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Red Dead Redemption

Guest Jordan

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Hmmmm, don't know about that. I usually spawn not too far from the spawnkiller, and they are very quick to find me again. No time to get on a horse or anything. I've had instances where I, and I don't exagerate, was dead 3 seconds after I respawned. Not even time to take cover or get on a horse. That's their game. I can live with the fact they have better guns, but not with the fact they don't even give you time to take more than 10 steps. Chrouching sometimes helps, as I don't appear on the radar, but since I respawn not too farfrom where I died and they are actively searching for me, it's only a matter of time.


Dead - respawn - dead after 3 seconds - respawn - dead after 3 seconds - respawn - dead after 3 seconds- respawn - dead after 3 seconds - respawn - dead after 3 seconds- repeat ad infinitum.


I've had some really great shoot-outs, though. Real sportmanlike matches. Still die all of the time. =p

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Hmmmm, don't know about that. I usually spawn not too far from the spawnkiller, and they are very quick to find me again. No time to get on a horse or anything. I've had instances where I, and I don't exagerate, was dead 3 seconds after I respawned. Not even time to take cover or get on a horse. That's their game. I can live with the fact they have better guns, but not with the fact they don't even give you time to take more than 10 steps. Chrouching sometimes helps, as I don't appear on the radar, but since I respawn not too farfrom where I died and they are actively searching for me, it's only a matter of time.


Dead - respawn - dead after 3 seconds - respawn - dead after 3 seconds - respawn - dead after 3 seconds- respawn - dead after 3 seconds - respawn - dead after 3 seconds- repeat ad infinitum.


I've had some really great shoot-outs, though. Real sportmanlike matches. Still die all of the time. =p


It's the fact that they have better weapons and more experience that they can do that though. What I mean is, at the distance that you respawn they can simply look for the dot to reappear on the map then use a good rifle/sniper rifle. Or dead eye you, which is possible, but as soon as you land 1 kill they lose that so it's not so bad.


You said you're getting on the horse and that's pure suicide. In that time, particularly since you stay still as you mount the horse, you're a juicy target. In actual fact, if you fast travel to the gang hideouts that give you othe carcano rifle, high power pistol and bolt action rifle, with a bit of experience you should have no trouble at all with these people. It'll be as simple as turn to face the dot in the map and hope you open fire on them before thy do on you. :)

Edited by Sheikah
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Hmmmm, don't know about that. I usually spawn not too far from the spawnkiller, and they are very quick to find me again. No time to get on a horse or anything. I've had instances where I, and I don't exagerate, was dead 3 seconds after I respawned. Not even time to take cover or get on a horse. That's their game. I can live with the fact they have better guns, but not with the fact they don't even give you time to take more than 10 steps. Chrouching sometimes helps, as I don't appear on the radar, but since I respawn not too farfrom where I died and they are actively searching for me, it's only a matter of time.


Dead - respawn - dead after 3 seconds - respawn - dead after 3 seconds - respawn - dead after 3 seconds- respawn - dead after 3 seconds - respawn - dead after 3 seconds- repeat ad infinitum.


I've had some really great shoot-outs, though. Real sportmanlike matches. Still die all of the time. =p


I have turned hunter on those who killed me consistantly, usually with my mate in a posse. He goes one way, i go another. Usually one of us dies, but the other gets the "spawn" killer. We like to make sure he has no chance, and usually drive those who "spawn" kill out of the room.


You said you're getting on the horse and that's pure suicide. In that time, particularly since you stay still as you mount the horse, you're a juicy target. In actual fact, if you fast travel to the gang hideouts that give you othe carcano rifle, high power pistol and bolt action rifle, with a bit of experience you should have no trouble at all with these people. It'll be as simple as turn to face the dot in the map and hope you open fire on them before thy do on you. :)


Even with these weapons, i sometimes have the same experience as Strange Cookie. I had a Bolt Rifle, the same one another player had. I was slightly lower level than they were. I couldn't lock-on no matter how hard i tried. Dead eye failed and i had to shoot him 4 or 5 times whilst they shot me once, in the arm to be fair and i died. Work that out.


They sometimes shoot me from 200 yards away, with no sniper and through a rock or something. I can't see them with a sniper, but somehow i get killed by them. I guess RDR has the cheaters as well.

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I have turned hunter on those who killed me consistantly, usually with my mate in a posse. He goes one way, i go another. Usually one of us dies, but the other gets the "spawn" killer. We like to make sure he has no chance, and usually drive those who "spawn" kill out of the room.




