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It looks like they've really created something magical here. It was a joy to watch that video. :)


I think this game will actually benefit from being on-rails. At the moment, it feels like you're watching it through somebody else's eyes, like you're in a film or something. The way that the viewpoint pans around when you enter a room or focuses on certain enemies. Sometimes when you're in a first person game, it can seem very much more controlled because you are the one controlling it. As such, I think you lose that horror aspect somewhat, because you are almost in control of what you see and stuff.


For some reason, this reminds me of a Haunted House type of experience, where you are being taken through a journey, but in a positive way.

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Wii Test 14#


"One of the explanations we have is that there's a lot of double ownership. So people having a Wii and a 360 and/or PS3. They're really playing different types of games on those two machines, and historically up to know we assume those people will have played the more mature content on the more high-tech machine. Dead Space: Extraction is going to be a very nice test of that hypothesis, because we're really building a game where the Wii version is very different to the Dead Space game on 360 and PS3, and we'll actually see whether we can reach more people with a) a great game and b) interesting content. If that's not going to work, then obviously the whole proposal from our point of view at least of more mature games on the Wii just does not work." - Dr. Jens Uwe Intat, European VP at Electronic Arts
dead space is one of my highlites of 2008's games. its an unbelivably emersive game, if just 1/4 of that emersion is realised on the wii, i'll be happy.


One of the few games that actually made me feel paranoid when playing it as i always expected something horrible to just come out of no where at me.


I hope there will be just as much eerie voices that you hear in the game overall as i loved how it added to the atmosphere of the original dead space.

One of the few games that actually made me feel paranoid when playing it as i always expected something horrible to just come out of no where at me.


I hope there will be just as much eerie voices that you hear in the game overall as i loved how it added to the atmosphere of the original dead space.


Fear and (O_O) Bioshock achieved that better, imo.

Fear and (O_O) Bioshock achieved that better, imo.


I never bought bioshock so i cannot comment on that but as for fear... I know alot of people liked it but i didnt actually find either fear 1 or 2 to be that scary tbh especially fear 2 as the only good scene i remember from that is in the school.


I actually remember getting more scares from the comdemned series in general personally but neither series made me feel that sense of paranoia that i felt with dead space but obviously each to their own of course.

  • 2 weeks later...

Fucking amazing boss battle - if you people like your boss battles in light gun games to be something a little more than just shooting, then Extraction should be right up your alley. Epic, large boss enemies with tactics that require you to use all your abilities, not just your weapons, to succeed.


Oh, and an interesting tidbit pertaining to who you actually play as:

(nothing about the characters / revelations, just the gameplay mechanics)


There are actually multiple playable characters from different viewpoints during the same time period.


Actual spoilers for the game's story: You play as Lex's boyfriend in the first chapter, and it basically shows you how you go insane once the Marker and ends with the "sane" people killing him. The next five chapters are you playing as the guy that shot him, and the next chapter has me playing as a female doctor of sorts.


Really interesting game and I have never been impressed with a shooter this much. Especially a light gun shooter. It's definitely a first person guided experience.


Seriously though, I am looking forward to DSC much more but I have a feeling it won't be as good as Extraction.


Oh, and for what it's worth, the game is beautiful when running at pure 60fps. =D


It's rather awesome how they show you a character leading you to safety, only to make a chapter playable where you actually play as said character and find put he/she is insane. It's a great way to tell a story effectively. Similarly, (this one is a bit more generic and less spoilery:a character you're playing as is shut in a room and killed by a monster by another character. Then, later on, the "killer" rejoins the group and just says that the now dead member of the team locked themselves in and let themself be killed. It's great.


Oh and for those wondering if the chapter names spell out something, so far I've got




Sounds like they're repeating the same trick. Siiiiiggghhhh


But yeah. Really impressed. Cannot describe how impressed I am. Maybe because I went in with zero expectations.


It's also nice to see how certain actions in Extraction are reflected in Dead Space. They are often subtle but still, people will notice it, especially if playing this immediately after Dead Space. You will often have to reverse everything that the characters do in Extraction, IE Shutting off the water supply in agriculture as Isaac in the first Dead Space.


