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what i mean is that people perceive it in different ways,


people think when im shy im just rude n stuff but im just plain shy in front of people i dont know

and that when im nervous people think im weird for talking too much but its because im nervous i just talk to fill the silence...like they dont realise.. i dunno


i know what im tryin to say but im not sure its coming across :P

People think my girlfriend is rude because shes quiet, she can't help being shy. The people who aren't shy should try draw people like that out into the world for all to see them at their best =]


People think I'm cold/emotionless/rude but I'm just really really shy! (and a bit slow) often in my own dream world. :p


IF you say Hello to me it takes a while to register and then I try and muster up enough courage to say Hi back and sometimes the words do not physically come out of my mouth so I'm left standing there in silence just looking distant...


and when I do manage to connect a sentance together it is often something very weird and incoherent or something I want to think in my head. :)


So some people think I'm weird and I never talk, but that is only because I'm uncomfortable around those people.


Than other people still think I'm weird but I guess they like me for that and find me funny and "know me". :D


SO YEAH, Although I'm shy I'm not that bothered what people think of me. I'm never going to change myself to "fit in" so as long as I'm happy with myself then it's all good. :grin:


I'm not sure. Online you probably all think I'm very mood swing like, which is partially true, alot of the time I say what I'm feeling online, in person it's mostly hyperactive, unless I'm with somebody, like a boyfriend. Because paranoia kicks in.


I can't say that I care, I mean if it bothers people they don't have to chat to me :). It's never something I've worried about, if people want to think I'm a bad person or good person, then fair do's!

People think my girlfriend is rude because shes quiet, she can't help being shy. The people who aren't shy should try draw people like that out into the world for all to see them at their best =]


Weeeellll, I tried that with aforementioned dicky bitch, apparently my lack of tolerance for her stupid reasons made me a bad person. She's a funny one, though.


Rummy; thou be my kindred spirit. We must do the summer dance and meet on a patch of grass again!


Haha, we totally will! It's funny, I wanted to give a mention to you and Flink in my post, but then felt kind of bad like just shouting out you two and no one else, though I guess I've just done it now. I think you're both cool(not that you other guys aren't, but...you know). :D

As for meetuppingtings, we should totally get onto actually making threads to get that stuff sorted. I might do that shortly, actually...

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