definitely made a difference, almost embarrassingly so, I gone from slim to built (the argument that men are more superficial than women is a load of slosh).



I think I only see the difference in myself if I look back at older pictures. Last year I was probably bigger in terms of fatness. I still have a bit more to lose, but I think I look more in shape now. I cleaned through my wardrobe recently and found that a lot of the t-shirts I was wearing last year won't even fit me anymore. I'm still trying to bulk up/build muscle, but the main thing is shifting this fat at the moment. I weighed myself a few days ago and was shocked to find I'm now 80/82 kilos. Heaviest I've even been. But I feel and look less fat than last year. Hoping it's the muscle...somewhere.

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