Well put together.



First 15 mins footage


Gamer impressions again

I just finished the game.


8 Hours and 17 Minutes (On Hard Difficulty) [Died probably once or twice in regular encounters, and too many times during boss battles.]


To be honest, I was extremely impressed and as such completed it in two sittings (in one day). There was a lot of effort gone into the game, and almost all the enemies look pretty much the same as their standard counterparts. The way the game handles movement is pretty awesome too, there's some times when you see just snippets of Necromorphs and the player will want to see more, no doubt, but can't. That's part of the scary-ness of Dead Space Extraction but to be totally honest the game isn't scary at all. The brilliantness of it comes from the fact it's very gorey, very fun and a great game to play with friends.


The storytelling is absolutely brilliant! While there is a level of vagueness that players may not understand from the first game (simply because there isn't enough room to explore and read up on files and vidlogs), there are a few optional (and hidden) files that explain the core concepts behind the game, namely the history of the USG Ishimura ship and the history of the Unitology religion. The game does switch between characters at certain points and it really helps in conveying the story and also literally getting inside people's heads to see what's going on and who is really going crazy.


Graphically the game really pushed the boundaries as to what I expect from the Nintendo Wii (and have actually played). While there are some obvious inconsistencies between the Xbox 360/PS3 versions and the Wii version, such as much lesser detailed suits, the environments and enemies in particular are indistinguishable from their higher definition cousins, particularly the enemies - for this I was quite impressed. Most of the gore is still intact but a little more toned down, probably something technical. Facial expressions and animations, as well as character models are very very nice. I was very surprised how good the lip syncing was in some cutscenes.


The soundtrack isn't that great though, if you hated the soundtrack soundtrack for priming players in the original game you'll probably hate it in Dead Space Extraction, it pretty much serves the same purpose here.


Only GameInformers -



The horror of being hunted in the vacuum of space never quite takes grip in Dead Space: Extraction, a Wii-exclusive prequel to the exceptional Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 space drama. Whether that's due to the perspective switch from third- to first-person, the lack of dynamic lightning, or weaker scripted scares can be debated. One thing is certain: I didn't jump once while playing this game. Without a suspenseful atmosphere, there isn't much to fear, or, conversely, to draw you in.


(8.75-Meagan) Second Opinion


A refreshing surprise amongst a sea of unsatisfying Wii adaptations, Dead Space: Extraction's unfaltering intensity and intriguing storyline makes the game worth of the Dead Space moniker. New monsters, weapons, and characters expand upon the groundwork laid by the original thriller, and the realistic execution and pace of gameplay makes it easy to forget that your are on rails. Responsive controls, stellar voice acting, impressive visuals, and noteworthy unlockables make the game's gravitational pull that much stronger.


God I hate review 'totals'.

No doubt that 'expert opinion' will put some gamers off as it's not 9/10. Oh my, it doesn't have dynamic lighting thus the suspense is lost.


Thank God they at least had a second opinion which balances the credibility of most reviews these days.


Famitsu review scores:


[PS2]Touka Gettan 5556

[Wii]Dead Space Extraction 8776

[Wii]MySims Agents 7676

[360]HALO 3:ODST 8889

Only GameInformers -


So he didn't jump from the wii version, I never jumped once from the 360/ps3 version.


I'm still picking it up i'm not fussed if it makes me jump or not most horror games don't. As long as the game is good that's all that matters to me.


Anybody on here got this ??? Any impressions ? is it worth getting if you already have UC & HOTD. I didn't preorder this but tempted to pick it up today.

Anybody on here got this ??? Any impressions ? is it worth getting if you already have UC & HOTD. I didn't preorder this but tempted to pick it up today.

I don't believe it's out in any regions just yet.


Though seeing you're interested, IGN's Mark Bozon awarded the title an 8.5 out of 10.

played the 1st 2 levels and its pritty good, very dark tho with some f**ed up sh*t going on :) lol


Lol, As in 360/PS3 version Fu***d up s**t ? if so i'm sold

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