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Infinity Ward says no to Wii.


As the studio ponders new IP after Modern Warfare 2


Lol, sure.

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Infinity Ward says no to Wii.


Anyone reckon they will start putting stuff onto the Wii when Natal and the PS3 wand have been unleashed? :indeed:

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Anyone reckon they will start putting stuff onto the Wii when Natal and the PS3 wand have been unleashed? :indeed:




Has there really been no video footage of this then? Not even leaked?

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Has there really been no video footage of this then? Not even leaked?


Nope. Same thing happened last year with the Wii version of Quantum of Solace - we got a handful of awful screens around the time it was revealed and nothing whatsover afterwards, until someone got a retail copy early and posted some footage on YouTube a few days before the release date. Wasn't a bad 'port' actually. The single player was pretty decent, and the graphics were a lot better than what we saw in the fist screenshots, but I didn't spend more than 30 minutes with the poor online mode.

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Thanks for the link!

It's difficult to tell how good the visuals. From those pictures it looks ok, but then they've been shrunk down so much to fit on the back of the box. Also a couple of them could be cutscenes and the bottom left looks like artwork.





Edited by Retro_Link

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Or they're from the HD version.


No, I can confirm they're defo not from the 360 or PS3 versions, I've seen the box. And although the screens were only small they did look better than the first batch that were posted online.

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Maybe I SHOULD have posted crappy phone pics... then I could have been an internet hero.


That's just what I was thinking. I saw the box on saturday in HMV, I would have been a legend haha

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I've literally only just started the 360 version of this and tbh I think it's better off on the platforms it was originally released on from a technical standpoint but from a control standpoint, there is something very appealing about playing an FPS with the Wii controller but in this instance I'm happy with the 360 pad and not having to sacrifice visuals etc. :)


It's good that IW are giving Wii owners the chance to experience COD4 finally but shit lol a bit late? Plus the whole 'making a quick buck' thing, still could be good.

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It's good that IW are giving Wii owners the chance to experience COD4 finally but shit lol a bit late? Plus the whole 'making a quick buck' thing, still could be good.


Treyarch is porting it, they also were the ones who developed World at War.

I'm curious enough to maybe rent it, to see if they can pull off a decent port it'll be easy to surpass what HVS did with The Conduit which was very unpolished, barebones with the online mutliplayer and very generic in the single player campaign.

Edited by The-Ironflame

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Shame he's an awful cameraman.





Looks allright to me.

Edited by welsh_gamer

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Doesnt look that bad, how does he have this game when no site has even released final build screenshots?



Bad quality and no sound, but at least it shows the game running.

Edited by lostmario
Automerged Doublepost

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^ Seems there's been some form of fall out between IW and Treyarch, more so than normal, due to Treyarch not being allowed to put their logo into the start up alongside IWs and from there, the arguing has resulted in nothing being allowed to be shown by Treyarch. Not sure why publications haven't shown anything yet but could be embargoed for reviewing, etc. but I don't see why. Review copies are out there, just nothing seems to be allowed to be posted/shown yet.

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^ Seems there's been some form of fall out between IW and Treyarch, more so than normal, due to Treyarch not being allowed to put their logo into the start up alongside IWs and from there, the arguing has resulted in nothing being allowed to be shown by Treyarch. Not sure why publications haven't shown anything yet but could be embargoed for reviewing, etc. but I don't see why. Review copies are out there, just nothing seems to be allowed to be posted/shown yet.


Part of me suspects IW are pressuring Activision into focussing 100% on MW2, and convincing them to neglect this.


Whether that may or may not be the case, the reports about Treyarch not being allowed their logo on the game is incredibly troubling. It's all making me want to express a big "fuck you" to IW, and support the game for Treyarch's sake... but I also realise that means my money will be going into Activision's pocket.

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Part of me suspects IW are pressuring Activision into focussing 100% on MW2, and convincing them to neglect this.


I doubt IW are holding anything over Activision. The fact is Activision are releasing this 2 year old port at the same time as its sequel and one of the biggest games this generation, of course they are gonna promote the hell out of MW2.


Treyarch and IW have had arguments in the past aswell, seems the 2 teams just don't get along.

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the vids been taken down for copyright by activision? lol what a bunch of c0cks?


Yup. They took down the MW2 ones aswell the other day. I really want Activision to be taken down a peg or two but unless there's a big cock up with the CoD franchise I can't see it happening. ;(

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Holy shit, are they paying someone to keep track of the vids?! That's like, the greatest job ever.

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