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Formula 1 2009


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Harsh retro ;)


Dunno if you guys have heard but talks of a breakaway series have begun :D They've been talking to the guy in charge of Moto GP and Mosley has told the teams they have definately got to be 'in or out' by the end of the next week. I can't believe it, FOTA championship? Fuck yes. All the top drivers would go, they'd make the cars less aerodynamically dependant so overtaking is better and they'd give us good tracks (montreal baby!). Wouldn't be surprised if they were able to do to whole thing in a year aswell because if you think about it all they have to do is copy the regs and rules and change a few things.


Fingers crossed it goes through...

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I could be mistaken at this distance, but from my window I can see that my holidaying neighbours have left what appears to be a life size card board cut out of Felipe Massa standing at their front window, presumably to deter thieves. Huh.

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Rubens really doesn't like that clutch, it's a repeat of Melbourne where he got desperate after stalling the car from the get go, but when stuck behind KERS cars and without top gear it's hardly surprising he had to take chances. I think retirement was best for that race. To be honest, right now i find myself hoping Button will get a few DNF's just to keep this championship open, right now it's a sure bet for Button to win the title. But we see Vettel again subject to being unable to overtake when it matters.

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FIA announces 2010 F1 entry list


Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro

Scuderia Toro Rosso

Red Bull Racing

At&T Williams

Force India F1 Team

Campos Grand Prix

Manor Grand Prix

Team US F1

Vodafone McLaren Mercedes*

BMW Sauber F1 Team*

Renault F1 Team*

Panasonic Toyota Racing*

Brawn GP Formula One Team*


* These five teams have submitted conditional entries.The FIA has invited them to lift those conditions following further discussions to be concluded not later than close of business on Friday 19 June.

The FIA have entered Ferrari unconditionally as the FIA believe they have an agreement, however Ferrari think otherwise...




Ferrari won't race if conditions not met


Ferrari has made it clear that it will not compete in next year's world championship unless the conditions it attached to its entry are met by the governing body.


The Maranello-based outfit was included on the official 2010 entry list because the FIA believes the team committed itself to racing in F1 as part of deals signed with the governing body and the FIA several years ago.


However, Ferrari insists that the terms of the agreement it made in the past have been breached by the FIA - which means it cannot be forced to race.


In a statement issued on Friday morning, Ferrari insisted that it will not compete next year unless it is satisfied with the rules in place.


"Ferrari submitted on 29 May 2009 an entry to the 2010 FIA Formula One World Championship which is subject to certain conditions," said the statement. "As of today, these conditions have not been met.


"Notwithstanding this and despite Ferrari's previous written notice to the FIA not to do so, the FIA has included Ferrari as an unconditional participant in next year's Formula One World Championship.


"For the avoidance of any doubt, Ferrari reaffirms that it shall not take part in the 2010 FIA Formula One World Championship under the regulations adopted by the FIA in violation of Ferrari's rights under a written agreement with the FIA."

Analysis: New F1 teams in detail




Where did Manor come from all of a sudden? Hadn't even heard of them as an entry up until now!

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James Allen's EXCELLENT blog reveals all.




Usually updated 3-4 times a day, it really shows off his excellent journo skills. Legard is crap, I miss him lol :( Make sure you bookmark it, filters out a lot of the crap that "news" sites such Autosport often have.


James Allen's blong is absoutely FANTASTIC :D


2 important pieces of info uploaded onto their today by him. Firstly, it suggests that FOTA have written a dossier in which they've written ALL the problems in the way F1 is currently run...when they'll release it is anyones guess.


Secondly, Luca di Montezemolo is giving a speech at Le Mans tomorrow and he's prepared something. Should be interesting. It's funny how on the day that the FIA put up the entrants for next year, we realise how far apart FOTA and FIA are from each other.

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I'm really worried for the future of motorsport if the two sides can't agree...


