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Great little mini RPG that has been posted on a few websites like kotaku and destructoid. I've been playing its quite fun and definitely worth a muck around with.


This little thing was pretty awesome. Had fun playing this during my lunch time at work. Really does help if you have played the games that it's based on! :laughing:

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I tried [Hazard: the journey of life] yesterday, and I liked it. It's not finished yet though, it's a demo.


I've seen it before on the UDK site (UDK is the Unreal 3 engine devkit which is freely to use (!) for non-commercial use), I didn't want to try it at first because, well, if you look at the screenshots :rolleyes:.. It looks a bit too funky :D. But I stumbled upon it again, and decided "what the hell, lets try this". It's a 1st person mindfuck puzzle maze which give you hints which you don't know where to use and misdirections to places you shouldn't (or should you??) go, all with a minimal artstyle. The hints and misdirections are funny to read, the puzzles are nice, allthough I must admit I cheated by looking at a conference/trailer video which gave me the solution to where I was stuck ;). There's no action, there's nothing to kill, it's all puzzling in a 1st person environment. Technically it does some crazy stuff too, with recursive areas and dynamic walls, cool stuff. All done by just one person.


One hint from me then, since this is a demo, and not a final product, you'll encounter things you cannot do anything with yet.


I'll certainly keep an eye out for the final product (should be later this year).


Edit: Might as well embed the trailer, but like I said, it gives away solutions..

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Played Hazard, unfortunately didn't run too great on my system in parts taking from the fluidity somewhat, but what I did play I loved. It was really challenging! I didn't complete it but did play around for a good hour or so. I thought it was great.

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Indy games? Not certain what that means, but hopefully these fit in.



The best game ever, HONESTLY. click it.



This is good



And of course the sublime, short and sweet (but masterful)

The Company of Myself


Indie == not made by a big mean company :D.

So your games fit the bill.


1] Nice concept, but doesn't hold my intention for very long.

2] Not for me.

3] Great! Short indeed, but great atmosphere because of the story, and the lovely music. Gameplay reminded me of 2 other games though, one of them is also a indie game, thought I got that one from this thread, but I can't find it. A little game about controlling 2 characters (male/female) to a goal. The other one is [The misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom]

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Gameplay reminded me of 2 other games though, one of them is also a indie game, thought I got that one from this thread, but I can't find it. A little game about controlling 2 characters (male/female) to a goal.


Passage perhaps.

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No actually, after reading back the thread, I've started "playing" Passage too, it's sweet, but not the one I had in mind. And Dyson, that one isn't either ;). I haven't played that game myself, so it'll be hard for me to track it down I guess :D, but I'll try. I know it looked very similar to the few middle stages of that "the company of myself", it was a platformer puzzle game where you controlled a male and a female. The theme or symbolism was supposed to be about love and the troubles that go with ;).




I haven't played that game myself, so it'll be hard for me to track it down I guess :D, but I'll try.

I guess not that hard :rolleyes:.


[The best years of our life]


It appears to be another game of someone I posted a game of earlier.


On a sidenote, if I learn a bit more Java (or start learning Flash/Flex) I could make a simplistic game myself :D. I'm getting in the mood :D. Or I could start that textadventure I have in my mind :D.

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Ok here's a couple of games from my Kongregate favourites that I've played in the past:


Don't Shit Your Pants




Great SCUMM looking game! Very short but different endings ftw!


Upgrade Complete




Game starts off looking shitty and you spend your in game currency to upgrade the game. Be it giving the game an actual menu or sound or improving the graphics.


The X Spot




Fun little puzzler where you have to find the X.

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Good to see this thread going.


I thought it would die like so many other things in my life.


So here's where I am with the indie gaaaames.


Eagerly awaiting the arrival of Fez.



As ever watching the blog of Crayon Physics creator.



Watching some really left-field stuff from my lecturer.



Getting really, really, really excited about the new Introversion title.



Constantly waiting for 2DBoy to fucking make something.



Crazyily excited about Spying.



And hoping Jonathan Blow will amaze me again.



As for what I've been playing...


Not much, just started to play games again and I've been checking out the big titles.


But on iPhone...


It's been Edge, Colorblind, Tilt to Live and a great remake of XOR!


Also seeing Dyson the d... dinosaur... post reminded me of:



It's very good.

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Good to see this thread going.


I thought it would die like so many other things in my life.


So here's where I am with the indie gaaaames.


Eagerly awaiting the arrival of Fez.



As ever watching the blog of Crayon Physics creator.



Watching some really left-field stuff from my lecturer.



Getting really, really, really excited about the new Introversion title.



Constantly waiting for 2DBoy to fucking make something.



Crazyily excited about Spying.



And hoping Jonathan Blow will amaze me again.



As for what I've been playing...


Not much, just started to play games again and I've been checking out the big titles.


But on iPhone...


It's been Edge, Colorblind, Tilt to Live and a great remake of XOR!


Also seeing Dyson the d... dinosaur... post reminded me of:



It's very good.


I might have the opportunity to start a games design course, what is it like?

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