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Shipwrecked 2009 - Oh, IT'S ON!!


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Missed it. Was watching something else. Stuck it on Channel 4 +1 but I've missed the first 20 mins. Interesting twist though with the prize money. Should be very interesting. Although I wonder if they'll do the whole third island thing again as that was good.


Feels weird watching it as I could have lived it. Maybe the next one.

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Yeh, they all do seem to be well of. Never understood that. But then perhaps it's done to see how they do in a competitive environment while doing things for themselves for once.


No particularly good people so far, but it'll take awhile for personalities to come to the forefront.

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So is that the big twist this year-only 1 winner of the prize money. Last year they had a whole third Island thing going.


I don't go out my way to watch it but sometimes while getting ready for work on a Sunday/using the TV for background I get it watching it.


Funny how theres never a poor/ugly person on the show........

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So is that the big twist this year-only 1 winner of the prize money. Last year they had a whole third Island thing going.


I don't go out my way to watch it but sometimes while getting ready for work on a Sunday/using the TV for background I get it watching it.


Funny how theres never a poor/ugly person on the show........





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Yeh, I'm hoping that there'll be another twist down the line. Having it with just one person winning the prize is going to be interesting but it'd be even more interesting to do something like instate a third tribe on the third island from last year but as a real tribe.


And as a further twist, you make the third tribe cannibals and give the prize money to the one who doesn't get eaten.

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I like shipwrecked, it's the ideal sunday hangover television you can watch in bed. Someone my friend is quite good friends with is on it this year, but I think he goes on at a later stage.


I found them kind of annoying, but I liked Hollie and Xanthi.

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