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Rock Band or Guitar Hero World Tour?


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After playing GHWT last night at a club (and totally rocked at it, I may add, I never knew I could sing until then) I've decided I really want to get one of them... So which one owuld you guys recommend and where is the best place to get it from?


From my quick hunt I've found that Rock Band 2 has more songs and more downloadable songs and you can also import the songs from the original...


Which would you recommend? Could I buy the instruments for GH and then use them with Rock Band or vice versa?

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From what I've heard, Guitar Hero has the better instruments (presuming you don't get a faulty one) but Rock Band 2 is easily the superior game.


Then again, I can't really say much myself as I would only consider it if the whole shabang was £40.

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From what I've heard, Guitar Hero has the better instruments :shakehead (presuming you don't get a faulty one) but Rock Band 2 is easily the superior game. : peace:


Then again, I can't really say much myself as I would only consider it if the whole shabang was £40.


Imo Rock Band Instruments have far better build quality, the Guitar obviously is good on GH but I prefer the RB one... the drums on GH look cheap and the pedal slides around on the floor when you use it :/ RB Drums though have a place to put the pedal so it stays there and the RB2 kit has a reinforced metal pedal, so RB wins on instruments.


RB is defintiely the superior game too, with GH there are no goals as such you just play through the setlist and thats it, the rest is customisation, GH:WT got pretty old pretty quickly for me whereas RB2 I am still playing through, plus the setlist on disc is better and better DLC so yeah it's pretty much a no-brainer. :p


I would wait a few more weeks and get the new RB2 instruments though as they are improved over the RB ones, plus I know about the price but once you get into it, it really is worth it.

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Since Guitar Hero 3 (in terms of the 360) everything is compatible with everything.


I have 2 Guitar Hero guitars (X-plorer from Guitar Hero II and Gibson SG from Guitar Hero 3) and Rock Band drums. I use a standard headset when singing... But I want a USB microphone.

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Here's my setup.


I have the Xplorer and much, much prefer it to the RB guitar, so I tend to use that (though I fear my Xplorer is dying :( - actually, did I not buy that off you Moria? :laughing:). That said, the RB drums feel so much nicer than the GHWT ones, the cymbals are just nasty and the whole kit wobbles as a result.


Not to mention the insane amount of DLC for Rock Band and of course being able to export songs from Rock Band 1. Actually, if you don't have RB1 I wouldn't mind posting it to you so you could export the songs from there, if you don't mind paying for postage. Costs 400 MS points, mind!


But yes. Rock Band 2 all the way! :D

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Here's my setup.


I have the Xplorer and much, much prefer it to the RB guitar, so I tend to use that (though I fear my Xplorer is dying :( - actually, did I not buy that off you Moria? :laughing:). That said, the RB drums feel so much nicer than the GHWT ones, the cymbals are just nasty and the whole kit wobbles as a result.


Not to mention the insane amount of DLC for Rock Band and of course being able to export songs from Rock Band 1. Actually, if you don't have RB1 I wouldn't mind posting it to you so you could export the songs from there, if you don't mind paying for postage. Costs 400 MS points, mind!


But yes. Rock Band 2 all the way! :D


It was working perfectly when I sold it to you like a year ago! :heh:


That would be fandabbydozie if you could send the original too me, not sure when I'll be getting this. My haircut tomorrow and new shoes are higher priority right now.

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It was working perfectly when I sold it to you like a year ago! :heh:


That would be fandabbydozie if you could send the original too me, not sure when I'll be getting this. My haircut tomorrow and new shoes are higher priority right now.


Actually - to nitpick - the tilt sensor was always a bit dodgy and refused to go off without a lot of effort :heh:


But it's gotten me through GH2, GH3, RB1 and RB2 on Expert, so I :heart: it! And I've somehow gotten used to pushing the miniscule Back button that activates star power/overdrive so it's no biggy.