Even with these weapons, i sometimes have the same experience as Strange Cookie. I had a Bolt Rifle, the same one another player had. I was slightly lower level than they were. I couldn't lock-on no matter how hard i tried. Dead eye failed and i had to shoot him 4 or 5 times whilst they shot me once, in the arm to be fair and i died. Work that out.


If you can't lockon then that's because you're either too far away, using a weapon with lower range than them or because you're near a gang hideout. The latter means dead eye doesn't work either. Those are the only options for what you saw happen, and it'll definitely be at least one of them.


They sometimes shoot me from 200 yards away, with no sniper and through a rock or something. I can't see them with a sniper, but somehow i get killed by them. I guess RDR has the cheaters as well.


It sounds a lot more like lag to me. The chance of it being cheaters in a game likethis is low.

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Well, I've had a few lucky days. No spawnkillers whatsoever. I've got a few more powerful weapons now, so I have more of a chance.


Got shot in the back a few times after a sucessful co-op, but I don't really mind that. That's part of the game, though I never take the first shot. That said, it felt satifying blowing his brains out a few moments later.:p But it was all in good spirit.


I know running or driving a horse equals suicide when up against a spawnkiller, but even when I crawled, or hid behind cover, they still found me. It's even more frustrating when you're in an area with as good as no cover or hills. They can see you from a mile away, and you can't hide.


Spawnkillers aside, I really have a good time. One thing I miss ios the ability to greet or do gesture or something. The only thing you can do (beside a headset, ofcourse, and not shoor the other guy) is whistle of insult. A more friendly thing would have been nice?


And yes, I'm a lawbringer, in case you hadn't guessed yet. :p

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Well, I've had a few lucky days. No spawnkillers whatsoever. I've got a few more powerful weapons now, so I have more of a chance.


Got shot in the back a few times after a sucessful co-op, but I don't really mind that. That's part of the game, though I never take the first shot. That said, it felt satifying blowing his brains out a few moments later.:p But it was all in good spirit.


I know running or driving a horse equals suicide when up against a spawnkiller, but even when I crawled, or hid behind cover, they still found me. It's even more frustrating when you're in an area with as good as no cover or hills. They can see you from a mile away, and you can't hide.


Spawnkillers aside, I really have a good time. One thing I miss ios the ability to greet or do gesture or something. The only thing you can do (beside a headset, ofcourse, and not shoor the other guy) is whistle of insult. A more friendly thing would have been nice?


And yes, I'm a lawbringer, in case you hadn't guessed yet. :p


I'm looking forward to some of the DLC coming for this, online Poker and Liars Dice. Will be good i think.


I have been facing people like that who shoot you from a mile away, but you can either not see them or you can but cannot shoot them. Always satisfying when you wipe them clean after they have blasted you a few times.

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I will chip in here and personally say I've had the same issues as Jimbob and cookie, some players have ridiculous range that they can shoot me from, sometimes shooting through rocks. But I've found gang hideouts can sometimes be the same too, but then the game isn't glitch free by any stretch. :)


I find I still enjoy the multiplayer, most of the time if a person is stalking me to get repeated kills I'll form a posse and ask them to charge on the player who has been annoying me, seems to work. Beat them down to the ground a few times. Wankers.

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I'm looking forward to some of the DLC coming for this, online Poker and Liars Dice. Will be good i think.


I have been facing people like that who shoot you from a mile away, but you can either not see them or you can but cannot shoot them. Always satisfying when you wipe them clean after they have blasted you a few times.


I take it they're using the sniper rifle? I cannot get the hang of this rifle myself. When you pull your targetting trigger it seems to zoom in somewhere on the ground and it then takes ages for me to find the head of my victim. More often than not I become the victim.


My only kills with this gun have been lowly donkey riders, waiting for their ass to turn up.

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I will chip in here and personally say I've had the same issues as Jimbob and cookie, some players have ridiculous range that they can shoot me from, sometimes shooting through rocks. But I've found gang hideouts can sometimes be the same too, but then the game isn't glitch free by any stretch. :)


I find I still enjoy the multiplayer, most of the time if a person is stalking me to get repeated kills I'll form a posse and ask them to charge on the player who has been annoying me, seems to work. Beat them down to the ground a few times. Wankers.


Which in my case, usually forces them to leave the room because they can't take being shot consistantly (funny, because they were doing it to be in the room 5 minutes before i got them.) Most of the time, by forming a posse with a mate we go either side of the dude performing the kills and he stands no chance


I take it they're using the sniper rifle? I cannot get the hang of this rifle myself. When you pull your targetting trigger it seems to zoom in somewhere on the ground and it then takes ages for me to find the head of my victim. More often than not I become the victim.


My only kills with this gun have been lowly donkey riders, waiting for their ass to turn up.


