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New Classic Controller Shown.


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isn't there a limit to the number of devices you can have synced up to it at once?


Thats the magic number 7.


I think you're probably right. Its a technical thing- if i recall correctly, wasn't Wavebird propriety wireless tech, while bluetooth is available to everyman and his dog?


For those who don't read Gamecentral on Teletext, they're idly speculating that the redesign is for- third party playstation games on Virtual Console.


Now, where did my internal flash go?

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A definite bonus would be if it would double as a wireless GC controller.


That's technically not possible because when the Wii changes to GameCube mode it looses the access to all the Wii specific resources, including the bluetooth.


I already have a CC and won't buy this unless I need a second one. I only need the CC for the Virtual Console and there is no improvements in this one so it's a no go for me.


But why isn't it wireless?


Because it's already wireless enough and we don't want to pay 60€ for it. It doesn't hurt that much to put the wiimote on your lap. It's not that heavy.

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Don't get me wrong I hate jumping on the Nintendo hate bandwagon, but they just don't make games anymore.


Or rather they don't make enough. What was the last decent Nintendo first party release? Animal Crossing? Before then?



Its a crying shame considering they are the best, or rather were the best.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Don't get me wrong I hate jumping on the Nintendo hate bandwagon, but they just don't make games anymore.


Or rather they don't make enough. What was the last decent Nintendo first party release? Animal Crossing? Before then?



Its a crying shame considering they are the best, or rather were the best.


They are still the best in my book, we are just seeing less output overall - the quality of their titles is still consistently high.

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Don't get me wrong I hate jumping on the Nintendo hate bandwagon, but they just don't make games anymore.


Or rather they don't make enough. What was the last decent Nintendo first party release? Animal Crossing? Before then?



Its a crying shame considering they are the best, or rather were the best.


So you turned against a company for a bad half year? Before E3 2008 they were still putting out a reasonable number of games all the time. Like I've said before, all the game releases lined up since all games take different amounts of time to make, it was only a matter of time before this happened. Nintendo already have a great line up for this point in the year. Its not going to be another 2008.

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Don't get me wrong I hate jumping on the Nintendo hate bandwagon, but they just don't make games anymore.


Or rather they don't make enough. What was the last decent Nintendo first party release? Animal Crossing? Before then?



Its a crying shame considering they are the best, or rather were the best.


What's the most recent Nintendo game you've played? I'm going to guess you haven't even dabbled into WiiWare or bought anything since Brawl. Sorry ReZ, you know I love you, but this "Nintendo have no games" way of thinking that a lot of people seem to have is a bit crappy.

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There hasn't been any really good first party game really since Brawl, but this year is looking to be quite good. Punch out, Sin & Punishment, Dynamic Slash, Cosmic Walker, Excitebots, and Wii Sports Resort, are all either first or second party. Some of them have to be good.

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Nintendo had a poor year in all honesty, there's no escaping it. Brawl, Mario Kart Wii and WiiFit were completed in 2007- and just localised throughout early 2008. Their only major releases were therefore Disaster (major?) Wario Land and Animal Crossing (can't think of anymore). 2008 was piss poor, and totally shocking. However 2008 allowed me the opportunity to try out some decent third party efforts- Boom Blox, De Blob- unfortunately, these would slip under the radar if the year was packed with N-releases.


I have full confidence Nintendo will be back on form this year.


Back on subject for a moment, i'm questioning why Nintendo are releasing this. The one complain people do seem to have is that- for classic first person shooters- the analogue sticks are too close together. Could this be the start of some of the N64 shooters hitting VC?

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why the fuck do they feel the need to imitate the dualshock 2 controller.. that's to be hated not imitated.


It's a SNES controller with added bits, designed mainly for 2D games but with the optional extra feature of working with 3D games, not an imitation of the Dualshock controller.

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It's a SNES controller with added bits, designed mainly for 2D games but with the optional extra feature of working with 3D games, not an imitation of the Dualshock controller.


Ok let's not start this ps1 is very like the snes and nintendo invented d-pad,anolgue stick stuff. Let's be realistic here.

People don't remember the snes controller and don't care who invented what. They want the most confortable controller which in my opinion is NOT the dualshock.


NIntendo pretty much had most things right with the gamecube controller minus the tiny dpad...

I think first of all the d-pad and left anologue stick should be switched. The l2 and r2(or whatever they are called here) should be triggers.. But even that it's a pointless controller.


The only games you plan on controlling are the n64 games really so... why not release an n64 controller? and for everything else.. the old classic one was fine and even then most of us have a gamecube controller.

this just seems pointless.


That's technically not possible because when the Wii changes to GameCube mode it looses the access to all the Wii specific resources, including the bluetooth.


I already have a CC and won't buy this unless I need a second one. I only need the CC for the Virtual Console and there is no improvements in this one so it's a no go for me.




Because it's already wireless enough and we don't want to pay 60€ for it. It doesn't hurt that much to put the wiimote on your lap. It's not that heavy.


that's no excuse. it IS a bother to have it on your lab. I'm not sure why they don't just try to make a wireless controller and focus on the gamecube ports if they are having such trouble with it working with full wii-hardware.

For the first company to release wireless controller they REALLY have taking a step backwarks here.

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that's no excuse. it IS a bother to have it on your lab. I'm not sure why they don't just try to make a wireless controller and focus on the gamecube ports


Don't we have the Wavebird already for that? It's wireless and focus on the gamecube ports, as you described.

And no, having a wiimote on your lap is not a bother, really. At least you don't have to get an extra set of batteries and resynchronize one more controller when needed.

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Don't we have the Wavebird already for that? It's wireless and focus on the gamecube ports, as you described.

And no, having a wiimote on your lap is not a bother, really. At least you don't have to get an extra set of batteries and resynchronize one more controller when needed.


Honestly, having to change the batteries all the time is worse than having a controller sitting beside you.


and yet the the classic is connected to the... wii-mote which requires batteries and powers the classic.... so we come full circle here.


My suggestion was to take advantage of the gamecube port to make the classic controller.. wavebirds aren't really sold or promoted anymore.

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