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World at War is hardly tat. Treyarch did a really good job of the multiplayer, and the campaign on Veteran was good fun.


In other news, just got a 40 killstreak. Beat that.


What do you play, headquarters and don't bother actually capturing the base thing...just runnng round killing people. God that DOES my head in, or domination and don't bother capturing anything just running round killing people. god that DOES my head in.


No doubt you got skills but if you are one of those types, bleuh to you. play Team Deathmatch if you just wanna kill people.


Thats more of a rant at everyone that does that more than you, you probably do play TD, fair play to you.


Oh and also!!! UAV is probably the most important thing, so yeah, people. If you can keep that in your kill streak load out that would be great!!! So you know, As a team we can actually find fucking people.


I've finally worked out how to play this in multiplayer! Sod tactics, sod stealth and in Public games even trying teamwork is a waste of time. Been struggling to get good scores in games but now with Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro and Commando Pro equipped and a UMP .45 in my hands I'm topping score boards. Sprinting around the map at full pelt constantly seems to work, I'm finding myself behind the enemy most of the time - for every other situation there's flashbangs :p

What do you play, headquarters and don't bother actually capturing the base thing...just runnng round killing people. God that DOES my head in, or domination and don't bother capturing anything just running round killing people. god that DOES my head in.


No doubt you got skills but if you are one of those types, bleuh to you. play Team Deathmatch if you just wanna kill people.


Thats more of a rant at everyone that does that more than you, you probably do play TD, fair play to you.


Oh and also!!! UAV is probably the most important thing, so yeah, people. If you can keep that in your kill streak load out that would be great!!! So you know, As a team we can actually find fucking people.


Yer, I got it in Team Deathmatch/Afghan, which is what I play until there's alot of my school mates online, which is when we start playing Ground War. Following game I got 32-0 on Rundown TD, which boosted my KD up to 3.05 :P. The thing is, my killstreak set-up is just so stupidly over-powered that if I get to 7 kills, I'm nearly guranteed about 20...seems a bit unbalanced (Harrier, Pave Low, Chopper Gunner).


Whoever has been recommending the Spas: wise words. Awesome secondary weapon in certain levels. :)


Also, is there any point in prestiging this time round? Only got to like 3rd prestige in MW, so don't see the point.



Oh and also!!! UAV is probably the most important thing, so yeah, people. If you can keep that in your kill streak load out that would be great!!! So you know, As a team we can actually find fucking people.


If the team your playing isnt smart enough to destroy the UAV then theres not really any point in having it anyway, ur gunna win.

Yer, I got it in Team Deathmatch/Afghan, which is what I play until there's alot of my school mates online, which is when we start playing Ground War. Following game I got 32-0 on Rundown TD, which boosted my KD up to 3.05 :P. The thing is, my killstreak set-up is just so stupidly over-powered that if I get to 7 kills, I'm nearly guranteed about 20...seems a bit unbalanced (Harrier, Pave Low, Chopper Gunner).


Whoever has been recommending the Spas: wise words. Awesome secondary weapon in certain levels. :)


Also, is there any point in prestiging this time round? Only got to like 3rd prestige in MW, so don't see the point.


Ah, im liking the style, so once get to 7, the kills just keep totting up, might try that myself. Yum yum.


Fal is still dominating for me, Heartbeat sensor perk with a holographic, Hello Emergency Air Drop, then with a AA-12 for major roffles.

Ah, im liking the style, so once get to 7, the kills just keep totting up, might try that myself. Yum yum.


Fal is still dominating for me, Heartbeat sensor perk with a holographic, Hello Emergency Air Drop, then with a AA-12 for major roffles.


The Harrier pretty much by itself gives you the other 2, and the Chopper Gunner can get you 15 + on some levels so it gets a bit stupid. Try it out - is awesome. :) Anyone else sit on the stairs on Skidrow and shoot down the corridor? I have FMJ on and just patrol that corridor, it's ridiculously hard to get shot if you get dodging.


Random question. Do you lose the ability to unlock another killstreak reward if you don't use it? I swear I was looking at my profile and it said I had 1 level left to unlock another, totally forgot about it for ages and the next time I looked it said I had 5 levels to go. Maybe i'm going mad...

