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Rollercoaster Thread


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I loved Air, it was just different to other rollercoaster rides I had been on. Not exactly sure why.


Position, smoothness, layout and restraints are all pretty unique and different to most things out there, so it would have been a combination of all that that gives it such a different feel to other coasters.

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Hex is a Vekoma Mad House - a very effective illusion, although it's debatable whether that illusion is worth doing in the first place. I was impressed, but I didn't enjoy it at all. It wasn't charming, wasn't exciting... At the same time, it's actually too scary for some, especially if they don't understand how it works.

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  • 2 months later...

Footers starting to be worked on for LC12. Not long now (about a month I think) until proper details released. It'll be at the very least promo artwork and such. Should be a name and full press release though.




Fuck. I wanna go Magic Mountain.



Not just for GL (just a Zacspin...BUT ITS GL THEMED) but for the DCU world, and just...so many good rides in general! LA. Hmm. Are LA holidays expensive? :D

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I kinda hate faceless things. Nothing about it is actually Green Lantern feeling. Maybe the queuing/queueing/q-ng area is. The Hulk coaster has great theming pre-ride/as you're going through the launch tunnel and stuff so the fact it's just a green rollercoaster is forgotten. I forget if there's sound in your seat as you ride too or not.

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I kinda hate faceless things. Nothing about it is actually Green Lantern feeling. Maybe the queuing/queueing/q-ng area is. The Hulk coaster has great theming pre-ride/as you're going through the launch tunnel and stuff so the fact it's just a green rollercoaster is forgotten. I forget if there's sound in your seat as you ride too or not.


There is not.


But.....mmyyreeaah. I do effectively agree, but Hulk isn't much a better example than this GL. There is another GL too. Elsewhere.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bit sad/upsetting as (I was/loads of people were) looking forward to a really cool derelict/war/warzone/cool theme for the Thorpe Park 2012 coaster, but all things are pointing to a Gears of War theme.



But on the positive side, at least the games and vision and universe of the games are pretty great, so I guess it could be a lot worse.


Of course its not confirmed yet, but it seems pretty definitive. We find out the actual details (Name most likely, promo artwork and details) on Monday.

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So went to Alton Towers again today.


Went on the big five (i didn't go on Rita or Oblivion last time), I was shitting myself for Oblivion but wasn't as bad as i was expecting, was over quick but i enjoyed!


Now for the bad story...


I went on 13 first, then Rita, then Oblivion, felt ok, little dizzy but nothing major. Had lunch then Air (felt quite dizzy after air for some reason, although was fine last time! sat down for a bit but was then ok) and finally Nemesis. Felt really bad after it like last time i went in April/May, had to sit down...


I was breathing deeply trying to calm down, was sweaty, felt dizzy/sick. But it started to get worse... i felt pins and needles setting in the back of my neck, feet and hands, my hands started to cramp up, as in they formed a first style with my thumb in the middle but i couldn't move any and was loosing feeling, one of my friends said he was going to get help as he could tell something was not right, which i was nodded as i could tell that as well! My wrists bent backwords and i couldn't move them with my hands clenced, my speech was effected etc. I felt like my throat tighten but not to the point where my breathing was effected.


It was horrible because i was very aware of what was going on, people looking, something was wrong, my friends being helpful but my body wouldn't respond with what i wanted it to do. The first responder people took me back to there little hospital type bit and did a ECG on my heart, after awhile my body started to return to normal but my heart beat my irregular and my blood pressure was low. They think i had some kind of panic attack. All the other things like blood pressure etc may just have been to do with that but i'm still gonna see my GP to be on the safe side next week.


Unknown what triggered it, could have been adrenaline overload, too much sugar...too little sugar...not drinking enough water, some other medical problem i am unaware of etc etc.

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(YES! Its not GOW)


The Swarm






The UK's first winged rollercoaster, THE SWARM, takes you on a death defying flight through apocalyptic devastation.

Be picked up and dragged on the wings of THE SWARM as you’re left exposed and vulnerable to the extreme near misses and gut wrenching inversions as it rips through the sky on its mission of complete annihilation. Experience the unique head first, inverted drop from 127ft as you are flung into this merciless flight for your life. War is coming...

Spring 2012.

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