Splits have destroyed sports in the past, look at Boxing and Indy Car racing in the States :( Doesn't really bode well. In the end though, if there is a breakaway series then I will probably follow that above and FIA sanctioned division which will inevitably suffer from the lack of the biggest names.


Whatever happens before the 19th of June I think FOTA should definately own the rights to the sport and NOT Bernie Ecclestone no matter how much he may or may not have done for the sport and contributed to it's growth over the past 25 years or so, it was purely to line his own pockets and he NEEDS to go.


Max Mosley on the other hand, whilst I applaud his ambition to cut costs, increase sustainability and the have the utmost admiration for his efforts in increasing safety, I think he's too out of touch with the sport now. Saying things like 'F1 can cope without Ferrari,' is not necesserily naive, it's just ignorant of what the manufacturer brings to the table. Of course F1 COULD survive without Ferrari, but, as the most prestigious name in the sport with such a rich history (and an unlimited budget) they provide a suitable milestone to which the other teams can work towards surpassing and measuring themselves against. They are arguably the best in the world and should rightly be in the pinnacle of motorsport.


I am still fully undecided on the budget cap, in one respect I think it levels the playing field in a fair and effective way which rewards technical expertise and not huge spending power. On the other hand, tighter regulations on (and maybe even standardised) aerodynamics seems a much better way to move forward. Let the teams focus on the chassis and engine to gain performance, instead of the wings etc.


The next few weeks will be interesting in a season that has seen a great deal more of action off the track than on it, quite sad really.

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I'm actually really excited at the prospect of a FOTA championship; and whether it goes ahead or not, I cannot commend FOTA enough for what they are trying to do for the good of the sport. Fantastic stuff!!


It's great the ACEA are fully behind FOTA, and also calling for a full FIA shake-up!... Mosley... you're times up.







Here's what Di Montezemola had to say at Le Mans today...





Montezemolo: FIA reform or breakaway


Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo believes there are now only two possibilities to end the current row over Formula 1 - either the FIA reforms itself or the manufacturers lead their own breakaway series.


With tensions high between the governing body and the Formula One Teams' Association (FOTA) following the publication of the 2010 entry list on Friday, di Montezemolo has made it clear that the teams are not in the mood to back down over how they want to see the sport run.


Speaking during a high profile visit to the Le Mans 24 Hours on Saturday, di Montezemolo said he had no doubts that the controversy would be sorted out soon - although could not predict which way things would go.


"In a couple of years the problem with Formula 1 will be solved - as I really hope, with a responsible FIA, as we want, or, as happens in other sports, organising our own championship. Because when you have engines, gearboxes, brands, technology, organisation, capability to invest, it is not difficult. So the problem will be solved, I hope very soon."


Di Montezemolo admitted that he has been saddened by the state that he thinks F1 is in - but has hopes that some factions in the FIA can act to prevent the sport getting 'destroyed.'


"We cannot repeat every day that we will not enter the next Formula 1 championship with these rules and without taking care of the Ferrari rights. Having said that, today I don't like very much to talk about F1 because here the atmosphere is a happy one.


"I hope that we will solve our problems because for me, I started to work as Ferrari team manager in 1973. We are the only car manufacturer to have been in Formula 1 since the beginning, without any interruptions, and Formula 1 for Ferrari is part of the life, the blood, the DNA.


"I am not happy. We are not happy. We are very unhappy with the situation as it is, mainly for the public, for the spectators. We don't want Formula 1 to become Formula 3.


"We want not only to maintain but also to improve the F1 DNA, technology, innovation, and competition. We want to cap in a very important way the cost, because everybody has been too far, and I think FOTA has done a strong demonstration to be able to cut costs in 2009 for 50 per cent more of the general cost for engine and gearbox."


He added: "We will continue in this direction. We are together and we want to find a solution, and I am sure that inside the FIA there will be people responsible enough to understand that now it is absolutely necessary not to create trouble, to destroy Formula 1, but to solve the problem."


