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Well, obviously playing second fiddle to the news about Michael Jackson, former biggest celebrity in the world Farrah Fawcett, has lost her battle with cancer.


I would have killed to have had a figure like her.

Wasn't there a documentary on how she beat cancer?


she did do a documentary about her cancer (that her friend + her partner filmed) but she never beat cancer...


...the really ironic thing is that only a couple of weeks ago i bought the Charlies Angels DVD boxset (series 1) that she was in...and only started watching it a couple of days ago...


hope shes in less pain now =)




I did see this on the news last night, and then barely a minute or so later they broke to the news of Michael Jackson being rushed to hospital. So, it seems as if this is being overshadowed at the moment, which is pretty sad.


My Mum was pretty saddened by this too, but then she's lived for much longer than I have, so she's seen Farrah in her glory days, and of course she's seen the battle she had to go through.




Yeah you have to feel bad for the poor woman...

It's such a shame, because she was a huge style icon for women in her era, and meant so much to them, and then BAM, Jacko dies too, and completely overshadows all the grief that should be shed for her too. I'm sure that she'll be remembered later on at some point...though doesn't look like Jacko will be coming out of the limelight anytime soon...

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