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Miyamoto Was Sad During GameCube Era


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I think what makes me sad a a wii owner is all the junk that gets dumped on it all the time.. Most games made are lazy cashing in games and it gets to the point were its sick. I remeber when resident evil 4 came out again everyone was like if this game sells it will show capcom and they will make new better games.. years later we get a hotd clone with resident evil's name slapped on and a couple of ports of games that we already own. Thats what is sad.


the postives i look at is there is alot of stuff i dont know.. I dont know what the hell retro is doing atm... nintendo says they have a new zelda in dev.. stuff like that


I have only ever owned a nintendo system and wii is by far the sadest of them all just by the amount of cheep cashing in dev dump on it.. yes even nintendo. Its a sad day for gaming for me when profit>quilty. But then again they are a company out to make money thats what they want most so i cant blame them

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I think what makes me sad a a wii owner is all the junk that gets dumped on it all the time.. Most games made are lazy cashing in games and it gets to the point were its sick. I remeber when resident evil 4 came out again everyone was like if this game sells it will show capcom and they will make new better games.. years later we get a hotd clone with resident evil's name slapped on and a couple of ports of games that we already own. Thats what is sad.


the postives i look at is there is alot of stuff i dont know.. I dont know what the hell retro is doing atm... nintendo says they have a new zelda in dev.. stuff like that


I have only ever owned a nintendo system and wii is by far the sadest of them all just by the amount of cheep cashing in dev dump on it.. yes even nintendo. Its a sad day for gaming for me when profit>quilty. But then again they are a company out to make money thats what they want most so i cant blame them


Seriously, everyone in the Wii forum should take note of this user. He is a Wii onwer and speaks the exact truth.


That is was needed to be said.

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Jesus fucking christ, will you just leave it alone?


This is the Wii forum, and we can't talk about the Wii without it getting put down all the fucking time, by the same people who make the same bluddy points all the damn time, where can you talk about? Is there a need to shit stir?

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How much of that shovelware is 3rd party?


Btw when you say Nintendo shovelware, do you mean Wii Fit and Wii Play. Wii Play I could agree with, but that's just a tech demo, showing of fancy things the wii remote can do.


I say the best thing Nintendo could do is raise the price of Wii devkits, and any licencing fees.

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This is the Wii forum, and we can't talk about the Wii without it getting put down all the fucking time, by the same people who make the same bluddy points all the damn time, where can you talk about? Is there a need to shit stir?


Best strategy would be simply start to ban people. Harsh, but effective. As we can't have our discussion in peace, I don't really see reason why Caris and comp should be allowed to use forums either. Hell, it is probably only way to salvage this place. Some solid bans, and total re-boot of the forums. No need to complain, as using N-Europe isn't civil right.

Edited by Teppo Holmqvist
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Jesus fucking christ, will you just leave it alone?


This is the Wii forum, and we can't talk about the Wii without it getting put down all the fucking time, by the same people who make the same bluddy points all the damn time, where can you talk about? Is there a need to shit stir?


I think the problem is (and i'm not trying to stick up for these negative nina's), over time, these people have lost interest in the Wii and whenever they did hear anything about the Wii it was always negative.


So now, any news on the Wii has to be negative.


And that's why they can't help trolling the Wii boards.


Because apparantly, according to them, it's a disgrace. :nono:


If this keeps happening though, I suggest an admin ban them from posting in any discussion in the Wii section.


This can be done right, I remember a guy being banned from posting in a certain topic before, but I don't know about the actual forum, or whatever you want to call it.


Best strategy would be simply start to ban people. Harsh, but effective. As we can't have our discussion in peace, I don't really see reason why Caris and comp should be allowed to use forums either. Hell, it is probably only way to salvage this place. Some solid bans, and total re-boot of the forums.


Only the Wii section needs revamping.

Edited by The Lillster
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I think the problem is (and i'm not trying to stick up for these negative nina's), over time, these people have lost interest in the Wii and whenever they did here anything about the Wii it was always negative.


So now, any news on the Wii has to be negative.


And that's why they can't help trolling the Wii boards.


Because apparantly, according to them, it's a disgrace. :nono:


If this keeps happening though, I suggest an admin ban them from posting in any discussion in the Wii section.


This can be done right, I remember a guy being banned from posting in a certain topic before, but I don't know about the actual forum, or whatever you want to call it.


If they've lost interest in the Wii, then we're not saying they are wrong for having feelings such as that. Whether someone is pro-Wii, or Anti-Wii/Nintendo, that is not the issue.