FOTA issued a statement on Friday afternoon saying it was being forced in the next few days to reveal its plans for the future of F1 so it could prove why the FIA's own regulations are 'bad' for the sport's future.


Di Montezemolo emphasised that he believed FOTA's intentions were only for the good of F1.


"Everybody sees what is happening in Formula 1. I do not understand the reason," he said. "Anyway I think our conditions are constructive, are very clear: governance, stable rules - the people don't understand any more rules that change every six months, one day it's KERS, another day it's standard engines – and looking ahead to have a balance between cost and revenues, to let new commerce enter.


"I'm very pleased to have new teams, and when I say teams I mean Formula 1 not Formula 3."


When asked if a Le Mans project was a possible replacement for racing in F1, di Montezemolo said: "I don't think it is possible to compete at the maximum level, I mean to try to win in too many series. I think there is Formula 1, there is racing like Le Mans, and racing in the United States which is extremely challenging – as I mentioned before, Indy or something like this.


"Our intention is to continue to participate in Formula 1 if there are the conditions. If not, as I say to our tifosi all around the world who have been in touch with us on our internet in an unbelievable way, the DNA of Ferrari is competition. If we stop in F1 we will do something else, and for sure Le Mans will be one of our first priorities."

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^ oh right yeah, cheers!



Promotional video for...


Ferrari World - Yas Island - Abu Dhabi





Opening in 2010, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi is set to be the world’s largest indoor theme park, sitting under a roof designed in the style of a classic double-curve body shell of a Ferrari GT car. There is energy, excitement and passion for the entire family at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. With over 20 rides and attractions, including the world’s fastest rollercoaster, Ferrari World is more than a theme park – it is where Ferrari’s legendary story is unveiled.”

Apparently that rollercoaster's meant to reach 150mph or something crazy!
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Another day, another statement. This one, from the FIA, again suggesting that the wheels are coming off the negotiating process between the FIA and the team’s body (FOTA) and that it is FOTA’s fault.


As I posted yesterday in the Ross Brawn story, the teams want to talk about ‘resource restriction’ which they control, rather than ‘budget caps’, which an outside agency controls on behalf of the FIA.


The teams feel that it is a fundamental right of a competitor to manage its own business autonomously. They are also concerned about how it would work if there was a disciplinary hearing, of the kind we have seen in recent years involving racing incidents, where a team was investigated for ‘financial irregularities’. A manufacturer could not afford the damage to its image that this might entail.


So FOTA put a plan to the FIA for a system of financial self-regulation, which it believes would achieve the same ends as a budget cap, but without the intrusion. That is what the two sides met yesterday to discuss and this is what the FIA has to say about it today,


“As agreed at the meeting of 11 June, FIA financial experts met yesterday with financial experts from FOTA.


“Unfortunately, the FOTA representatives announced that they had no mandate to discuss the FIA’s 2010 financial regulations. Indeed, they were not prepared to discuss regulation at all.


“As a result, the meeting could not achieve its purpose of comparing the FIA’s rules with the FOTA proposals with a view to finding a common position.


“In default of a proper dialogue, the FOTA financial proposals were discussed but it became clear that these would not be capable of limiting the expenditure of a team which had the resources to outspend its competitors. Another financial arms race would then be inevitable.


The FIA Financial Regulations therefore remain as published.â€

In other words, the budget cap stays, take it or leave it.


The FOTA teams last week went over the head of the FIA president Max Mosley, questioning his style of governance and appealed to the FIA senate and FIA World Council to ‘facilitate solutions’ in this week’s meetings, which they described as a final opportunity to find a solution.


So far it doesn’t look like the appeal has had much of an effect.


Highlighted the important bit in bold. Looks like there will be 2 championships next year. :sad:

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^ Mosley certainly isn't gonna be re-elected that's for sure!


I'm not sure I fully believe what the FIA have put out in that statement...

