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Well it's easier said than done, but I'd try and keep as calm as possible and just tell it how it is. Tell him that what he's done has hurt you so deeply that it's lead you to this point, and that you're not going to carry on feeling guilty for the things he has done wrong. I'd also reiterate the fact that it was he that was in the wrong, as by the sounds of things he hasn't quite grasped that fact yet. And try and keep your cool, nothing says "i'm furious" better than an almost eery calm. I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this by the way, it doesn't sound nice.


Maybe this is the catalyst he needs to help him realise that's he's being an arse? All the best!

How should I go about telling him I've had enough?:confused:


You don't 100% want to end it... So I say go with the "I don't think I can continue like this" route. Saying 'I don't think' would give him a chance to convince you, and make further amends/apologies... If you're not convinced, break it up in sadness, while telling him how much you loved him. Give it a few days. If he does really, truly care for you his conscience will come back, and you would have missed him for a bit so you could restart with stronger, reapproved foundations.


Few problems: he seems full of pride, so he may or may not come back (if you want that). And long distance relationships are also very much a burden, he may then appreciate something a lil closer to home...


Maybe I can peer into the crystal ball? Whats ya star signs? :)))

How should I go about telling him I've had enough?:confused:

Just give it to him straight [Pun alert]

I too am having a Jeremy Kyle style problem lol.

My Girlfriends Family randomly started hating me and are trying to force us t split up, at the same time someone is texting her saying im cheating on her.

We cant work out who it is, but we dont know what to d=[

You don't start topics about every single thought you have when you're round their house do you?

I too am having a Jeremy Kyle style problem lol.

My Girlfriends Family randomly started hating me and are trying to force us t split up, at the same time someone is texting her saying im cheating on her.

We cant work out who it is, but we dont know what to d=[


That isn't good to hear either! I hate when outsiders get involved in a relationship ( well not like in this thread, actually trying to make problems), all you can do is remain calm and hopefully they will believe you. If they believe some random outsider over you then what does that tell you about them?


my star sign is Leo! fire away mystic Meg!

That isn't good to hear either! I hate when outsiders get involved in a relationship ( well not like in this thread, actually trying to make problems), all you can do is remain calm and hopefully they will believe you. If they believe some random outsider over you then what does that tell you about them?


my star sign is Leo! fire away mystic Meg!


What is his?


I'm no good at relationship advice, but I'd confront him about it and tell him exactly how much this actually means to you. Be calm - very calm - as it will make him understand the seriousness of it. And be sure to highlight profoundly that what he has done is wrong and should not be tolerated.


One think I'm wondering, though: Why would a straight guy with a girlfriend flirt with another guy, a gay one at that? :confused:

One think I'm wondering, though: Why would a straight guy with a girlfriend flirt with another guy, a gay one at that?


Thats yet another confusing element to it all! This guy he kissed has a twin who has been rumoured to be gay himself. Now this makes things twice as confusing to me. I do wonder if this guy is bisexual at least.


What is his?


He is a Taurus!

Thats yet another confusing element to it all! This guy he kissed has a twin who has been rumoured to be gay himself. Now this makes things twice as confusing to me. I do wonder if this guy is bisexual at least.

Evil twin? :p The plot thickens ... This could be written into a detective novel or something. :heh:

Just give it to him straight [Pun alert]


You don't start topics about every single thought you have when you're round their house do you?

Nope, lol.

I chose to delete my message because i shouldnt steal other threads lol.


That isn't good to hear either! I hate when outsiders get involved in a relationship ( well not like in this thread, actually trying to make problems), all you can do is remain calm and hopefully they will believe you. If they believe some random outsider over you then what does that tell you about them?


my star sign is Leo! fire away mystic Meg!

I know what you mea, but they knew little things.

Like the fact i hadnt seen her for a week.

They said to her "Hes been cheating on you all week".

How the fuck would they know that?

Sorry for stealing your thread.


