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Happy April 1st!


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Me and my mates at work pulled an awesome April Fool's on a manager at work yesterday. Our store closes at 12am, which, of course, was bang on April Fool's Day. So I distracted our manager, whilst my mates took his car keys out the office and parked it round the back of the store. Then we acted as if it had been stolen. 'Twas hilarious! xD Then he issued us all with final written warnings for it, which ended up being an April Fool's joke on us as revenge. (I saw that coming though tbh.)

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If by bullshit you mean TOTALLY LEGITIMATE IMPORTANT DEBATE then...uhh...yeah.


Any other hilarious aprils fools pulled by anyone? Beyond this one, I found my day decidedly lacking.


Said I evaporated on my Facebook status. That was about the extent of my pranking.


And of course the attempted Rick Roll in this thread.

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