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This Sunday? Damn I didn't even realise.... whats the card like this year.... are we expecting a good one?


Not been keeping upto date since teh Rumble, you think it will be worth buying the PPV?




WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match


Randy Orton © vs. Batista vs. Triple H/Daniel Bryan


Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan, winner is inserted into main event


Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker


John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt


WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way


The Usos © vs. Los Matadores vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. The Real Americans


The Shield vs. Kane and the New Age Outlaws


Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal


Vickie Guerrero Divas Invitational



It looks very average to me, only four matches interest me.


Bryan will beat Triple H and therefore win title in the triple threat, which just for the monster pop, will be amazing.


Undertaker won't lose but I'm hoping we see somebody with a baseball bat as he is about to leave the ring.


Cena vs Wyatt could be great if they let Wyatt go over Cena but they won't so it'll just be ok.


If I didn't have work Monday I'd be tempted to order it but I'll just watch those four matches on youtube Monday night instead.

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Only 2 championships on the line?


Are the IC and US Titles even still around?



Undertaker won't lose but I'm hoping we see somebody with a baseball bat as he is about to leave the ring.


Baseball Bat? Is this a recent reference to something?



Whats with that Battle Royal too? Is this a once off cause it Mania 30? I assume it not Royal Rumble style? All 30 will prolly start at once yeah?

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Only 2 championships on the line?


Are the IC and US Titles even still around?


Baseball Bat? Is this a recent reference to something?


Whats with that Battle Royal too? Is this a once off cause it Mania 30? I assume it not Royal Rumble style? All 30 will prolly start at once yeah?


IC & UT titles won't be defended.


Rumours are Sting will be signing with the WWE soon and have a match with Undertaker at WM31


The baseball bat & da man




Andre Memorial Battle Royal, all 30 in ring from start then same rules as Royal Rumble in regard to elmination.


Apparently they want it to become a yearly thing.

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I don't think Sting's appearing at WM. Probably at Raw after WM, or even after that, they have a whole year's time anyway...


I think the card's decent enough. The battle royals are a good idea as they give a lot of talent the chance to appear at Mania, although I wonder if they actually are part of the show and not the pre-show...


IC and US title not being defended? Only shows how meaningless they really are...might as well unite them too.

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Preview of Mania (my thoughts so far)


WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match - Randy Orton © vs. Batista vs. Triple H/Daniel Bryan


Meh, i've disliked Batista near enough being handed the main event slot at Mania. The build for Orton/Batista hasn't been too good as it were. But adding Triple H/Daniel Bryan to the mix will be interesting. I can't see Daniel Bryan taking the title if he does beat Triple H in his earlier match. I can see it coming down to him nearly taking it, but Triple H screwing Bryan again and letting either Orton or Batista take the pin on him. Thus re-uniting Evolution (which will be nice to see)


My winner: Batista

Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan - Winner is inserted into main event

The build has been interesting, Bryan had the entire RAW hostage thing a few weeks back which led to the whole match coming into fruitition. It's one of the only matches that interests me, and i've been watching the build over the last few weeks.


My winner: Daniel Bryan


Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker

Meh, it's not looking good to me. Lesnar doesn't look competent enough to end the streak, and neither guy has given anything in the light of promo's to convince me that they'll win. It's clear enough Taker will win, but over the past few Mania's (Punk, Triple H, HBK) they delivered promo's which convinced me they could be the ones to take the Streak. But this, i'm not buying Lesnar to end it.


But i am expecting a certain baseball bat weilding star to appear and face Taker face to face in the ring.


My winner: Undertaker


John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

John Cena not in a title match for a change, which is nice to see. Bray Wyatt is a certain star for the future, and he has a good chance to become a bigger star if he tops Cena. If the match is 1 vs 1, without Harper and Rowan interfiering in the match then this could be a classic match.


My winner: Bray Wyatt


WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way - The Usos © vs. Los Matadores vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. The Real Americans (Pre-show match)


Yeah, i don't know either. No idea why it's on the pre-show, all these stars are talented and i'd rather this was on the card than the Diva thingy. What a bad decision for the WWE.


My winners: The Uso's


The Shield vs. Kane and the New Age Outlaws

Bit of a thrown together match really, i can't really say anything about this.


My winners: The Shield


Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Hogan announced it weeks ago, people have been enterting the match. It's a funny one really. But i can only see 1 person winning it.


My winner: The Big Show


Vickie Guerrero Divas Invitational

Nice to see the Divas belt finally being defended at Mania, shame it's in this style of match. I was expecting a Guantlet-style match, but instead it's a 1 fall. Should have done it as the Cruiserweight Invitational several years ago.


No IC or US title defenses at Mania, which is a shame. The US has not been defended since October.


To be fair, i'm not looking forward to Mania and i'm not overly excited by it.

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Apart from Taker vs Brock, there's not too much on the show that feels really special.


That said I do think the card still has the potential to be quite good and several of the matches could be great.


Wouldn't be shocked if Hogan blagged his way into the Battle Royal and won it.

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Apart from Taker vs Brock, there's not too much on the show that feels really special.


That said I do think the card still has the potential to be quite good and several of the matches could be great.


Wouldn't be shocked if Hogan blagged his way into the Battle Royal and won it.


That wouldn't surprise me at all. As a whole, this Mania is weak. And shows that the WWE need the older guys to still make appearances to get the buys. Probably a wise move to show it on the Network.

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Stone cold confirmed for Wrestlemania 30. Start of a storyline. Hopefully 1 last match....


