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i dunno, i see mgs continueing its exclusivity, though id not mind if x box got it, the thing is, kojima is a bit of a crazy mother lover, he complained that his origional vision for mgs4 was to advanced for the ps3, maybe with more experience developing for it, they can come closer to this vision?


i did really enjoy mgs4. which was far more then just a collection of cut scenes. ok, it has a lot of cinema in it, but theres also alot of action, and all of the boss fights are clever and different, some of the chase scenes are breath taking, and giving you the fredom to buy such a wide variety of weapons makes the game pretty open to personal taste.


See I thought the weapon count was pointless. There were so many gadgets, items and weapons that it felt you were missing out on everything because there were too many options, yet you can complete the game with a silencer. It didn't feel like you got anywhere by mowing a couple of people down with an assault rifle because it just threw more waves of people towards you.

Trust you to say something so stupid... ill make it simple for you as you are a simple person ok

PS3 = smaller install base

360 = bigger install base


hmm which do you think it coulda sold more on

Things aren't that simple. The Wii has the largest install base of all three machines by a long way, yet there are a lot of good third-party games then don't do nearly as well as they deserve. No the 360 and Wii's demographics aren't directly comparable, but the point is that numbers aren't everything.


Die hard Metal Gear Solid fans bought a PS3 to play the fourth part of that series. A fair few people that had never played any of the games at least gave MGS4 a try due to the enormous amount of media exposure it got as a PS3 exclusive. More people might own 360s, but a higher percentage of people that own the PlayStation 3 are likely to buy an MGS game.


That said it would make sense for MGS5 to be multiplatform. I'd say it's quite likely that the next game will start an entirely new story arc, feature a new main character, and maybe even switch to first-person. The last game wrapped everything up — perhaps too much — so this is Kojima's chance to do something different that is still Metal Gear in name.


I think different character yes, first-person NO. I have no-idea where there is left to go with the current Dual Shock and 360 controllers.


my hope is new character , maybe raiden ninja kicking some tail of some sort and saving the world but snake being next to dead maybe make some sort of appearance or being mentioned , who knows and i'd love to play it on ps3 not fussed if xbox gets in on it i liked mgs 4 alot :)

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