Carcona Rifle, it's a darn good gun.

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Online the rolling block can be better as it kills in 1 hit, although it's less accurate. The best tip I have for sniping is to make sure the person is roughly in the center of the screen initially, so that when you hold L2 they should be visible without having to adjust your aim much.


Dynamite can also be awesome sauce. Dead eye plus throwing knives are almost guaranteed kills. Go forth with this knowledge!

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Was on the co-op missions last night, one of them (Ammunition) is a right pain in the back-side. Did it, on the third attempt. 4 of us in the room, 2 went to the South and cleared that area, another 2 went to the North to clear that area (North covered the East, South Covered the West as well). Reason why we failed, we failed to notice the Turrets covering the South/West and the Cannon's in the North/East and didn't have the correct weaponry.


These are a great way to level-up (3 levels in 2 1/2 hours). Much quicker than Free-Roam and the same hide-outs (not that Free Roam is a bore, there is fun to be had and more to be had coming soon in DLC).

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These are a great way to level-up (3 levels in 2 1/2 hours). Much quicker than Free-Roam and the same hide-outs (not that Free Roam is a bore, there is fun to be had and more to be had coming soon in DLC).

The Solomon's Folly hideout is still a lot quicker, especially when you manage to do it in under a minute with practice. You can apparently also uninstall the patch content and play LAN to clear the level for the XP you originally used to get. A bit extreme but still an option for some people.

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I found the easiest way to do that is invite everyone you can to join your posse, then after all who will join have joined select find new free roam. Then your posse goes with you and you can invite all the people in the room again. It's rinse and repeat and practically guaranteed to get you posse up in not too much time at all. :)

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I got to L50 the other day online and unlocked the first bull; let's just say that the number of people trying to shoot me has sharply increased. Fun though, running around off road without losing speed. Moo!


Hehe, i'm heading that way. I'm around Level 33 at the moment, keep playing co-op and i'll get their eventually myself.

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It only takes a few hours if you delete the game data (but don't delete your save). :p


I was getting around 2.2k exp per 1 and a half mins at Solomon's Folly. On 360 that hideout doesn't exist but twin rocks is also good, and getting rid of the patch gives you a lot more XP.


Might seem a bit OTT, but I really cannot be fucked playing with gimped XP considering people playing a month ago were getting good XP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good thing the Limited Edition comes with the tracks from the game, it is a great soundtrack as well.


I was on Red Dead last night for a few hours, still is a great game. But this time, i came across not 1 but 4 cheaters. These gamers like to take it upon themselves to "hide" behind objects in a way that no matter what i do (be it throw dynamite, shoot them, chuck a fire-bottle or even fire a cannon towards them) they will not die. But, they seem to have more powerful weapons than i do, be able to throw knifes at 3x the speed they should be thrown and make the walls invisable so they can hide inside them making it impossible to kill them, but for them to kill us with ease.


By the time i killed 2 of them, these two left and left me negative feed-back, due to "unsportsman-like behaviour" and "abusive" language. I'm now being monitored by who-ever monitors the sessions, which to me is un-fair.


Anyone else having a similar situation.

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Good thing the Limited Edition comes with the tracks from the game, it is a great soundtrack as well.


I was on Red Dead last night for a few hours, still is a great game. But this time, i came across not 1 but 4 cheaters. These gamers like to take it upon themselves to "hide" behind objects in a way that no matter what i do (be it throw dynamite, shoot them, chuck a fire-bottle or even fire a cannon towards them) they will not die. But, they seem to have more powerful weapons than i do, be able to throw knifes at 3x the speed they should be thrown and make the walls invisable so they can hide inside them making it impossible to kill them, but for them to kill us with ease.


By the time i killed 2 of them, these two left and left me negative feed-back, due to "unsportsman-like behaviour" and "abusive" language. I'm now being monitored by who-ever monitors the sessions, which to me is un-fair.


Anyone else having a similar situation.


That sounds so crazy. Really glad the PS3 doesn't have this rating system attached since it's obviously open to mega abuse.


Can't say I've ever came across anyone who cheated and I've played it so much. There's occasionally a little bit of lag that causes people to kill you through an object, or make it look like people are shooting at you while behind an object. Although knives absolutely annihilate when used with deadeye. They were probably doing that?

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That sounds so crazy. Really glad the PS3 doesn't have this rating system attached since it's obviously open to mega abuse.


Can't say I've ever came across anyone who cheated and I've played it so much. There's occasionally a little bit of lag that causes people to kill you through an object, or make it look like people are shooting at you while behind an object. Although knives absolutely annihilate when used with deadeye. They were probably doing that?


Na, they were really inside walls and under the fort in Escalari

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