The issue here is that our forum is being ruined by others visiting this board and not allowing the positive discussions to take place. Why can't we talk about the merits of the Wii? Why does everything about the Wii have to be how bad it is, or how its not for them, or how they don't like its aimed at others, or casuals, or hardcores?


Whether bans are harsh or not, that is something that the mods and admins have to decide. But, where are they? This has been going on for some time now and absolutely nothing has been done about it, and I know for a fact that others are fed up with what has been going on, and I am also fed up with how things have panned out. Why should we feel bad about being Wii owners on a Nintendo site?

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But, where are they? This has been going on for some time now and absolutely nothing has been done about it, and I know for a fact that others are fed up with what has been going on, and I am also fed up with how things have panned out.


This has continued for two years, actually. But why moderators don't do anything? There is very simple reason that no-one wants to admit. Majority of our moderators are friends with our problem childs, and you don't say no to your friends. You really can't except moderation to work in this kind of enviroment. It doesn't help either that moderation has completely forgotten what N in this site's name stands for, and that this site has financial responsibilities, meaning that it can't just cater their pals.

Edited by Teppo Holmqvist
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If they've lost interest in the Wii, then we're not saying they are wrong for having feelings such as that. Whether someone is pro-Wii, or Anti-Wii/Nintendo, that is not the issue.


The issue here is that our forum is being ruined by others visiting this board and not allowing the positive discussions to take place. Why can't we talk about the merits of the Wii? Why does everything about the Wii have to be how bad it is, or how its not for them, or how they don't like its aimed at others, or casuals, or hardcores?


Whether bans are harsh or not, that is something that the mods and admins have to decide. But, where are they? This has been going on for some time now and absolutely nothing has been done about it, and I know for a fact that others are fed up with what has been going on, and I am also fed up with how things have panned out. Why should we feel bad about being Wii owners on a Nintendo site?



Well if they were only banned from the Wii section (which they don't like anyway) then it's for the best. For them because they don't need to waste their time to tell us how bad the Wii is and good for us because we can disscuss more important matters at hand, aka how great the Wii is. :wink:

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Way to stay on topic guys!


This is what the forum has turned into, everything has to turn into 'esteemed' members coming in here, declaring their opinion to be gospel and repeatedly telling us how bad the Wii is and why it doesn't satisfy their needs.

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The shovelware is hardly Nintendo's fault. Nintendo's casual games at least have a high standard in production and quality.


About what Miyamoto said, from what I perceived, he and the developers at Nintendo felt they had no input in much of the creative process of their games because they were pressed into following a business model base on the competitors. For them that was frustrating because they were one more in the crowd instead of having the creative freedom to develop different stuff like they do now that stands out in the mainstream media, much like what happened during NES and SNES days.

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<sarcasm> I love Nintendo they do no wrong. Nintendo is god... anywho says different should be have the banhammer used on them WAM!! </sarcasm>


Now that everyone is happy :p


Really negative feed back about nintendo is a good thing.. a great thing even.. If a rep from nintendo ever came on these forms atm and they read that everyone was happy with them i would cry prob.


I mean did u hear your selves last week when capcom said resident evil fans would be happy.... what was everyone hoping for?? the most they were hoping for is a remake of a game and everyone didnt think that making a new resident evil was even in the cards. When wii has half of the console user base and is hoping for a remake of a game and that would be a huge plus that is sad times.


for the first few years of wii dev.. 3rd partys have thought of wii as an after thought.. sometimes i feel they just put out stuff so they can make money to spend on hd games. and body here who is fighing about how no one should be sad about there wii atm need to get there head out of the sand really. such fanboyism..

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I say the best thing Nintendo could do is raise the price of Wii devkits, and any licencing fees.

Actually, no.

What they should do is to reintroduce the Nintendo Seal of Quality, with much higher requirements.

That a studio has little cash has little to do with the quality of the games they release.


I also think it's sad that you want to ban people for expressing oppinions. I see the problems with the Wii software, and I want to have a propper discussion about what should be done and what I disslike. The main problem is that the moderators keep shutting down threads especially created for "whining", which only makes the debate migrate to another thread.


Just because you love Nintendo, you don't have to accept and like every decision they make.

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<sarcasm> I love Nintendo they do no wrong. Nintendo is god... anywho says different should be have the banhammer used on them WAM!! </sarcasm>


Now that everyone is happy :p


Really negative feed back about nintendo is a good thing.. a great thing even.. If a rep from nintendo ever came on these forms atm and they read that everyone was happy with them i would cry prob.


