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Battlefield Bad Company 2


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  • 2 weeks later...

The VIP map pack 4 came out today apparently, I logged on today, play it a couple of times a month and happened to stumble upon the conquest Map, Port Valdez. It was pretty decent actually, one of the better arenas, and they've added new gun turrets, a new chopper, new tank (I think), and fast new open-top car.


Not checked out the Atacama Desert Rush, not particularly intrigued in it either but just a head up.


The little lag in the shooting/killing in one on one situations is the biggest problem with the game, it isn't smooth at all and hurts the experience. It barely, if at all happens on other shooters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I might get into this a bit more, had a couple of games on it tonight, didn't do that well really apart from one game. Going to test out different weapons with both accuracy and magnum specialisations to see which works better with different guns.

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If you're a decent player, how well you do is usually determined by how balanced your team is (and how well balanced it is with the other team), and how well everyone is working together. If you're doing poorly when you're playing Assault, and everyone else is a Sniper, its really not your fault.

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I know, it's so variable. It really depends on the spawns as much of the time enemies can be anywhere, makes it really hard to get multiple kills in each 'life'. That's generally why Rush works better, although even that fluctuates.


I wouldn't say snipers are that effective unless you're playing rush, in which case they're ultra annoying or amazingly fun to play as. Literally just split a bit of wood, and poke your...gun through it. Unless you get marked luckily, you can rape.

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It wasn't exactly my fault you ran over the mine, if that's what that was all about.

Haha! Nah, I was calling the miner a prick.


I used to use those for easy points, but the fact is that they're just overpowered and boring. Rocket launcher all the way.


Also, I don't know why I ever stopped using the PP2000, it got me a 5 k/d in that game, surprisingly.


Edit: Have you got the Demolition kills trophy yet? I have no idea how many I have, and as far as I can tell there's no way of doing it. Do you reckon we could fashion an effort somewhere in order to get it? I was thinking perhaps a small squad rush building, like one in Laguna Alta or something? It feels wasteful not to platinum the game.


Edit 2: this seems useful actually:



stat page:



you probably knew about that.


Anyway, I only have 7/20 for the trophy. Phail.


This is the most useful tutorial I think:


Edited by dwarf
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New VIP maps came out other day. Nelson Bay Conquest is a fantastic map.


White Pass Rush is also very good.


Best pack yet.


You play it.


Best pack yet? This is the weakest BF game to date when it comes to map design. So they better be good.

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Well, I'm predominantly a Rush game mode player and I have to admit, White Pass isn't particularly great. All the M-Com boxes are inside buildings which can simply be toppled, meaning you'll have plenty of snipers camping with the mortar strike scanner and taking out the buildings. A few choke points on either side of the map as well make progress to the later objectives, when you're attacking, a chore even if you do destroy the houses/buildings lining the routes.


Granted, I do prefer playing on some of the bigger maps (Laguna Presa and Arica Harbour) but even as one of the smaller maps, I'd say it's probably one of the worst maps they've put in the game. Up there with Atacama Desert, which is also terrible.

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Well, I'm predominantly a Rush game mode player and I have to admit, White Pass isn't particularly great. All the M-Com boxes are inside buildings which can simply be toppled, meaning you'll have plenty of snipers camping with the mortar strike scanner and taking out the buildings. A few choke points on either side of the map as well make progress to the later objectives, when you're attacking, a chore even if you do destroy the houses/buildings lining the routes.


Granted, I do prefer playing on some of the bigger maps (Laguna Presa and Arica Harbour) but even as one of the smaller maps, I'd say it's probably one of the worst maps they've put in the game. Up there with Atacama Desert, which is also terrible.

I stand by what I said about Nelson Bay Rush, but yeah, as I learned after, most of the MCOMs can be easily destroyed, making it pretty awful.


The starting base however is fantastic, there should be more Rush bases like that. Very open, proper battleground that isn't heavily in the favour of either side. Cracking stuff.


Choze, your opinions change at light speed. Make thine mind up.

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White pass rush is terrible. It needs a few objectives out in the open. I haven't played Nelson Bay Conquest yet.


In all honesty, I wish they would just give us the Bad Company 1 maps. The good BC2 maps are already playable in just about every mode now.

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White pass rush is terrible. It needs a few objectives out in the open. I haven't played Nelson Bay Conquest yet.


In all honesty, I wish they would just give us the Bad Company 1 maps. The good BC2 maps are already playable in just about every mode now.


Problem with BC1 maps however is that BC1 had more classes. BC1 has really cool infantry maps though. Some of the maps start off very open but close in later. Good fights.

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I don't see how that would really make much of a difference. There was only one other class, and the equipment redistribution wouldn't really unbalance anything. The Specialist, and Demolition classes in BC1 were nearly unplayable because of their crappy primary weapons. Otherwise, there haven't been that many other changes where balance is concerned.

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  • 2 months later...

Just thought I'd mention that I finally got that shitty demolition man trophy. 329 ferlongs after release.

That meant


Platinum earnage.


I'm thinking of getting the Demon's Souls one at some point. Of the games I have (which isn't many at the moment - 7) I think it's the only one I can platinum, either because others have been sold/completed already. It's just gonna be a bit of a grind, and will require another playthrough, which requires unlocking the shitty miracle/magic tutors. Again.





Is anyone going to get Vietnam dlc?

I don't think I will, as it's only 4 maps (albeit big ones), but we'll see. If there were 6+ I'd give it a greater consideration.

The thing is, it doesn't look to add anything that different or impressive, and the environment will probabaly grate.

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Just thought I'd mention that I finally got that shitty demolition man trophy. 329 ferlongs after release.

That meant


Platinum earnage.


I'm thinking of getting the Demon's Souls one at some point. Of the games I have (which isn't many at the moment - 7) I think it's the only one I can platinum, either because others have been sold/completed already. It's just gonna be a bit of a grind, and will require another playthrough, which requires unlocking the shitty miracle/magic tutors. Again.





Is anyone going to get Vietnam dlc?

I don't think I will, as it's only 4 maps (albeit big ones), but we'll see. If there were 6+ I'd give it a greater consideration.

The thing is, it doesn't look to add anything that different or impressive, and the environment will probabaly grate.


Congrats. Still need to finish single player of this. Anyway's don't think I will be getting vietnam as I bought he onslaught dlc and thought that was a bag of wank.

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