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The older stuff? Like food wise? I used to go through a bad of Jelly Babies every other day, sometimes Mars bars. Now I don't touch junk food, even the thought of it is unappealing (Still love chocolate though, although I rarely have it now). I use to have white bread, white rice, white pasta but after switching to brown/whole grain the white stuff just feels really heavy and not nice at all. I used to hate whole grain food but now I've got use to it I love it. No way I'm touching that processed crap again. Now I'm writing about it, I think it's pretty f*cking disgusting. :heh:

Yeah, I find it increadible, a lot of the sweet stuff I used to love, I now just don't feel like having them at all. Also the fact I don't eat in large portions anymore, don't think I could be motivated to eat a big bowl of something.


I've got weights at home but no bench. If I did go without the gym I'd have to get a bench and way more weights.

The pro for me, is the fact that the closest Gym for me is 30km away from where I live. So having a bench press and a couple of kilo's of weights do help out for me. Negative is they cost a lot >_<


One of my most wanted things for me at the moment is a bike, I really crave for one, but at how much they cost, it's going to be tough to buy one, but I know once I do I'll be using it like crazy :heh:

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The pro for me, is the fact that the closest Gym for me is 30km away from where I live. So having a bench press and a couple of kilo's of weights do help out for me. Negative is they cost a lot >_<


One of my most wanted things for me at the moment is a bike, I really crave for one, but at how much they cost, it's going to be tough to buy one, but I know once I do I'll be using it like crazy :heh:


Having your own bench and gym stuff would be great. Have you got the space for all that? I was looking at some in some sort of Argos Sales Catalogue, and the price for some of the benches varied from 40 quid to a hundred or so. I think in the longrun it might work out cheaper, considering gyms can be expensive nowadays.

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Having your own bench and gym stuff would be great. Have you got the space for all that?

Yeah, I don't live in the city, I live in the country area so I have plenty of room. Only thing missing from the room where all the exercise equipment is a punching bag xD But then again that can be put outside


I was looking at some in some sort of Argos Sales Catalogue, and the price for some of the benches varied from 40 quid to a hundred or so. I think in the longrun it might work out cheaper, considering gyms can be expensive nowadays.


Thats the way I look at it, I have had the equipment for a while so in the end it really has paid off, one thing I do look for are garage sales, since they may have some second hand weights and such. Just a tip anyway :heh:

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Yeah, I don't live in the city, I live in the country area so I have plenty of room. Only thing missing from the room where all the exercise equipment is a punching bag xD But then again that can be put outside




Thats the way I look at it, I have had the equipment for a while so in the end it really has paid off, one thing I do look for are garage sales, since they may have some second hand weights and such. Just a tip anyway :heh:


I think that'll be the dream for me one day, haha. To get all of the stuff at home or something. Although, I quite like the social aspect of it. Looking across and seeing your fellow man pushing himself to the limits. It's inspiring, at times. At other times, it's scary standing next to a bloke who can only be described as a big walking muscle, with muscles on those muscles.


What sort of equipment do you have at your place? The bench and some weights to be used with eet?

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Yeah, I find it increadible, a lot of the sweet stuff I used to love, I now just don't feel like having them at all. Also the fact I don't eat in large portions anymore, don't think I could be motivated to eat a big bowl of something.



The pro for me, is the fact that the closest Gym for me is 30km away from where I live. So having a bench press and a couple of kilo's of weights do help out for me. Negative is they cost a lot >_<


One of my most wanted things for me at the moment is a bike, I really crave for one, but at how much they cost, it's going to be tough to buy one, but I know once I do I'll be using it like crazy :heh:


Yeah, I don't eat until I'm stuffed any more, just until I'm sated.


My gym is about 200 meters from my Uni which means it's perfect to go to after lectures and before the library. Plus, don't really have the space at home.


I love my bike. It's a fixie so no help for gears on hills. :heh: Mine cost just over £500 but that's pretty much paid for itself from not using public transport. I do a daily 11 mile round trip (which means an epic 3 hours of intense exercise on gym days :o ).

Edited by Daft
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I think that'll be the dream for me one day, haha. To get all of the stuff at home or something. Although, I quite like the social aspect of it. Looking across and seeing your fellow man pushing himself to the limits. It's inspiring, at times. At other times, it's scary standing next to a bloke who can only be described as a big walking muscle, with muscles on those muscles.

That's the pro for going to the gym for me, meeting other people who have the same goal in trying to keep fit/healthy/active.


What sort of equipment do you have at your place? The bench and some weights to be used with eet?

Well I have Dumbbells that went along with the bench press. I have a weight ball as well so I do sit-ups holding it to my chest.

Usually I run for most of my other needs, I live in Australia so there is lots of freedom out in the bushes for going for a jog :D


I also go and play different sports a lot, I swim from time to time, play squash, tennis, cricket, rock climb. Whatever I feel like and as long as I can get some friends to come along :D


I love my bike. It's a fixie so no help for gears on hills. :heh: Mine cost just over £500 but that's pretty much paid for itself from not using public transport. I do a daily 11 mile round trip (which means an epic 3 hours of intense exercise on gym days :o ).


