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Things From Previous Zeldas You'd Like in Zelda Wii


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or a new twist in the story mode

make Dark link the final boss who will be ruler this time or that Dark Link obtained the Triforce of power from Ganondorf


i want the 3 goddesses to be more involved in the Game


indeed the Sheikah tribe background story


a more darker story that when link is born the world i already in peril and being attacked by monsters and that Links mother had really trouble to survive so she fled with the baby and is being pursuit by dark forces and gets killed but the baby survives miraculous and is being taken by the sages and will train in the Time being for this evil that was on the earth is not like any other

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Bunny ears

I love my games fast and furious.. I don't even care if they look silly when they are running.


So true, and it fits in with "upgrading Link". I prefer this to the Pegasus Boots, as you don't have to hold down a button and you can change direction. Maybe they could have Boots that perform like Bunny Ears rather than Pegasus Boots, if you know what I mean?


Ocarina of Time:



These creatures also using swords and shields were a tough nut to crack, and it's too bad they were used so sparingly. It's fun if Link faces an even match once in a while.


Yeah, Ocarina of Time definitely had the best version of Stalfos.


Gorgeous surroundings:

Somehow, Hyrule Field feels a lot more beutiful in OoT than in TP. My guess is that it's because of the OoT field was one large area, rather than several smaller ones connected by tight passages. Give us an open world that feels real, credible, open and beutiful.


This is very true. Designers should not be scared of barren landscapes, especially with the good draw-distances we have these days. It worked for Wind Waker and Shadow of the Colossus.


Twilight Princess:


Horseback combat:

Although the feature was over hyped for TP, it's a natural evolution. Link should however be able to use both the Sword AND bow from horseback.




Lon Lon/ Romani Ranch:

You know, a lovely laid back country area. Make it worth going there, the race in OOT was good but it was only one limited attraction. Add a few more, maybe even give Epona skills earned from training... Like any extra 'carrot' of speed maybe.


Indeed. These relaxing, rural areas are extremely important. I can hear the music now!



It was disgusting the way they were left out of TP... They add spice to Zelda and I love that whole ancient Egyptian vibe they give off.


Yes, they are exotic, and I'd like to see how they could be realised with today's technology. ;)


In terms of graphics I think a mix between the artistic style seen in Wind Waker and the more realistic style in TP would be cool. Maybe something like the latest Prince of Persia.


I agree with mixing the styles of WW and TP. I keep thinking they should apply cel-shading to realistic, adult character models, but have stronger contrast than Wind Waker and darker colours. I don't want a darker game, just a very wide pallet of colours.


This isn't a returning thing but on a sidenote, it would be cool to have the odd NPC help you fight your way through certain areas or something. E.g., Imagine Sheik helping you fight your way into a Gerudo hideout or something!


I agree, especially if they were entirely computer-controlled with flawless A.I.


Here's another one I forgot:


Great Fairies - It was a great thrill to find Great Fairy Grotto in OoT of WW, especially in Wind Waker as you saw the "shell shape" on the horizon. Then you'd go in and wonder which part of you she'd upgrade!


I know some people don't want the same game over and over again, but I just think it's enjoyable to see the things we love updated every console generation.

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yeah i loved twilight princess but they just left too much things out

i loved it becouse it came close to ocarina of time

but i just missed the ocarina flute the magic in it i want to see more of people that are working in towns doing their own stuff and i especialy missed the amount of mini-games

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I'd like to see Clock Town, TP's Hyrule Market and OoT's Kakariko Village all merged together to be the new Hyrule. Not literally reproduced, of course, but the kingdom of Hyrule should be much more densely populated, Hyrule should be huge and split into many districts, back alleys, homes, markets, town halls, crowds, horses and carts, fairs, etcetera! And the market shouldn't be the only populated town, in fact it should be one of many.

