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New Super Mario Bros. Wii


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Here is the story, Iggy went to the hairdressers and wanted something new done too his hair so they dyed it for him :heh:


Nah I don't care really, it's just Iggy was kinda my fave for whatever reason and now he's unrecognisable. Doesn't matter though, like you say it's just cool they've brought them back!

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Just be grateful they are back it's been like since SMW when they last showed, people always complain about the smallest things :heh:


Here is the story, Iggy went to the hairdressers and wanted something new done too his hair so they dyed it for him :heh:

You forget Yoshi's Safari :p

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How could I forgot the game which I want Nintendo to make a sequel for the Wii >_<

Oh, they were also in the first Mario & Luigi game too :p They were apparently also going to be in Super Princess Peach

Edited by Serebii
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I'm getting bored of this game before it's even been released. Just hearing the same godawful repetitive music over and over zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I can easily imagine there'll be about 4 different background tunes for all the non-castle levels. A coupe of overworld ones, an underground one, and a water level one. Hope I'm wrong.

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Same thing, I meant the equivalent of 100 possible scores. There's just no need, and something that subjective shouldn't be narrowed down to the nearest hundredth.


Edge does it best in my opinion.


thats true but edge are a little stricter with their scores.. they rate the games as if 5 was their average or so they say.


thats of course if you can actually understand their reviews.

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I agree that it should be like that but unfortunetly the ignorant see it differently so I guess it's altogether not a perfect system.


Reviews should be out of 10 but should stress the type of people this game is suitable for. not everyone for instance will like mario rpgs or megaman games.

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I like the Star system on GiantBomb.


The problem with reviews is that there's so many great games and such a limited time that only the really great and high profiled ones get reviewed, skewing the perception into one that all games are great.

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Gamers details:

After spending a good five or six hours with 3-player NSMB Wii yesterday, I can safely say that it is one of the best games released this year (and will retain that distinction through the holidays). I have played and enjoyed a whole lot of games this past year, but none of them have compared to the hours of riotous fun that we had yesterday. Shadow Complex, Uncharted 2, RE 5, SF IV, ExciteBots, Punch-Out? Bah! No other experience could come close to the amount of fun offered by this glorious 2D hopfest.


This game is everything that I could have wanted it to be. I went in expecting a mildly fun, 4-player version of NSMB, and came out with the most engaging, laugh-out-loud, multiplayer game I have had the joy to experience in years. We literally spent the whole day in hysterics, as we shoved, bounced, tossed, and knocked each other towards the flagpole waiting for us at the end of every level.


The game constantly throws new mechanics your way, much in the same manner that Galaxy would introduce one compelling gameplay idea after another. There was nary a level that felt tired or old. Rather, every single level in the game felt so fresh and interesting that we couldn't tear ourselves away (there were several comments about our inability to use the bathroom during the game). As you would expect, the control is absolutely perfect, and without some of the unnecessary bells and whistles that we saw in the first NSMB. There is no running triple jump, nor is there a backflip. Instead, Mario's moveset is kept to the bare minimum, and boy did we appreciate this fact. The game feels very old school in its design sensibilities, while also feeling completely modern in its ease of play. The wealth of power-ups also keeps things interesting by all being tightly executed, and rewarding to use. Players would constantly fight over the propeller mushroom or the penguin suit, as either of these is a blast to use (plus, Penguin Luigi looks hilarious). Even the much maligned mini mushroom from NSMB makes a return and is surprisingly fun to use.

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