One think I'm wondering, though: Why would a straight guy with a girlfriend flirt with another guy, a gay one at that? :confused:


To be fair, some guys seem to do that just because they can. It doesn't mean a guys gay or at all interested. Rather like, (silly example) but a straight guy that works in a gay bar. He's going to flirt, so he gets more tips, but it doesn't mean he wants to go home with one of them.


Source 1:


Unless both practice compromise, there will be conflict. Leo thrives on attention and affection.Taurus naturally dishes out. Taurus often tolerates being dominated by Leo. Until, one day, the worm turns. Leo's big ideas can be disturbing to the conservative Taurus. When this twosome are putting each other through their passionate paces in the beautiful boudoir they couldn't be happier.Things will be torrentially torrid and tactile and stunningly sensuous. After all, Taurus is the sign of passion and Leo is one of the two signs of amour, so this cupid couple will find ecstasy and fantastic fulfillment in each other's arms.



There's only one problem.The moment they climb out of bed and descend from their emotional to the real world, everything can start to go woefully wrong, because they just refuse to see each other's point of view. They can both be intransigent and neither will give in to the other one.You see,they're both fixed signs.


Leos believe that they're right and they won't alter their original opinion no matter what you do or say. So, if these argumentative amourettes want their relationship to work, they've got to look in a dictionary to discover the meaning of all sorts of words, like compromise, diplomacy and flexibility.Otherwise, they'll find that words like love and loyalty don't mean much any more. Though they'll both keep plodding on with their partnership.


Source 2:


In this fire/earth combination we encounter two people who view life in different ways. I think the main problem for these two will come in the form of money. The Taurus works very hard to earn a good wage so that they can indulge in the finer things in life, and has a nice savings account as well. The Leo on the other hand doesn’t have much of a clue what saving means. Impulse buying from the Leo will really grate on the poor earthy Taurus, who will find the Leo’s behaviour both immature and exhausting.


Ever the party animal the Leo will enjoy going out as often as he/she can, to as many parties as possible. The Taurus, however, will want more ‘alone time’ and will soon tire of their emphatic Leo partner.

However, this Earth/fire combination will undoubtedly admire one another greatly, which may lead them down the marriage route. If this happens then get the fire engines on stand by as the heated arguments between these two could turn into an epic battle that may need hosing down.


It is quite sad really that these two are so different and that they will find it so hard to get along on a daily basis as both the Taurus and the Leo are really very loving people who do well in a family environment. The trouble is they go about these things in such different ways that they really don’t stand much chance on agreeing and although at first this may seem novel, it can only lead to an overload of frustration in the end. Perhaps a good friendship could be made, they could definitely learn from each other.


lol, its funny how I can actually attatch some truth and meaning to these horoscopes. It does make you wonder if the time of year you were born can affect you psychologically!?


Or maybe the description is just so broad and the human psychology so complex that almost everyone can find some things that fit them. We have a tendency to overlook what doesn't match and put too much into what does.


I'm generally very open to the alternative, I just know there is a lot of convincing humbug out there.

lol, its funny how I can actually attatch some truth and meaning to these horoscopes. It does make you wonder if the time of year you were born can affect you psychologically!?


Its deep and mystical. Its not just based on the time of the year but on the constellation of the stars of which one was born under. Maybe all those energies affect us somehow...


I'd personally ditch him, he doesn't seem worth it if he keeps going behind your back and "seeing" someone else as it were. I've only had 1 g/f cheat on me, id didn't take it too well.


In fact, i think i went and beat the crud out of who she was cheating on me with at his own house with his family watching (he was a good mate of mine, now i can't trust him to save my life). This same guy always tries to get the girls i'm with. Last attempt was last year at New Years (2007-2008).


Anywho, enough of my problems. Trust me, just leave this guy as it obviously seems he isn't worth it one bit. Don't stoop to his level, it only makes it worse for you. Leave with your pride in-tact and find a new partner. Trust is half if not all the relationship and if that is lost, then the party ends between both of you as it were.

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