Bikes here where I live can cost to around $500-$1000, my brother-in-law bought a really awesome bike, which cost him like $5000, I told him he was mad, but he loves cycling :D

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I eat whatever the hell I want. The whole point of going to the gym is to counter balance all the rubbish :p


This is so amazingly true. This is how you get people to do exercise and gym. Don't bang on about it being healthy, tell people they can eat whatever the Hell they want.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well right now, I'm just eating anything I look at and want to eat. Then again, I used to do that anyway pretty much and I never seamed to put any weight on...


I'm coming up to 2 full months of gymage action now and the improvements are becoming quite noticeable to me. I've definitely got a better shape to my body and I'm lifting up to twice as much as I was when I started on some exercises so it's all going well.


On the Monday just gone, I proper stepped up the on stomach exercises - I was quite shocked that I managed to do what I did. I know I shouldn't expect to jump that much all the time, but I'm looking forward to seeing if I can keep up some of that positive momentum this week.

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I'm trying to cut out most of the bad stuff that I eat, mainly because I don't want to put so much time into gyming eet up and then negate it all by not eating smartly either. It depends what your goals are really. My goal is to get stronger but also bulk up a bit more, not by eating lots of chips, but with muscle. I've got a belly that I'm trying to shift so I try to think about what I'm eating a bit more now. I guess I'm changing my lifestyle in general, so not being as naughty with chocolate or other stuff as I used to be before. :D


After work on Friday, I did some back work and then hit the legs yesterday. So, today, I'm still feeling pretty sore (particularly around the lats) and my legs feel pretty heavy and tired. I'm seeing Ine again in a few weeks, so I'm hoping that I look a bit better in shape since we last met. :heh:

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I finished my second week of exercise with a 10 minute sprint cycle on the exercise bike. I put it on the hardest setting and went as fast as i could for ten minutes.


My legs were literally like jelly when i finished and my pulse was ridiculous, so i reckon that was alrite exercise for my rest day :D


I might write off this last weeks exercise and put myself back a week because i've just not felt anywhere near the burn i felt after the first weeks exercises, even though i've upped the reps on everything :hmm: I don't know if thats my body getting used to it or what?? but i reckon i'll be really upping the anti tomorrow.

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After a month and a bit of general shittyness in terms of health and fitness I'm back in it as of today!


Cutting all fizzy drinks out my diet (far too addictive and orange squash can be just as nice!), including mixers, no late night big bag of dorittos (a guilty pleasure of mine), no caramel shortcake for watching the football with.


Beer comes at a cost; 1 pint = 2km! Not allowed to go out unless I do everything I've planned for the week at the gym.


I will actually stick to this because I was doing the same thing before mid-December. Christmas always ruins things and then the January exams/post-exam period is awful.

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Aaaaaaah I really want a bike now, my friend just got himself one and now is having fun poking at me for the fact he has one and I don't...and whats even more annoying is the fact HE DOESN'T EVEN USE IT!!!! I am going to cry moar now.


Oh and I should have a 6 pack within 2 weeks if I eat the right way and do the same exercise ^^

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Again, I love my bike.


I've really knackered myself. Yesterday I manically cycled about 6 miles to play some intense 5-a-side football for an hour and a half and then bombed it back home. As soon as I got home I had to lie down and just didn't get out of bed for about four hours.


Got up this morning feeling like shit, cycled to university, 5.5 miles odd, went to the gym for an hour and a half (did arms, triceps and abs). I just felt so drained. Did my reading for tomorrow ten cycled home surprisingly quickly and I'm crashed out on the sofa again.


Tomorrow is my day of rest (apart from cycling :indeed: ). I need it desperately.

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Just watching shit tele and relaxing now i've finished my exercise for today.


I've properly gone to town tonight. I've upped everything to the point where i had absolutely nothing more to give. i'm feeling pretty heavy in the arms and shoulders now. Hopefully i'll have the 'you did good' pain tomorrow :grin:

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It's my day off work today, so i've got my exercise done early out of the way :D


I've just finished Plyo... and have sweat absolute buckets :grin: My top is stuck to me (front and back), and my towel is just as wet :laughing:


Still not happy though as i'm not really feeling yesterdays session today. Theres slight heavyness when i raise my arms, but not the feeling i was expecting :hmm:

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You should Google what a Cool Down is.


agreed, you can hurt yourself taking it too hard, too quickly, without warming up or down.


I went to ze gym on monday, didn't feel like I got a good workout though. Pushing through the pain barrier before the tiredness barrier. Even non weight bearing stuff is pushing my old bones haha.


Before my AS I could blast the gym for a good solid hour (mostly cardio) and now i'm struggling 20 minutes.


I'm just gotta keep at it, I know my limits pretty well and hopefully it will help over time. Gonna discuss with my rhemy too, hopefully I can get advice or something to help!

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I've been meaning to join a gym for ages.. just have to get around to going to one of these induction days. the gym I'm thinking of going to is Fitness First which is quite expensive but you get access to the sun beds, saunas, one on one tutorage. I'd probably end up in the sauna all day tbh

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