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I'm more thinking in terms of gameplay though. There aren't as many points in:


Kessler's timeline that would make decent gameplay sequences, from what was brought up at the ending. He didn't really seem to do all that much, but run away, and fail. Although, I do agree it was incredibly more interesting, in terms of the story.


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Compared to AAA games sure, but just as a game in general it wasn't bad.


Oh, I downloaded the free DLC about a week ago. Its basically a power that when turned on replaces the melee, attack, but takes energy to turn on, and only stays on for so long. Basically the only thing you get is the new power though, there isn't a new sewer to go through to get it or anything. You just buy it with your experience once its installed. Its alright if you're still playing the game but if you've beaten it and aren't playing it anymore for trophies or anything, its not worth the time putting the disk in the machine. I think its actually just the Gamestop Pre-order bonus, open for everyone, but I'm not 100% sure.

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Even with that though, the story would have probably been created after most of the gameplay was finished, but whatever, I'll leave it at that.


I don't follow.


Have the accident happen and his family dying then have him slowly power up and gain the power to go back in time. That could be half the game. The second half could be Kessler hindering Cole because he's so full of self hate for letting his family die or helping him as a way of redemption.


They'd have to introduce another bad guy.



Obviously the thing would have to be re-jigged slightly.


...unless I remembered the story wrong...which is distinctly possible. :heh:

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Ah, you've got a point.


I guess the ideal situation would to make Cole's story a lot shorter (No problem, since I thought it took way too long to get into) and have you play as Kessler as well. Would be great to have two different characters to play as in the open world.

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  • 3 years later...

OK so I just finished this a few weeks back, enjoyed it! :D


The Kessler reveal came as somewhat of a big surprise! and although I saw the end of the game coming (the fact that your missions take you closer and closer back to the scene of where it all began) I was really surprised that it ended on such a cliff hanger with so many/all of the key players still in play! Which I guess is kinda cool moving forward.


I got the Good Ending, having batted 100% for the Jedi's throughout! ;)

The ending was cool, though it did take a second watch to fully take in what I'd just seen (seriously the final storybook cutscene it's a lot to take in in 60 seconds!), like I said, hadn't seen that coming.


I'm not 100% sure I fully understand it, as in...

If Kesler/Cole came back and got the ray sphere up and running to give Cole powers to take down evil in the future (where Kesler had failed), where had Kesler/Cole originally got his powers from? Maybe it's explained in Infamous 2, if so could you not spoil anything for me and just say, yeah it's explained! :p



It also really got me thinking about the Good/Evil dynamic throughout and made me wish I'd thought to create a couple of extra saves at a certain point in particular...


Save Trish.


So if you're Good Cole, and you let her dies, she's proud of what you've becomes and you have to let her go.


I don't know, but I imagine if you're Evil Cole and you save her, she says your a monster and leaves you? and maybe she ultimately dies anyway?


But what if you are Good Cole, and you save Trish?

It's surely not enough of an Evil action to make any real difference to your Hero ranking, so you're still gonna be Good Cole in her eyes? And you also manage to her life?... or yeah does she die anyway?



I'd be really tempted to play through the game again a couple more time, to see how things play out differently, but it would take a lot of time and ultimately the having to learn your powers again and Blast Shards collecting is putting me off (fine and enjoyable the first time through but not again)!


Unless if you start a new file is there a New Game Plus option at all? Every game should have this!


Anyways, yeah really glad I played through it before I get Infamous 2, I definitely don't think it's worth dismissing/skipping!

My only real complaint with the game would be how the 3 districts are way too similar clones of one another, but I could put up with that.


Looking forward to playing 2! Just hope there's also an Infamous 3, and it's on PS4 and not relegated to Vita.

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@Magnus Is that what happens if you go and save her as both Good or Evil Cole?


What I was just wondering was whether there was ever more than just two outcomes to a situation?

So if you go and save her despite being a Hero, would she still say she was 'ashamed of what you'd become' as though you had been Evil Cole at that time (even though you're not :p) if you get what I mean?

Edited by Retro_Link
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@Magnus Is that what happens if you go and save her as both Good or Evil Cole?


What I was just wondering was whether there was ever more than just two outcomes to a situation?

So if you go and save her despite being a Hero, would she still say she was 'ashamed of what you'd become' as though you had been Evil Cole at that time (even though you're not :p) if you get what I mean?

I'm not sure, but I think there are only two cutscenes. "I'm ashamed of what you've become" could just as well mean "I can't believe you chose to let six doctors die", even if it makes more sense to read more into it if you've been evil the whole time. Trish loves her high horse. :indeed:

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Still be a little harsh though after all your good work, all you want to do is save the woman you love and get blasted for it! :p


One other thing... you're so powered up at the end of the game, but it's quite difficult to feel like your getting the most out of your powers, at least for me. It's quite difficult to flow everything together.


Some of the 'skills' on the pause screen are tricky. I was stuck on No.17 I think it might have been until the end of the game, which was 'Zap a bad guy in mid air and then hit the same bad guy with the Lightning Dive'.


Also that lightning dive becomes too overpowered for Hero Cole towards the end of the game... you land it and about 10 cars around you explode killing citizens! :p and yourself too!?


The Final Boss Fight, did anyone else find it strange that the only moves that seemed to work were your initial ones of lightning bolts and grenades? I swear moves like the charged lightning bolt and calling down a lightning storm did nothing?

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