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The Homebrew Channel


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Play import games is the only thing I really want. Some of the other stuff are nice features though - play dvds, or any media actually, and lots os homebrew games...


Did you get DVD stuff working then? DVDx is basically a bit of a hidden app that installs just to let other stuff use the DVD drive, but it isn't any DVD player in itself, but once you have DVDx and one of the media players I think it should theoretically work.



Does anyone know much about Wii saves, and any kind of communities which play around with them? Now that I have a viable way to back up my saves, I do feel like fiddling with them a little bit...

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Did you get DVD stuff working then? DVDx is basically a bit of a hidden app that installs just to let other stuff use the DVD drive, but it isn't any DVD player in itself, but once you have DVDx and one of the media players I think it should theoretically work.



Does anyone know much about Wii saves, and any kind of communities which play around with them? Now that I have a viable way to back up my saves, I do feel like fiddling with them a little bit...


Seconded. I've been looking into this for PES but not had much luck as of yet. It seems quite a laborious process and one which doesn't seem to be as simple as it could be. A nice site with save files would be nice though.

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I need some help...


I am rubbish with technology. :indeed: I've just downloaded the HBC and something called Bootmii, which I don't understand... :)


First of all, can I still load my Wii Shop downloaded games from the SD card? I have them on my PC at the moment and I don't know where to put them when I reload them on to it, or how I should arrange all the files.


Is there an app that allows you to boot any region games and DOESN'T change the system menu region?


I don't understand all this Jargon and stuff ::shrug::wtf:

Edited by Nicktendo
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Download Gekko, that's the region free gaming thing. As for Bootmii, have no idea, haven't downloaded it.


You need you different SD card ideally. if not then you'll have to change the auto Wii folder on the card to private all the time (depending on if you're homebrewing or VC gaming....too much of a faff!!!!!)

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I need some help...


I am rubbish with technology. :indeed: I've just downloaded the HBC and something called Bootmii, which I don't understand... :)


First of all, can I still load my Wii Shop downloaded games from the SD card? I have them on my PC at the moment and I don't know where to put them when I reload them on to it, or how I should arrange all the files.


Is there an app that allows you to boot any region games and DOESN'T change the system menu region?


I don't understand all this Jargon and stuff ::shrug::wtf:


If you bought them and stored them on your PC, hopefully you stored them exactly as you got them, just put them back on how they came off. If you can't remember, just go back to the Wii Shop Channel and re-download, I guess.


As for region free booting, I also use Gecko, though there seems to be two versions about atm, they seem to be relatively the same though, I've not discovered any significant differences/advantages of one over the other.


As for bootmii, I kind of understand it. Basically it can install onto your wii to force it to boot from an SD card if present, a bit like sticking a floppy into PCs back in the day, it'd always check for a floppy boot first. It's for various reasons apparently, but one major one being recovery if the wii gets messed up and stuff, as it's before any part of the Wii you should be able to boot it fine like.

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No Daft. I've just done it, it took 10 mins. Insanely easy and now a whole new Wii World has opened up for me!!!



Glad to hear that it was easy. I'm just waiting for my card reader and a new SD card to arrive then I will be giving it a go. I just hope it goes as easily for me.

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Been messing around with it last night and I've got my head around everything now. This. Is. Awesome. I can play all my region free games and I've (legally) downloaded all the roms of games I own for the SNES and Mega Drive and there's loads of options to run them in 480p with filtering so they don't look blocky and awful on a HDTV. I'd recommend this to everyone, there's so much more stuff you can do with your Wii and it's a big middle finger to Nintendo and all the idiotic things they're not doing or ignoring with the Wii, and it's 100% legal!! :yay:


No warrenty? No reason not to.

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The world is very largely misinformed regarding the legality you claim to downloading ROMs of the games you own/owned, and a reason I didn't want it to become an issue in this thread to be argued. The simple crux of it? It's always illegal unless you personally made your own personal backup off your own personal copy. Everything else is largely a myth.


