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Well played this last night did the first two levels. I will write more indepth opinions later tonight, but in a word;



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I don't really want it... I don't see the appeal. I get it's something that you have to play but I don't want to waste 7 quid on something that might not even be to my tastes. Can't conceive what makes using motions to control a flower in a well animated field a great game.

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It's less a game and more sublime experience.


...as lame as that sounds.


You're missing out though. A thing like flower is rare but whatever floats your boat.

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I finished it earlier. The last level was amazing. I loved it.

Now I need to collect petals for each level. I think it's 3 petals but that's a stab in the dark as I have no idea what they're for and why they're there.

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Been slowly taking my time with this as fully aware that its short and don't wanna rush it, so been dipping in having a nice relax with it and then leaving it. Just unlocked the sixth flower, but not done that level yet.


I love this game. Let's get started with the looks, its not the most techinically impressive game but the art direction and some fantastic lighting and particle effects helps make it look beautiful, I'm sure 360 fanboys will try and bash anyone who says it looks good and to be honest I'm having none of it, its gorgeous. I think the experience is sublime, the sixaxis control is spot on and I have not once wished I could use the analogue sticks, the depth of control you get and the little nuances it has. I love it when you let go of the button to move and pull back and the camera alters to show your petals floating, it gives me an odd feeling of lucidity and I find myself staring at it. As a game it does so many things right, it doesn't really hold your hand and leaves you to do what you want. I love how when near flowers bloom it will occasionally give you a perfectly pitched visual cue, where it doesn't quite show you where to go but just nudges you in the right direction. Other times it will show exactly where you should go next but also make sure it shows off some other flowers for you to go to.


Music is brilliant and works in tandem with the experience brilliantly and love all the little sound bites that play when you fly past a flower.


Video games have long been striving to be considered art and flower succeeds. I have honestly found myself feeling a range of emotions brought on by the game and whilst yes this may sound arty farty its the truth...


I think people who didn't enjoy Flow should give this a go it is much more a game than Flow ever was.


I know we are not far into this year, but we have already see quite a lot of releases. For me this is my Game of Year 2009 against all the other releases this year. Yep that's right I said it, it's out there.

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I know we are not far into this year, but we have already see quite a lot of releases. For me this is my Game of Year 2009 against all the other releases this year. Yep that's right I said it, it's out there.


Seconded. It will take something special to touch this incredible piece of 'artware'.

Words cannot do this game justice. I'm totally enraptured by it.


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Its a soothing game. Love the music. It kind of plays by itself.


The last level was nice.



Strongly recommended. Its a very unique game.


Noby Noby Boy next. Thats more madness :p I also approve of that.

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Well completed it and now all I can say is WOW


Loved the last level. Was a mixture of the expected and the unexpected. I liked the...how can I put it? The more offensive nature of the level later on...I don't wanna spoil cos I stayed spoiler free and loved it even more as a result.


Flower is truly one of the greatest games I have ever played in my 24 years on Earth....FACT.

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Just played the first level at my friends house and found it pretty boring, maybe I need a HD TV to enjoy it but it didn't blow me away either. Not gonna buy it.

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Flower is truly one of the greatest games I have ever experienced in my 24 years on Earth....FACT.


Fixed. :smile:

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Fixed. :smile:


You do still play it though...it is far more gamey for example than flow...it has a clear goal and an end of sorts...I'd even argue some elements of the game could be compared to more traditional game structure elements, collectables even bosses (at a push)

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I really regret finishing this in one sitting.


I love how stark the contrast was between the first and second half.

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I really regret finishing this in one sitting.


I love how stark the contrast was between the first and second half.


Yeah definitely, it really hits you when it first happens but then you get used to the darker mood, however upon completing it I went back to first level and what struck me was the innocence of those earlier levels.

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You do still play it though...it is far more gamey for example than flow...it has a clear goal and an end of sorts...I'd even argue some elements of the game could be compared to more traditional game structure elements, collectables even bosses (at a push)


Yeah, but it was a more tangible experience than other games imo. I think that was a defining factor.


It's just semantics anyway.

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Yeah its not a game for anyone looking for a meaty gaming experience. Love it though. Its very unique and i like just flying aorund with the music and wind blowing.

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Get your mum's to play this...mine loved it! Let her have the first play and the first thing that hit me about the game was the sheer serenity and beauty of it. Extraordinary game.

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I've got 3 petals on the first 3 levels now. I didn't realise that you could go over the gust of wind on the third level to go back and get flowers you couldn't get previously. Also found the cave which was awesome.

Got a few trophies in the process, good stuff.

I actually sat there watching the slideshow of scenes after completing the first level and then *bing* trophy. Surprising.

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I just a had a quick go of the first level. It's the kind of game you have to 'get' and I can see a load of people thinking its complete shit. My girlfriend thought it was lame and couldn't believe she'd just spent £6 on it for me.

I quite like it though, in the same way I liked flOw, just to sit down and play for 5-10 minutes as a kind of chill out game. It's just what I've been looking for the last couple of weeks, as I've been getting a bit sick of shooters.

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It definately will catch some people's attention. Its good that it is fairly simple and forgiving. The end bits are brilliant. Its like a triumphant journey.

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downloaded it yesterday when in sfIV blues(i suck)


all i can say is its the most beautiful game ive ever played. sure, its not exciting or even really challeneging, but its such an expereince.


the second level made me gasp with the beauty of it. honest to god, i almost shed a tear of pure awe.








finnished last night, have to say, its my current game of the year. it might be short, and unconventional, but it was such a moving expereince. i plan to write a thank you letter to the developers. thats how much i enjoyed it.

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