Thinking I'll replace the poor thing either this year or next..*sniff* :weep:

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The setlist on Rock Band 2 is much better than on World Tour (Although I'm saying this while "Band On The Run" is playing.). But as they both have "Livin' On A Prayer", aka the worst song ever, you'll have to put up with that atrocious piece of shit that is Bon Jovi whichever game you get.

Sorry. :nono:


As for instruments:


Guitar - GH has the better one.

Drums - RB definitely.

Mike - Doesn't matter.

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The setlist on Rock Band 2 is much better than on World Tour (Although I'm saying this while "Band On The Run" is playing.). But as they both have "Livin' On A Prayer", aka the worst song ever, you'll have to put up with that atrocious piece of shit that is Bon Jovi whichever game you get.

Sorry. :nono:


I'm sorry, what?


Livin' On A Prayer is awesome! :heh:

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Jeez, Eddage, if you were such a Bon Jovi fanboy, you only need to have said. There's no shame in being a despicable little fanboy to them wankers. Really, there isn't.


Seriously, it's like supporting Man United: A despicable fan to a wankers' football team. :indeed:(If you decide to quote that bit and edit it, then...y'know. All respect to you is lost.)



And by the way, that joke: Is true. If I had to support the Villa just the once, instead of supporting them all my life like I have been, then Thai chick-boys here I come.

Don't hold back, lads! :heart:

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Thankgod someone started this thread because it's been bugging me for a while.


Basically i want to get Guitar Hero: Metallica for the 360 when that comes out (mainly because they're my favourite band). That said I would rather get Rock Band 2 as opposed to world tour...will the instruments be compatible? It's so confusing :(

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GH:WT has the best guitar, but the drum kit isn't as well built as the RB one. I have heard that playing WT on the RB kit is a pain in the arse though, not so bad the other way around.


With the games themselves i'd say RB has more to do and more content, but GH does tend to do songs better. I dunno what it is, but songs like "Float On", "Eye of the Tiger" and "3's and 7's" that appear on both formats just feel a lot better in Guitar Hero. This is coming from the point of view of someone that plays between Hard and Medium. The RB versions of these tracks are REALLY, REALLY boring to play in comparison (i'm not sure if it improves on Expert or not?).


I'd say wait until the end of the month and see what prices RB2 comes out at. Guitar Hero: World Tour has been available in some really good packages e.g. 2 Gutars, Drums, Mic, Game for £120 (think this was Asda, can't quite remember?). There's also the chance of some good bargains on RB1 stuff.

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I got guitar hero simply because its the only one i could find in a solo guitar pack, and im loving it. Iv played rock band a lot, and theyre both the same, i dont get how one can be superior to the other.. theyre both exactly the same gameplay :\


You can use ya 360 headset to sing aswell! Didnt realise this till last week xD

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I got guitar hero simply because its the only one i could find in a solo guitar pack, and im loving it. Iv played rock band a lot, and theyre both the same, i dont get how one can be superior to the other.. theyre both exactly the same gameplay :\


You can use ya 360 headset to sing aswell! Didnt realise this till last week xD


Three reasons why Rock Band 2 is far better than Guitar Hero World Tour.


1, Modes = Rock Band 2 has daily updated modes from the EA servers, they're fun to play. You can play every mode online or off as well.


2, The look and feel = Hitting a solo just right in Rock Band for some reason, just feels incredible. It also has a far nicer graphical style.


3, Activision has no soul = Guitar Hero wasn't made by Activision, it was made by Harmonix. Harmonix is Guitar Hero, Harmonix is Rock Band. Guitar Hero World Tour and Legends of Rock feel soul less without their creators behind the helm.

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Have to admit i'm leaning towards RB2 now...the downloadable content on RB also looks absoutely fantastic, especially the AC/DC set. Just to clarify, if I got RB2, could I use the Guitar from it to play Guitar Hero Metallica? I mean I know i'll get a Guitar with it too but i want to play co-op.

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