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Wii fit topples halo 3 in sales

mcj metroid

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from kotaku:


Yesterday's news that Wii Fit continued to ride high on the U.S. video game sales chart last month told only half the story.


I just confirmed with the NPD Group that the fitness title's lifetime sales has topped Halo 3's. As of the end of February Wii Fit has sold 6 million copies in the U.S. while Xbox 360 goliath has moved 5.9 million copies in its life time.


Keep in mind that the $90 Wii Fit launched in the U.S. on May 21 of last year, while Halo 3 hit the Xbox 360 on Sept. 25 of 2007.


With 6 million balance boards out there and a legion of Wii owners, there's got to be an incoming wave of games developed for the new peripheral.

my question is simple.. do you feel this is good or bad for the industry? I realise this is just us at this point but I can't see the sales being much different anywhere else.

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I actually prefer Wii Fit to the Halo series (although neither is as good as a really traditional game like Zelda or Metroid). The main reason I like Wii Fit is that the Balance Board is really good. It impressed me in a way the accelerometers don't and not even the infra-red pointing does, in all honesty. So, a great peripheral with a game that makes good use of it... It's my favourite "Blue Ocean" game (or whatever the phrase is), and thus deserves the success.


Now, as to whether it's good or bad for the industry, I think it's pretty neutral. As long as Halo, Zelda etc still sell decent amounts, there is still a big enough audience for them.

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As good as Wii Fit and the BB are, it's an absolute shambles that Nintendo haven't supported the board more. Just because it sells doesn't mean you don't blood support the thing!!


We probably won't see anything besides wii fit... because I can;t really think of any other franchise that nintendo can put this to so basicaly have to....[shockHORROR]invent a new ip[\shockHORROR]

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I am still waiting to Nintendo to bring out a new 1080° Snowboarding for the Wii, now that should really use the balance board.


1080 is definitely something that is perfect for the Balance Board. It makes much more sense to use the Balance Board for these sorts of games, as opposed to just the Wiimote and Nunchuk.


It could also possibly be useful for Wave Race, although I'm not sure how many of you would agree with me there.


I also misread the title for this thread. I was certain it said Wii Fit Topless, and I was getting excited, as I thought that the Wii Fit hula hoop babe was caught on camera once more. Alas, I was wrong, and very, very disappointed.

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It's time to finish the fight... against fat.




Good news about Wii Fit though. I've only played it once, but I really enjoyed it and thought it was a fun little package.


I think this news is a bit odd though as Wii Fit smashed Halo 3 in terms of world wide sales a LONG time ago.

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I think having more good examples of slow burn games is a good thing. Everything in the games industry (especially in japan) sells by the bucket load in the first month and then sells hardly at all after that.


The slow burn (what Nintendo call Evergreen) games are really healthy for the industry and give it some stability which most other media markets do. Movies have the second wave (and similar to Evergreen) that is the DVD release.


There is so much risk involved in selling something in a very short space of time.

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1080 is definitely something that is perfect for the Balance Board. It makes much more sense to use the Balance Board for these sorts of games, as opposed to just the Wiimote and Nunchuk.


It could also possibly be useful for Wave Race, although I'm not sure how many of you would agree with me there.


I also misread the title for this thread. I was certain it said Wii Fit Topless, and I was getting excited, as I thought that the Wii Fit hula hoop babe was caught on camera once more. Alas, I was wrong, and very, very disappointed.


Ha ha, me too, can't say i wasn't disappointed. MCJ Metroid should scour the net for a wifit topless video to make up for it.

Edited by Gio001
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I think they both sold more than they deserved. They're good, but not great.


Wii Fit is great, absolutely brilliant, at what its trying to do. May not be to everyones taste, but i don't think it'll be beaten as an entertaining exercise application.


The slow burn (what Nintendo call Evergreen) games are really healthy for the industry and give it some stability which most other media markets do.


Really? Other media has products that sell for months, years even? Movies- usually a few weeks in cinema, then repackaged for home viewing, again selling for a few weeks. Discounted, followed with trickling sales.


Same with books, same with music. Few, if any, have the shelflife of WiiFit, Mario Kart or Dr Kawashima's Brain Training.

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Really? Other media has products that sell for months, years even? Movies- usually a few weeks in cinema, then repackaged for home viewing, again selling for a few weeks. Discounted, followed with trickling sales.


Same with books, same with music. Few, if any, have the shelflife of WiiFit, Mario Kart or Dr Kawashima's Brain Training.


Sure, sure but games have been more flash in the pan than any of those until recently.

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We probably won't see anything besides wii fit... because I can;t really think of any other franchise that nintendo can put this to so basicaly have to....[shockHORROR]invent a new ip[\shockHORROR]


1080 snowboarding? 1080 surfing?



I fear that these numbers will even further push the gaming industry into this booring ass casual craze.

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