Random question. Do you lose the ability to unlock another killstreak reward if you don't use it? I swear I was looking at my profile and it said I had 1 level left to unlock another, totally forgot about it for ages and the next time I looked it said I had 5 levels to go. Maybe i'm going mad...


na dude killstreaks stack


I wish you could choose to use one in the stack out of order though. Many a time I've wanted to use my UAV *before* a care package but because other people have UAV'S when I earn them, I already have a package by the time it ends.

na dude killstreaks stack


I wish you could choose to use one in the stack out of order though. Many a time I've wanted to use my UAV *before* a care package but because other people have UAV'S when I earn them, I already have a package by the time it ends.


That's not what he means, I dont think.


If you'd negelcted to unlock a killstreak and then attained the next level for a killstreak unlock, it would just say 2 unlocks. So, you don't lose that ability.


ooh yeah sorry I misread


no idea. presumably you can't 'miss' them- otherwise you'd end up with max level and an unfinished killstreak set. I imagine that's impossible.

Ohhhh me toooo!


What time?


My user name is Mackinder.


Which is also my last name; helpful.


If you haven't already, you can add me 'TheLillster'.


Me, Choze and Flameboy had a game earlier.


Just come on anytime and either ask or join a game.


Yeah good games earlier lillster...I played absolutely shite in most of them games...only one I didn't! Still don't know some of the maps so find it hard...but meh, unlocked the hearbeat sensor and got the radar jammer to so trying to use that to sneak up on people...

Yeah good games earlier lillster...I played absolutely shite in most of them games...only one I didn't! Still don't know some of the maps so find it hard...but meh, unlocked the hearbeat sensor and got the radar jammer to so trying to use that to sneak up on people...


I'm pretty crap myself. I don't mind when I'm playing with other people on my level, but when I play against the big boys, I get frustrated.

I'm pretty crap myself. I don't mind when I'm playing with other people on my level, but when I play against the big boys, I get frustrated.


come join now...I'm in with a group where I'm doing pretty good...


Finished this on vet today, only took about 5 hours, less than when i did it first time :P Got about half the intel items, so gotta fly back through on recruit and get this 100%. Im 60% on the spec ops, any DECENT players up for some spec ops?


Been playing online loads, got a pretty nice win ratio of 3.8 i think, winning lots is good :) My KD spreads jumping between 1.2 - 1.4, need to get bettter!


Unreal. My friends have started using my killstreak loadout and getting some stupid sprees. Got the 40, thought that was safe; then 2 mates get a 43 on the same day; and then my brother gets a 47 spree tonight...


Anyone played/likes 3rd Person? I was a bit skeptical of the purpose of its inclusion, but turns out it's pretty awesome.


nice, what you playin?


Iv only seen 1 nuke go off in like 180 games of domination, kill streaks are pretty hard to get up in there.

That's not what he means, I dont think.


If you'd negelcted to unlock a killstreak and then attained the next level for a killstreak unlock, it would just say 2 unlocks. So, you don't lose that ability.


ooh yeah sorry I misread


no idea. presumably you can't 'miss' them- otherwise you'd end up with max level and an unfinished killstreak set. I imagine that's impossible.


Ah ok thanks guys. I probably just wasn't paying attention to it properly to be honest.


Played this for the first time today, had 3 hours worth almost of 4 player splitscreen and was very impressed. Was an edgy, swear inducing, one-upmanship fiasco but most importantly, fun. Can't imagine the online being more enjoyable, one of my friends said it wasn't and I'm thinking I would agree. Will have to test it.

Played this for the first time today, had 3 hours worth almost of 4 player splitscreen and was very impressed. Was an edgy, swear inducing, one-upmanship fiasco but most importantly, fun. Can't imagine the online being more enjoyable, one of my friends said it wasn't and I'm thinking I would agree. Will have to test it.


Online is a hell of a lot more fun than 4 player split screen lol, get 5 mates, play some objective game types, so much fun

Online is a hell of a lot more fun than 4 player split screen lol, get 5 mates, play some objective game types, so much fun


It's a big shame that there's no split screen online (which IMO is the best kind of multiplayer) like Halo 3.

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