“In default of a proper dialogue, the FOTA financial proposals were discussed but it became clear that these would not be capable of limiting the expenditure of a team which had the resources to outspend its competitors. Another financial arms race would then be inevitable.
I don't think FOTA would be working towards this at all. They have said the proposals they are putting forward are to setup a sustainable future for F1, because unlike seemingly the FIA, they care about the sport and it's fans.







Looks like that may be it then guys, all signs are pointing towards 2 championships!...



FIA says £40m budget cap going ahead




F1's current teams have been given until Friday to drop the conditions attached to their entries, or risk being left off the grid for 2010.


With part of their conditions being that the 2010 regulations are scrapped, the FIA's latest stance makes it increasingly unlikely that the matter can be resolved before the deadline.



FIA: FOTA trying to control F1 rules




Webber: Breakaway series appealing




A breakaway Formula 1 championship would hold no fears for drivers as it would still be the most 'prestigious' championship in the world, claims Red Bull Racing's Mark Webber.


"It's good to have some stability, to be able to predict what's going to happen, not have different things going on every six months."


He added: "All the drivers share the same view. We want to drive for the best teams and race against the best drivers. If it's not the FIA Formula 1 world championship, so be it. It'll still be the most prestigious championship.


"Ferrari are crucial. Everyone wants to beat them and McLaren. They're awesome teams and big set-ups who've taken years to get into that situation, they are respected and we want to beat these guys.


"It's the first time ever pretty much all the teams have the same view. For the sake of the sport, the main constructors and people who have the real vision believe they need to take a stand.


Massa: New series may be best choice



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Yeh Formula 1 is over. Dunno if anyones read the FIA's comments about FOTA (it's over at Planetf1.com if you want a read) but yeah it's pretty much over now.


The good news? Well Brawn said in an interview that a breakaway series would have similar rules and cars than what there is now; most likely we'll see a difference in the way the sport is run (the same set of stewards for every race, PLEASE!), different tracks (and tbh, i think the drivers will have a BIG say in this, I think Valencia, and Bahrain would be the first to go), Silverstone would be kept on and we'd see old imola make a return.


Bye bye F1. Fota GP anyone? haha :D

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Yeh Formula 1 is over. Dunno if anyones read the FIA's comments about FOTA (it's over at Planetf1.com if you want a read) but yeah it's pretty much over now.


The good news? Well Brawn said in an interview that a breakaway series would have similar rules and cars than what there is now; most likely we'll see a difference in the way the sport is run (the same set of stewards for every race, PLEASE!), different tracks (and tbh, i think the drivers will have a BIG say in this, I think Valencia, and Bahrain would be the first to go), Silverstone would be kept on and we'd see old imola make a return.


Bye bye F1. Fota GP anyone? haha :D


After being skeptical about this a few weeks ago I'm now hoping it goes fowards. So long Herman Tilke tracks, hello proper racing circuits. I hope they keep the ban on refueling for next year as well.


Seriously though, I'm intrigued to see what will happen now and of course the new series will probably end up on Sky, which is a shame. The BBC have rights to whatever constitutes as 'Formula One' for the foseeable future. While this is a downside, hopefully the emphasis on big business will be sacrificed for a sport run by what will effectively be the fans. I'm excited! :D

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I'm VERY excited about where this might go!!


Can't help but feel sorry for some things though...

- BBC are now stuck with what's F1 in name, but not in essence.

- Williams... good chance of winning, but not in the way they'd like, against the best competition... and will their drivers want to leave? surely Nico will look for a move.

- Donnington... spend all this money getting the circuit up to Bernies standards and now they're not even getting true F1!... and FOTA F1 would have probably taken it on as a second british circuit [at least for a few years] in it's existing state!


If 'FOTA F1' goes ahead, do we think realistically they'll be racing in 2010, or are we looking at a longer timeframe to get everything sorted out... tracks, new sponsors, tv coverage etc...


Also @ Goron... Imola probably would be back, but it was quite a procession!... a beautiful one!... but overtaking was pretty limited.


Just looked up a video to remind myself of it's layout... don't the V10 engines sound AWESOME!


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