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The squeaky wheel gets the grease


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Ive been doing something lately that goes against every fiber in my being and to my digust, its getting results! What is it you ask? Ive become a big giant crybaby!!


For most of my life, i figured if i do my best, do things by the book, and try not to rock the boat too much, i could get ahead but no such luck. So ive decided to replace hard work, ethics, logic and maturity with whining and here's a few examples of how its paid off:


-Work: Ive been stuck with the same position for years and constantly face an endless cycle of overtime and irregular hours so i finally decided to go throw a tantrum to my manager. I expected to be promptly terminated but instead i got exactly what i wanted...no more overtime and im now training for a supervisor position


-Traffic: Ive had so many traffic citations over the years that i could probably buy a new car with the fines ive paid out. But the last time i got pulled over i complained about how often the speed limit changed on this particular stretch of road. He didnt give me a citation AND a week later, 6 speed limit 'warning' eyesores were added in front the 6 speed limit signs that pollute the main stretch of road in front of my house. Win!


-Shopping: Every since ive had a PS3 ive ordered my games off Amazon and accepted that id get them 2 or 3 days after launch.... until i moaned about it via e-mail which basically said id be buying games at the counter from now on since Amazon couldnt oblige me. Fast forward to last week , i check the price on Infamous and sure enough*



*this may be a coincidence but im telling myself it was due to the cryfest in my e-mail to Amazon


In summary, dont be a hero, just :cry: about it

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Probobly speeding after the limit changed.

Just sounds like something serious if he says he could buy a car, or just been caught speeding sooo many times.


I'm curious too, what have the fluctuating speed limits been on that road to incur such massive damage?

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Just sounds like something serious if he says he could buy a car, or just been caught speeding sooo many times.


I'm curious too, what have the fluctuating speed limits been on that road to incur such massive damage?


That was a bit of an exaggeration on my part but ive had about a dozen speeding tickets and a few seatbelt infractions and 1 rare ticket where my wheels didnt come to a complete stop at a stop sign.

The fines themselves are between $20-$50 but then each ones comes with court costs of $100 so multiply that by at least 10


Also the reason i still have my license is because of The Legal Alternative. If you give them 75 bucks, they will go to court for you and get the charge dropped to 'improper equipment'. Amazingly, i have no points againt my license.


The speed limits on the 4-mile stretch of road between my house and the freeway go something like this(in miles per hour)




I tend to just go a steady 55 through the whole thing



Probobly speeding after the limit changed.


Glad to see thing working out for you pit, good luck with future whinnings ;)


Oh i forgot to mention earlier, when gas prices were at record high last year i complained to my cell phone company that i couldnt afford my bill anymore and they put me on a 'senior citizen' plan where basically i got to keep the same plan for half the price, which i found awesome considering im only 28

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That was a bit of an exaggeration on my part but ive had about a dozen speeding tickets and a few seatbelt infractions and 1 rare ticket where my wheels didnt come to a complete stop at a stop sign.

The fines themselves are between $20-$50 but then each ones comes with court costs of $100 so multiply that by at least 10


The speed limits on the 4-mile stretch of road between my house and the freeway go something like this(in miles per hour)




I tend to just go a steady 55 through the whole thing


Well you can't really complain really seeing as it's your own fault, what do you expect?

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Well you can't really complain really seeing as it's your own fault, what do you expect?


I know! Thats my whole point. Its not about me growing balls or tackling a problem, its about me whining my way out of them. I feel like one of those people that sue McDonalds for being fat.

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Well, to be fair the speed limits do seem a little confusing.


But anyway, that particular one aside, the others aren't about whining.


They are, theres no rhyme or reason to the sudden drops and increases in speed. They just feel like traps. The road is a basically a straight line from my house to the freeway exit

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Guest Captain Falcon
Then you weren't exactly whining as much as complaining about something unfair/ridiculous - like in the other cases.


But if everybody else is also subjected to the same traffic regulations, what makes it unfair exactly? He's no more likely to be caught out than any other motorist failing to obey the laws of road. And if he isn't wearing a seat belt then once again, it's his fault.


Kudos for standing up for yourself at work though.


Edit: whoops, didn't notice you aren't from this neck of the woods but even amazon.com must face similar competition.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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But if everybody else is also subjected to the same traffic regulations, what makes it unfair exactly? He's no more likely to be caught out than any other motorist failing to obey the laws of road. And if he isn't wearing a seat belt then once again, it's his fault.

It's not unfair for him exactly, it's more that the speed limits are ridiculous. Him standing up to something ridiculous is a good thing IMO.

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