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I'm not oversimplifying. I'm cutting out the crap Tolkien wasted pages on [Elf Singing AAARGH] Although this doesn't seem to compare with Robert Jordan.


But I shall admit one was wrong on one point. I foolishly assumed Sauron was still physical form at the time. He could've picked some more fetching clothes though. :blank:


I couldn't find it on the Wiki page, but I'm sure I saw it somewhere, a picture of Sauron's mouth [the omnom nom kind] which was apparently in one of the extended editions, was this a flashback? Might've been the Wraith King, I forget.

In other words, you're cutting out the explanation to try to make your point,

And yeah it was the Witch King.


Oxigen I'd love to meet you and see if you do these litte rants in real life, not sure what I'd do :heh:


But yes, something truly entertaining without deep meaning can obviously still be awesome.

We usually end up making fun of something when we go into rant mode. Damn it, I miss that.

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My top ten.. (The lack of High school musical 3 may suprise you :p)


1. Brokeback Mountain

2. American Beauty


American Beauty was going to be first, but then I remembered the final scene in Brokeback, and that swung it for me.


3. Crash

4. Donnie Darko

5. L.A Confidential

6. Little Miss Sunshine

7. No Country For Old Men

8. Hard Candy

9. The Zodiac

10. Milk (I've seen a crappy quality version of this, and is was fantastic. Expect this to rise on the list when it comes out in the UK)

Terminator is much better than both Fight Club and Matrix.



Fight Club was nothing that special IMO. It has a lovely twist, but then not really...


hold on are these comparable...


I dislike the matrix greatly.. I appreciate what it does but... bores me at the best of times and the sequels were just god awful..


i'll try do a top ten but i'd leave out a few i'd imagine and in no particular order too.


1:American beauty

2: Highlander (for sheer fun nothing beats it)

3: terminator 1 and 2

4: aliens


6: princess mononoke

7: fight club

8: shawshank

9: rear window

10: memento


10. Milk (I've seen a crappy quality version of this, and is was fantastic. Expect this to rise on the list when it comes out in the UK)


I need to see this. I like films that actually deal with homosexuality in a non-superficial/cliche/overdramatic way.



Totally forgot Donnie Darko when making my list, but it'd probably not make my top 10 anyway. It felt like it was just being weird for the sake of being weird.


My Revised Top 10 Movies



10. Wall.E

9. Savage Grace

8. Hard Candy

7. In Company Of Wolves

6. Blade Runner

5. A Little Princess

4. Batman Returns

3. Star Wars Episode IV

2. Alien

1. Dancer In The Dark

Fight Club is the best out of the whole lot, Maase, but you won't fully understand it yet, I'd reckon.


So what? It doesn't take away the fun on watching it.

Most of you won't understand completely 2001 - Odissea of Space (I don't know the English name, must be something like this) but still admire it as one of the best movies ever. :D

Watch The Terminator, then Terminator 2.


Terminator 2 is like my favourite thing.


But Aliens tops Terminator 2, only just mind, but it is the definitive scifi action movie.


Most of you won't understand completely 2001 - Odissea of Space (I don't know the English name, must be something like this) but still admire it as one of the best movies ever. :D



Nobody is meant to fully understand 2001, and anyone who says they do is a liar.


Well, true...

I was just using it as an example to my theory "You don't need to understand the movie to like it"



Totally forgot Donnie Darko when making my list, but it'd probably not make my top 10 anyway. It felt like it was just being weird for the sake of being weird.




It's the exact opposite! It's an amazing illustration of his "madness", or whatever is happening to him. What weird thing in it isn't pertinent to the story, or is out of place?


Bastard. :blank:


But I did forget about Savage Grace. I loved, on 6 levels.

Well, true...

I was just using it as an example to my theory "You don't need to understand the movie to like it"


While that may somewhat be true up to a certain point, it certainly does not apply in many cases. Fight Club is one such example. You won't be able to appreciate it unless you really get what is being said and embrace the views exposed fully.

While that may somewhat be true up to a certain point, it certainly does not apply in many cases. Fight Club is one such example. You won't be able to appreciate it unless you really get what is being said and embrace the views exposed fully.


he likes the movie..... and therefore appreciates it.

fight club is a great movie with excellent acting.

there are however some films I watched that are supposed to be fantastic but cannot for the life of me understand them..



has anyone ever seen 'primer'?


But Aliens tops Terminator 2, only just mind, but it is the definitive scifi action movie.




ohhh I can't decide between them... will totally say both are better than preditor... which I don't like nearly as half as everyone else

he likes the movie..... and therefore appreciates it.


The point is, he'll never fully appreciate it unless he fully understands it. And that's undisputable.


fight club is a great movie with excellent acting.


The acting is probably the least noteworthy thing about it, though.

In other words, you're cutting out the explanation to try to make your point,

And yeah it was the Witch King.


He might be referring to the Mouth of Sauron, who was only in the extended edition of Return of the King. He was just a messenger, and ended up with his head lopped off soon after he appeared anyway.


In Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Clementine has blue hair on the train to start with. Throughout the film her hair changes a ton, but at the end, it cuts back to the scene on the train (afair) - SHE HAS GREEN HAIR!!!!


I can't tell if I'm just being stupid and have missed something, or if its an annoying plot inconsistency.

In Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Clementine has blue hair on the train to start with. Throughout the film her hair changes a ton, but at the end, it cuts back to the scene on the train (afair) - SHE HAS GREEN HAIR!!!!


I can't tell if I'm just being stupid and have missed something, or if its an annoying plot inconsistency.


I never thought about it that way!


Annoying but truely awesome XD


Saw Fight Club tonight in my way to become "enlightened" in movies.


Matrix is already downloaded, shall watch it tomorrow :)


Oh yeah, i think i'l review it in the "Rate the Last Film you saw" thread

In Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Clementine has blue hair on the train to start with. Throughout the film her hair changes a ton, but at the end, it cuts back to the scene on the train (afair) - SHE HAS GREEN HAIR!!!!


I can't tell if I'm just being stupid and have missed something, or if its an annoying plot inconsistency.


That's a different scene. They met twice, remember?





small Dare edit for a bit of spoiler. I liked working that out the first time I watched

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