For those who are after a bit more info about BootMii, I found this page rather informative;


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Been messing around with it last night and I've got my head around everything now. This. Is. Awesome. I can play all my region free games and I've (legally) downloaded all the roms of games I own for the SNES and Mega Drive and there's loads of options to run them in 480p with filtering so they don't look blocky and awful on a HDTV. I'd recommend this to everyone, there's so much more stuff you can do with your Wii and it's a big middle finger to Nintendo and all the idiotic things they're not doing or ignoring with the Wii, and it's 100% legal!! :yay:


No warrenty? No reason not to.


If a part on your system breaks or something they will refuse to fix it if you have home-brew installed. Even outside of warranty.

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If a part on your system breaks or something they will refuse to fix it if you have home-brew installed. Even outside of warranty.


CeX usually will fix Wiis for a fee as do many other indy retailers. Plus, a 2nd hand one is only about £100 now so it's not THAT pricey to replace it.


I know I shouldn't discuss the legality of emulation, so I won't. But seriously a few, simple options built into the emulaters DRASTICALLY improves the quality, especially on an HDTV. Why the hell can't Nintendo sort this out. Do they think casuals would be so confused by a 'bi-lateral filtering' option that it would cause them to explode? It's so bloody simple to implement and makes games like Donkey Kong Counrty (which let's face it, look like ass on an HDTV) look amazing! It's made me realise just how little intention of delivery a high quality service Nintendo have with their idiotic release patterns and even crazier pricing structure for what is, essentially, a below quality ROM file. I'm so angry that I've spent over £100 on the VC now. Really pissed off...




But anyway, yeah, Homebrew good, Nintendo bad :P


I've been bombing through Little King's Story, my UK copy! What a game (Stop reading, start buying). Downloaded a neat little tool that does your weight and centre of gravity using the balance board, take that Wii Fit. I'm so amazed with the quality of the stuff on here, I never knew there was such a thriving scene.


I think the lesson Nintendo should take from the Homebrew scene is that complacency breed contempt, and it will continue to until they sort themselves out.

Edited by Nicktendo
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Aside from changing the aspect ratio, its not really as bad with the NTSC versions from what I understand. Nintendo probably aren't going to add a feature to something for just one region unless that region happens to be Japan.


Note: I'm not defending them.

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CeX usually will fix Wiis for a fee as do many other indy retailers. Plus, a 2nd hand one is only about £100 now so it's not THAT pricey to replace it.


I know I shouldn't discuss the legality of emulation, so I won't. But seriously a few, simple options built into the emulaters DRASTICALLY improves the quality, especially on an HDTV. Why the hell can't Nintendo sort this out. Do they think casuals would be so confused by a 'bi-lateral filtering' option that it would cause them to explode?


For me in regards to emulation/emulators is that I understand alot allow(quite sensibly) custom button mapping. I think this is essential for VC titles, because tbh(and im sure im not the only one) I have always been reluctant to buy MORE accessories, i.e the classic controller(rather amusingly about to be updated to a more friendly, superior model) so I tend to play VC with my good old GC pad(no cost of batteries, or hassle of wireless death and battery scramble).


This is all well and good for a few titles, but along come SNES titles, and Ninty lost a good few sales from me trying to even begin to imagine playing Super Mario World, or DKC, or other various games, with the GC pad. My thoughts are that they were looking to make money, or keep it 'simple' for the 'casuals' by not adding button mapping options etc, and it really puts me off them even more!


Is it worth installing Bootmii?


A decision for yourself, really. Though as one dude said it(think it may have been in my link), it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

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I installed the HBC I think back in Feb, just so I could import and play Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Bloody loved it.