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I'd like to see Clock Town, TP's Hyrule Market and OoT's Kakariko Village all merged together to be the new Hyrule. Not literally reproduced, of course, but the kingdom of Hyrule should be much more densely populated, Hyrule should be huge and split into many districts, back alleys, homes, markets, town halls, crowds, horses and carts, fairs, etcetera! And the market shouldn't be the only populated town, in fact it should be one of many.



exactly now miyamoto bring the game

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Bring back Sara!


And on that note, develop more side-storylines that have geat character development and dialogue with Link to really make you care about them. OOT and MM did this best, but more could easilly have been achieved.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I agree with mixing the styles of WW and TP. I keep thinking they should apply cel-shading to realistic, adult character models, but have stronger contrast than Wind Waker and darker colours. I don't want a darker game, just a very wide pallet of colours.


I think it'd look great if they used cel-shading to make the in game graphics looked like the official art work for Majora's Mask.




There are lots of bright colours, but the tone is still quite dark (thanks to heavy shadowing) whilst retaining the anime inspired look that Link had always had up to this point.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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I think it'd look great if they used cel-shading to make the in game graphics looked like the official art work for Majora's Mask.

I think C.Fal should head up the art team, because that would look great :smile:

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Here's what I think they should do. I've made a template so that they can change it slightly to make various sequels! Why haven't they thought of this...(* = delete where appropriate)


You play a 10/17* year old male who is/is a descendant of/is a lookalike of* Link. Initially, to even leave the starting area you must locate the basic shield from the quick-E-mart/your grandmother's bloody remains*, and a toothpick for a knife from a one-room dungeon/your father's bloody remains/the bathroom cabinet*.


Shortly into your play you will be confronted by a terrible misfortune. A natural disaster/pirates/giant enemy crab/Matt Parkman's turtle/gonorrhoea* will strike your village/island/cul-de-sac within a mere ten/twenty* minutes of play. Rather than risk harm to the fully developed men of the village/island*, the townsfolk will opt to sensibly send their most well-equipped, versatile and experienced bio-weapon to deal with the problem.


Your character will first venture to the forest/gale/nature* temple (note - never water) to obtain the boomerang/slingshot/deku seeds*, which will undoubtedly be your tool of choice for the confrontation of the final boss at the end of the game. Upon completion of the dungeon, you will receive the element-specific medallion/artifact/relic/finely grated slice of triforce/cheese sandwhich*, of which six/seven/eight/nine are required to destroy/seal/amuse* the final boss; Ganondorf.


Throughout your adventure you will be accompanied by a fairy/talking hat/magical talking pendant/giant enemy crab* that will serve as your Pokédex and all-round annoying companion, who will talk in your stead. Approximately one-third of the way into the game you will acquire the master sword/master sword/master sword* from a forest clearing/sealed away temple/Zelda's bedroom*, which only you can wield because you are the chosen/the triforce bearer/gay*. Instantly picking up the sword will make you older/fire laser beams/a jedi*, and imbue a duty upon you that you have no choice but to fulfill.


Traveling from place to place by epona/boat/pegasus boots/owl/giant enemy crab*, you will soon stumble across a variety of sidequests. You decide to begin with the ammunition parameter increase/empty bottle/stat fortification/mask acquisition/heart piece/sword upgrade/rent boy for rupees* quest, as it seems the most appealing at the time. In order to speed up travel/change the time of day/call forth the four horsemen of the apocalypse* you take to your trusty instrument; your ocarina/flute/harpsichord/drums/electric guitar/pipes* to play a variety of tunes acquired throughout your adventure. The songs consist of no more than seven/eight/nine* notes, but will strike the recipient NPCs in certain quests down as if they had just heard Beethoven's ninth.


At the final showdown of the game, Ganondorf will play the role of a good host in his castle, making sure to keep you entertained. He will engage in a session of energy ball tennis/piano recital/dry humping* before proceeding to the main event; transforming into a massive dinosaur/tortoise/centaur* called Ganon. Princess Zelda/Zelda's descendant/blow-up doll* will then offer you/herself fire light-imbued arrows to take down the creature, allowing you to strike the final/not really that final/it'll never be final* blow on the sweating greasy monstronsity, so he can be sealed away until the next generation/sequel/dimension* decides it's time to let him out again.