I mean did u hear your selves last week when capcom said resident evil fans would be happy.... what was everyone hoping for?? the most they were hoping for is a remake of a game and everyone didnt think that making a new resident evil was even in the cards. When wii has half of the console user base and is hoping for a remake of a game and that would be a huge plus that is sad times.


for the first few years of wii dev.. 3rd partys have thought of wii as an after thought.. sometimes i feel they just put out stuff so they can make money to spend on hd games. and body here who is fighing about how no one should be sad about there wii atm need to get there head out of the sand really. such fanboyism..


How's that Nintendo's fault? We're here because we love Nintendo games not Capcom. Sad, yes, but I can still play my Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash, etc... and that's what matters to most of us.

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Fair enough Shino! But consider Nintendo's offerings on the GC


Luigi's Mansion

Wind Waker


Mario Sunshine

Eternal Darkness



Battalion Wars, etc.

Metroid Prime

Paper Mario TTYD

Donky Konga

etc...the list goes on


How were any of those games similar to the competition, or based on their business models?

The only question mark in that list is Eternal Darkness, being the only M-rated title Nintendo published at that time(that i can recall). Surely thats not what he got bent out of shape about. It was a great game!

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but surely any non-positive opinions people have can be discussed rather than argued...?




But some people don't get that. Especially the younger, rebellious, more extreme types who secretly enjoy these debates as you can tell by their online time. People like Teppo just get aggressive and aggrivate the situation. And this is what i remember of him ever since I signed up here. He is not a troll, just angry.

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Fair enough Shino! But consider Nintendo's offerings on the GC


Luigi's Mansion

Wind Waker


Mario Sunshine

Eternal Darkness



Battalion Wars, etc.

Metroid Prime

Paper Mario TTYD

Donky Konga

etc...the list goes on


How were any of those games similar to the competition, or based on their business models?

The only question mark in that list is Eternal Darkness, being the only M-rated title Nintendo published at that time(that i can recall). Surely thats not what he got bent out of shape about. It was a great game!


Non of those got mainstream recognition! They're not something that made a cultural impact and appeared on sitcoms and those kind of shows. For the guys that shaped much of the industry that must be frustrating.


Most are those are based on tried formulas and the ones they took more liberty in respect to design are late cube games, they probably did them already knowing of the Wii.

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I don't think the problem is that people are coming in and saying they disagree with what's going on on the Wii, its the fact that people come in here just to praise other consoles and stuff. Obviously we need some negative discussion, there wouldn't be much point in having a forum if everyone agreed. The problem is, we can't discuss positive things anymore without someone coming in and telling us that we should "Buy a real console".


Raising the price of Dev Kits would just hurt the little guys like 2D Boy, ect. Darkjak has the right idea of bringing back the seal of quality, but it would have to be very prominent on the box rather than just a little thing most people don't even notice. I wonder if they could also refuse to license some of the worse games, perhaps set a minimum standard for what is required in a Wii Game.


We really don't know what the next few years are going to be like though, if they're anything like 2007 and early 2008 were...

Edited by Emasher
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I don't think the problem is that people are coming in and saying they disagree with what's going on on the Wii, its the fact that people come in here just to praise other consoles and stuff. Obviously we need some negative discussion, there wouldn't be much point in having a forum if everyone agreed. The problem is, we can't discuss positive things anymore without someone coming in and telling us that we should "Buy a real console".


That's pretty much what I'm feeling, so thanks for making that post.


It's just not fair anymore. Are we fanboys for wanting to enjoy the console which we've bought for ourselves? Are you fanboys for buying the console you spent your money on?


I think Wii owners need to be equipped with shields, because we spend a lot of time taking crap of other people. Why are the 360 or PS3 owners allowed to discuss their own choice of consoles freely, but Wii owners aren't?

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This topic (or at least the original topic of Miyamoto's emo days) isn't going anywhere. In fact the train stopped miles ago.


But I promise you this, I will work on this. I'll admit I've let the boards slip into an apathetic shrug of "thats the way it is" but no more. I don't want to see people feeling like the Nintendo section of a Nintendo site is the worst part. I will find ways of ultimately removing those who just come in to cause a fuss and will try and restore some peace to this land. At the end of the day I own a Wii, I enjoy playing on it. I shouldn't have sat idly by and let this place slip.


So off to work tomorrow (figuratively speaking, literally speaking I have a dissertation stuff to do on the 15/03) to try and improve this place. This weird rambling speech like thing aside, topic should be closed. Its a shame so many of these are having to get nipped in the budding conversation but as has been discussed, the same shit is getting thrown around.

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