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I will pretnd i didnt read the biggot remark. If you cant understand that i have different views to you and have to start calling names whos the facist?


Calling names during a discussion has nothing to do with fascism. Someone who does that is...something different (I wish I could find the right word, but it escapes me)


Second, the main issue here was the fact that you took offense when someone mentioned that "anyone who votes for the BNP, while being aware of their policies, is racist".

You took offense because you were close to voting for them as a form of protest against the main parties. You eventually decided against it, because you found out they said something you strongly disagreed with (something related with the Gurkhas, IIRC).


The main point being discussed here, is that voting for the BNP (while being aware of their policies) as a form of protest is a bad move, because you're helping the BNP more than you're hurting the main parties. Why not vote for another small party (one that isn't an extremist)?

And if you really dislike everyone, why not vote blank? That will lower the percentages of everyone you dislike, as a Blank Vote is different from Abstention. One shows you're lazy/don't care, while the other one shows you care, but are unhappy with the current political situation.


Of course, this may be pointless, as you didn't really vote for the BNP, so feel free to ignore me.

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Calling names during a discussion has nothing to do with fascism. Someone who does that is...something different (I wish I could find the right word, but it escapes me)


Second, the main issue here was the fact that you took offense when someone mentioned that "anyone who votes for the BNP, while being aware of their policies, is racist".

You took offense because you were close to voting for them as a form of protest against the main parties. You eventually decided against it, because you found out they said something you strongly disagreed with (something related with the Gurkhas, IIRC).


The main point being discussed here, is that voting for the BNP (while being aware of their policies) as a form of protest is a bad move, because you're helping the BNP more than you're hurting the main parties. Why not vote for another small party (one that isn't an extremist)?

And if you really dislike everyone, why not vote blank? That will lower the percentages of everyone you dislike, as a Blank Vote is different from Abstention. One shows you're lazy/don't care, while the other one shows you care, but are unhappy with the current political situation.


Of course, this may be pointless, as you didn't really vote for the BNP, so feel free to ignore me.


Because not voting dosent put any pressure on any party really as ok you didnt vote for them but you didnt vote for anyone else either so it makes no odds.

And voting for a smaller party dosent really make a difference either. But voting for the BNP should and probably will shock the other partys in to realising that they need to buck there ideas up.

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Because not voting dosent put any pressure on any party really as ok you didnt vote for them but you didnt vote for anyone else either so it makes no odds.

And voting for a smaller party dosent really make a difference either. But voting for the BNP should and probably will shock the other partys in to realising that they need to buck there ideas up.


If you vote for someone else how do they know that its not because you support that parties policies?

which ideas do they need to buck up?

If you want them to know, telling them which policies you disagree with, or which actions, by way of writing to inform your local MP is the way of registering discontent.

Voting for a party is putting your seal of approval on their policies.all of them.

Thats why you should know who you are voting for, and their policies. you won't necessarily agree with all of them, but you should vote for a party you are happy with getting into power. total power, not just one council here and there. because if EVERYONE who wanted to protest voted BNP, then they would get into power.


so, to protest, spoil your vote.

To register discontent at a parties policies/failures/inappropriate actions, write to your local MP.

I don't think it is necessary to research every minor detail about every party, but having a broad overview and understanding of a few parties is important, and I do think people should know about the party they vote for, particularly when it is a smaller one. I'm not saying the big 3 are all ok, I personally wouldn't vote for them, but being one of the big 3 means they are scrutinised, and we can see what they stand for. BNP haven't (so far) had any power, and the little they have now will be used to shed the best possible light on them (for example that outside interview where they were "coincidentally" attacked in a breach of democracy - thus positioning them as victims, not perpetrators of democracy).

It is important to be discerning in choices - and congratulations for reacting to knowledge you received concerning BNP.


Politically, I think voting should be far more open, people should be free to discuss all the major parties.

For example, Greens apparently are against certainly some aspects of stem cell research. Does this warrant not voting them in? it depends how strongly you are for stem cell research, also upon the surrounding positive policies, how strongly do you support those?


Basically in the political arena, its a case of vote for your best match - the one who stands for the most things you feel strongly about, while also balancing their policies you feel strongly against.

If your best match isn't good enough, spoil your vote, or perhaps better yet, if you feel motivated, create your own party (although i believe there are currently financial barriers to this option, if you have compelling policies it is possible you can create a support base)

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BNP is misguided in believing that ALL our problems are immigration.


They want to return the UK to the British values of pre WWII apparently. They have a retroactive ideology that thinks booting out everybody non-white (not just immigrants but coloreds born and raised in Britain even for generations are not looked upon kindly)


Voting the BNP would mean hell for my Pakistani, Black and Native American cousins. They don't even want mixed raced relationships so my Asian girlfriend is out the window! The sad thing is my English cousins are proud to be supporting BNP. Just like Germans were proud to support the Nazi party in the beginning...


PS info Wiki (I checked the sources) and the BNP website.

Some of the wiki stuff is older but all they've really done lately is lay low on the racism and it's working.

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BNP is misguided in believing that ALL our problems are immigration.


They want to return the UK to the British values of pre WWII apparently. They have a retroactive ideology that thinks booting out everybody non-white (not just immigrants but coloreds born and raised in Britain even for generations are not looked upon kindly)


Voting the BNP would mean hell for my Pakistani, Black and Native American cousins. They don't even want mixed raced relationships so my Asian girlfriend is out the window! The sad thing is my English cousins are proud to be supporting BNP. Just like Germans were proud to support the Nazi party in the beginning...


PS info Wiki (I checked the sources) and the BNP website.

Some of the wiki stuff is older but all they've really done lately is lay low on the racism and it's working.




Jeeves and Wooster change we can believe in!


Don't worry Im not associating the beloved Jeeves and Wooster with BNP thugs I just thought the thread could do with some laurie and fry to lighten it up.

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Sounds like a nice guy, just the sort of person we need representing us in Europe. It only begs the question as to why he wasn't elected sooner.


Voting the BNP would mean hell for my Pakistani, Black and Native American cousins. They don't even want mixed raced relationships so my Asian girlfriend is out the window! The sad thing is my English cousins are proud to be supporting BNP. Just like Germans were proud to support the Nazi party in the beginning...


You have Pakistani, black and Native American relatives? But the inter racial relationships point is true. They believe that it somehow destroys the whole blood lineage of generations. But we were all black to start with, so I don't see what the big deal is.

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You have Pakistani, black and Native American relatives? But the inter racial relationships point is true. They believe that it somehow destroys the whole blood lineage of generations. But we were all black to start with, so I don't see what the big deal is.


Fraid so. 1/8 Sioux myself. Guess my lineage was all about free love :D

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Fraid so. 1/8 Sioux myself. Guess my lineage was all about free love :D


Well, love should hold no boundaries, least of all something as petty as race.


But in my case, I just find black women more attractive in general anyway, so I'm far more likely to love a black woman.

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