Zelda will then suggest to Link that she has feelings for him; at which point the game will end, because it is unthinkable for a Nintendo game to touch on anything more than a 'cake being baked' for the main protagonist.


They'll make millions if they stick to this formula.

Edited by Sheikah
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I think in terms of graphical style, I'd like a more modern version of that in MM. Not realistic, not over the top cartoony (Nothing against either). I'd also like to see locales similar to the way they were in OoT/MM, especially MM. They just seemed so much more life like than in WW and TP. Both TP and WW's locales just seemed to lack something.

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No Cel-shading dammit! It doesn't fit the Zelda world. Maybe Wind Waker since it was a piss poor game.

Switch Hook - For action/platforming goodness. Can you imagine crossing a huge chasm by using this several times? This kind of stuff ain't possible in 2D, you know. Plus, it's good for puzzles.

Genius. It's like Portal in a fantasy setting.

beam coming out of master sword

My memory is foggy with this one but I believe when you get the master sword in lttp when you used it a beam would come out of it.. this was fantastic and added THAT sense of power.

They had it when you had full health, a banging incentive to not lose any [aside from the dying thing]

Ocarina of Time (and earlier games)

Power Bracelet - One of the appealing things about this item is that it has more recently been an automatic upgrade rather than something you have to equip. Throwing huge rocks out of the way is one of the highlights of Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker for me! It's satisfying to feel Link is stronger than he was at the beginning, and is even more so a great way of allowing you access to previously restricted places.


Fire, Ice and Light Arrows - I'm a fan of the items that upgrade Link (like the Power Bracelet), rather than "sidestep" items. Much fun can be having experimenting with the physics these items provide, burning curtains and freezing Wizzrobes!


Mirror Shield - I really enjoy the progression of going from Wooden, Hylian and then to the Mirror Shield. The multi-mirror puzzle in Wind Waker has to be one of the best. I believe MotionPlus could allow us this item back, because it'll be like having a 2nd analogue stick again.

These were used in A Link To The Past too, although the bracelets were gauntlets. Ice and Fire were the rods, and Light were the Silver arrows, which you had to get off a fat fairy... Good times.


or a new twist in the story mode

make Dark link the final boss who will be ruler this time or that Dark Link obtained the Triforce of power from Ganondorf

They had Dark/Shadow Link as the final boss from Adventure of Link, just curious, how would you make it so that Dark Link would be the boss? Oooh, let's say when Ganondorf was pimpsmacked last he cursed the Master Sword, which was then put back by Link. Cue the next generation, as the new Link goes to yank his metal rod out... The curse strikes. I claim joint rights with you here.

Bring back Sara!

Was that Saria?

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I think it'd look great if they used cel-shading to make the in game graphics looked like the official art work for Majora's Mask.




There are lots of bright colours, but the tone is still quite dark (thanks to heavy shadowing) whilst retaining the anime inspired look that Link had always had up to this point.


Yeah, that's along the right lines, with the contrast given by the shading. The tunic is definitely a good shade of green, although I'd prefer some lighter colours as well.


Some of my favourite graphics on Wii are those of No More Heroes and Punch Out, especially the latter. Both apply cel-shading to adult character models and have varied colour palettes too. Mad World has something to teach about shading and contrast too, although I wouldn't like Zelda taken to that extreme.


I also love the visuals of Super Mario Galaxy - not cel-shaded, but still cartoony, with a gorgeous colour palette. I should also give a nod to Dragon Quest VIII on the PS2. A combination of those games (visually) would be ideal.


I definitely think Zelda should strive to be cartoony. My preference is for cel-shading - there's just something about it that I love, even though I can't quite put my finger on it.


The reason I like cartoony visuals in general is that they draw the important features, but deliberately leave out the unimportant. Whereas realistic graphics are totally objective, cartoons are subjective, and leave room for interpretation. Striking the perfect balance is the job of many an artist. How much detail to put in? How much to leave out?

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