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I don't really like drop towers, and whilst it does seem fecking terrifying....I think I'd prefer it to facing straight ahead, where your stomach goes....to a more Oblivion like experience. I'm going to Florida next year, so I'll attempt to pluck up the courage to go on this ;


(I will go on it)

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I've never been to Thorpe Park before and as Ine hasn't been there either, we decided to take a little trip down there/up there today on her day off.


The Layout


What's striking about Thorpe is that it's almost the exact opposite in ideas to Alton Towers. The park itself is much smaller and more compact, meaning you can traverse from one end of the park to the other in a short amount of time. In Alton Towers, this can take much, much longer. What's also fantastic is that the trip from the car park to the inside of the park is also very short. There's no long or boring trip after an exhausting day. You leave the park and the cars are right there in front of you.


It probably isn't as pretty as Alton Towers, but the ease of getting about was definitely appreciated.




We decided that due to the park closing at 6 and us only spending a day at the park, we thought we'd just spend our time going for the "special" high-tier rides.


The Swarm


We both loved the theming for this ride. The television sets around the queuing area that was discussing the "situation" in a BBC News24 kind of way was hilariously cheesy, but it added to it. The ride itself is thrilling. We both came off it on a high. I loved the implementation of the plane and fire truck as part of the ride environment. We were also surprised that the queue only seemed to take about 30 minutes, if that, despite being advertised on the boards as twice that. Fantastic ride and we loved it.




Jesus fuck. We went on this three times. Dat start. Dat climb. Dat drop. DEM FEELS. I simultaneously loved and hated this, in a good way. What also added to the atmosphere was that an older woman was in one of the seats behind us and pretty much had a panic attack when she came off. She was shaking, legs went to jelly and the on-lookers looked fucking terrified as they were about to go on the ride. Brilliant ride and the highlight of our trip by some considerable distance.


Nemesis Inferno


This is a good ride but it's not as "thrilling" as Stealth or the Swarm. In fact, it's a bit ordinary. I'm certain that I prefer Nemesis at Alton Towers, but it's fine. Not a terrible ride by any means, but perhaps it was a mistake to do Stealth twice and the Swarm before doing this one.




We're not sure what the fuck we witnessed when on this ride. It had the potential to be awesome, but it's just all very flat. I'm sure it's great for the younger ones, but it's definitely one of those "go on once, never again" rides. The music and lights inside were fun, mind.




Dem twists and cork-screws. Gave me a fucking headache that I've still got now. It's a great ride and I enjoyed it, even if I felt dizzy as hell afterwards. It's a fun ride and it had the longest queue times for the day, at only 40 minutes, which isn't too terrible anyway. We enjoyed this more than Nemesis, but it's not quite in the same tier as some of the others.




Oh my, this was fantastic. THE THEMING. Absolutely perfect. Even just walking into the queue is brilliant, with the steel cage-like fences. That rise to the top before the fall is fucking terrifying, I hated that. In terms of theming and being fun, this is one of the best rides I can say that I've been on. Along with The Swarm and Stealth, this is a fantastic ride and I'd be delighted if more rides like this were at Thorpe in the future.


So, there we have it. I don't think we've missed much out. Like I said, we spent most of the time focusing on the bigger rides and we weren't disappointed. Stealth is just something else.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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