Got the Homebrew Browser out of curiosity and only used it to download the Mplayer CE which I use to play videos on my external harddrive through the Wii. Works brilliantly and handy to watch things on the TV instead of the laptop. MKV files don't work great on it though, either picture freezes or turns to a static-like screen but sound keeps going, haven't really tried seeing it there's a way to fix it as most of my vids are AVI format which works without a bother... but if anyone knows of a player for MKV files or way to fix playback of MKV on Mplayer CE let me know :-)

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My SD card and reader arrived today so I decided to finally take the plunge, it's probably also the first time the Wii has been switched on in nearly a month and a half (but that's another story).


Had no problem getting the Homebrew Channel installed, but then had a minor panic wondering why the menu was blank, popping bubbles is only interesting for so long. This panic was over when I suddenly realised I hadn't installed any apps :blush:.


Figured that part out and got the Homebrew Browser installed, easy enough, followed shortly by Gecko.


The upshot of this is that I can finally see this again :-




Not since the Disaster DoC update have I had the pleasure of playing this so that is where I shall be spending the next few hours.


After that, I will definitely need to explore what else the Homebrew scene has to offer.


EDIT - After reading the above link about BootMii I thought it was worth installing but I'm not sure if my first attempt got corrupted because it just wasn't working. Retried it though and seems to be all good now, probably worth having the back-up, just in case.

Edited by ThePigMarcher
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I need emulator help.


FUSE - finally got it to work, but now games won't load. Saying 'couldn't find autoload snap for machine type '48'


PLEASE someone help. All I want is to play Chuckie Egg on my wii....that's all.....


PS Also, how does the USB loader work....?

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NO NO NO!!! Hold your horses. I once thought like you and I hate a stretched picture. But then I gave it a second thought and found that I was terribly wrong, just like you are now.


The Wii's 16:9 mode is anamorphic, which means it's outputting the same resolution as 4:3 and your TV stretches the picture. In this way, if the Wii would include the black bars by software means, the game would really display in 4:3 BUT with a big loss in horizontal resolution, which means your VC game would look all messed up because it would miss a lot of pixels.


The correct way is this: Change your TV to 4:3 letterbox (or whatever it is called the mode with the 2 vertical black bars) mode each time you play Wii and you will have 100% of the resolution with a non-stretched picture.

So it's really beyond Nintendo to make it better than it is now.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.

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NO NO NO!!! Hold your horses. I once thought like you and I hate a stretched picture. But then I gave it a second thought and found that I was terribly wrong, just like you are now.


The Wii's 16:9 mode is anamorphic, which means it's outputting the same resolution as 4:3 and your TV stretches the picture. In this way, if the Wii would include the black bars by software means, the game would really display in 4:3 BUT with a big loss in horizontal resolution, which means your VC game would look all messed up because it would miss a lot of pixels.


The correct way is this: Change your TV to 4:3 letterbox (or whatever it is called the mode with the 2 vertical black bars) mode each time you play Wii and you will have 100% of the resolution with a non-stretched picture.

So it's really beyond Nintendo to make it better than it is now.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.


That's what the Emulators do for you, so you don't have to change it yourself everytime. Picture looks fine to me.

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The Wii's 16:9 mode is anamorphic, which means it's outputting the same resolution as 4:3 and your TV stretches the picture.


100% nailed, it's still outputting 640x480 (or 576 for PAL) even in "widescreen", rather than 720x480 or whatever you'd expect widescreen res to be.


Technical description: The good ol' Hollywood graphics chip was made to be so reliably compatible with 'cube games, that even in a slightly higher resolution (proper widescreen), it doesn't have the framebuffer for it. Hence all Wii games running in 640x480, whether in 4:3 or stretched to 16:9.


The correct way is this: Change your TV to 4:3 letterbox (or whatever it is called the mode with the 2 vertical black bars) mode each time you play Wii and you will have 100% of the resolution with a non-stretched picture.


Yup, setting the TV to 4:3 makes emulators look correct, and makes the image generally sharper.


So it's really beyond Nintendo to make it better than it is now.


The only other option would be for them to actually make the emulator run with borders on the sides of the screen, but it's probably better this way. Uses all the pixels, so more detail.

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