If you dont have the WWE network then you should buy it. Sign up with a fake american address, and use... hulu is it? To trick the site into thinking your American. It costs £6.25 a month!

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Isn't the pre-show 2 hours long this year? 1 hour on Youtube, 1 on the Network then the show starts?


I'm coming round to the card more now,




I think that Bryan will win the match with HHH, he will win the match against Orton and Bootista and walk out WWE World Heavyweight Champion. But then I believe he'll lose the title to Bootista on Raw the next night,


Just think it's a reactive decision due to the crowds over the past 2 PPV's booing the shit out of Batista and Orton, and they can't afford to have that on the first PPV on the Network. They'll want to see 80,000 fans chanting YES with Bryan lifting the belt, and it'll make the network's first PPV look like a success.


But I'm certain Batista has a stipulation of his return was to be the WWE Champion, And especially holding the belt when Guardians premiers as he can do like the Rock did and wear it to premiers and such.


Of course HHH could just bury Bryan and nothing happens and he legit doesn't take part in the main event, I would not be surprise.





I love the Undertaker, but seriously how can we take it seriously that he would beat Brock Lesnar? The streak will go on though, and I'm okay with this. Wonder who he'll eventually lose it to.

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Stone cold confirmed for Wrestlemania 30. Start of a storyline. Hopefully 1 last match....


If you dont have the WWE network then you should buy it. Sign up with a fake american address, and use... hulu is it? To trick the site into thinking your American. It costs £6.25 a month!


Unblock-Us works as well. I've got it on my PS4 (again, got a "US account").


It's Wrestlemania week, and i'm just not feeling it.

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IM pumped for it. Hall of fame will be great, the card is good. Even the divas match will be interesting, and the battle royal will be great.


Stone cold is there..... And maybe sting! IM fanboying do hard for this wrestlemania lmao

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Who is being inducted into the hall of fame this year?


oh you know, just this guy! My favourite wrestler!




Ultimate Warrior: The Ultimate Collection DVD / BluRay is out on Monday.




Skint this month already so will buy it in a couple of months.


2014 Hall of Fame Inductees


The Ultimate Warrior


Jake "The Snake" Roberts




Paul Bearer


Carlos Colón

Promoter of World Wrestling Council (WWC) in Puerto Rico.


Mr. T


Razor Ramon (Scott Hall)

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Razer could be inducted 3 times, once as razor, once as Scott hall and once as NWO.


Hes also in my top 5 favorites of all time :) Just watched mania 15 to put me in the mood, even my 7 & 5 year olds are getting up at 1am to watch it tomorrow :p

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Anyone else watch the HoF ceremony? Great stuff...cool to see Jake, Hall and Warrior again. Good speeches by Lita and Kane too.


Yeah I watched it, great stuff like you said.


Jake Roberts speech was incredible. It got very dark at times but it was amazing to see him now, clean and strong after everything he's been through. The whole thing was incredible. DDP deserves to go into the HoF next year for how much he helped that man alone.


Warriors speech was great too, I'm glad he called out the WWE on that DVD they made a few years back (self destruction of UW). He's absolutely right that they should have left the 'Ultimate Warrior' character as a happy nostalgic memory rather then making a whole dvd just to destroy it.


Mt T's speech was quite something too lol and i laughed that Kane had to come out to stop him because he went on for so long.


Speaking of Kane, he was brilliant for Paul Bearers HoF entry. I found his story's about him very touching and hartfelt. I liked that...


Taker showed up at the end too.


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I think Jake showed why he's always praised about wrestling psychology in and out of the ring. Totally captivating, emotional roller-coaster of a speech.


As for Ultimate Warrior, yeah I agree, how could he not mention the DVD? Still, I think it was good enough a compromise between a fakey fake "all's good and dandy" speech (wasn't gonna happen anyway) and a bitter shoot rant about all the negative happenings that have taken place in the past. He addressed a lot of crap, yet he spoke about positive things too. He seems to have made a deal with WWE now, so I hope we see more of him in various projects, plus that the guys can sort out at least some of the bad blood between them. Whatever shit happened behind the curtains, you can't deny the fact that the Ultimate Warrior character was a great one, and his intensity in and out of the ring was off the charts. Totally deserved.


Yeah I was surprised about Kane, he had no notes yet the speech was very smooth and enjoyable. Same with Lita, always interesting to hear about how people got started in the business...


Mr. T though...oh jesus (pun not intended). Somebody call his momma!

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WrestleMania 32 will be held in London! You heard it here first, who's going?!


Terrible mania so far, pre show was great, great intro to the show, great first match.


But down hill from there. And what the actual fuck moment.... Yall will know it when you see it.

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Oh fuck off WWE... Just FUCK OFF


Of all the classic matches Taker has had in the last few years... From the likes of Edge, HBK, HHH , CM Punk, Orton who put on far greater promos and far greater matches that wpuld have been deserving of being the one to end the streak and they give it to fucking Lesner who has zero personality and needs his manager to cut a promo and puts pn an average match..... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE THEY THINKING!


The shock on the crowd says it all. No way should Brock be the one to go into the history books for this honor. And the comentary team are acting like that was Takers last match now. Talk about going out on a lo. Taker deserved better than that for his finale. He should have just quit last year and gone out on the high of his great match with Punk




I feel the same now like after the HIMYM finale. Years of great and entertaining viewing ruined by a complete miss step of a frak up in the last ep. Somebody aired the april fools ending by mustake... Get WWE to air the correct Mania30 now please.


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