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Dragon Quest VIII - Why is it So Good?


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It is indeed amazing. It kind of makes me sad that the next one is going to be on DS, as I think that half of the stuff they pulled off on the PS2 can't be done on the DS. Just the atmosphere, quality of sound, the smoothed style they had going...


It'll still be a great game I'm sure, but I'd have loved if it was on PS3.


You seriously need to play the older dragon quest games.

Each Dragon Quest has always obtained it's charm in it, the quality of sound and so fourth. (Shit I still declare Dragon Quest VII as the best one out of the lot and that's a PS1 game that looks like a SNES game)

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Quoted from another thread, but more relevant here:


If you still have your PS2 and enjoy a true RPG (like Skies, of course), I couldn't recommend it more. It's £9.99 (in stock) at Gameplay. OK, you might not like it, but it's one of those games you might love. It's called Journey of the Cursed King, by the way.


Thanks for the tip, bud.

Based on your recommendation (I know you have good taste), I've gone and ordered it. I've got a few RPGs on the go at the moment, so it will be a while before I play it, but I'm quite psyched about it. I'll let you know how I get on.

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You seriously need to play the older dragon quest games.

Each Dragon Quest has always obtained it's charm in it, the quality of sound and so fourth. (Shit I still declare Dragon Quest VII as the best one out of the lot and that's a PS1 game that looks like a SNES game)


Played older DQ games - while great, they are not close to VIII I think. Since DQ games are basically all traditional RPGs, I think the prize for me has to go to the most polished and refined traditional RPG. Which in my opinion is VIII.

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Thanks for the tip, bud.

Based on your recommendation (I know you have good taste), I've gone and ordered it. I've got a few RPGs on the go at the moment, so it will be a while before I play it, but I'm quite psyched about it. I'll let you know how I get on.


Aw, thanks. I really hope you like it as much as me - hand on heart, I think it's brilliant. A couple of tips: 1) Don't sell your items unless you know exactly where you can buy more (you'll need them for alchemy), and 2) If you want to defeat Metal King Slimes (they give the most EXP) and defeat the Darksteel Dragon before Level 65, you'll need 59 skill points in "Spears" and 66 in "Axes". Quite honestly, I'd be happy to advise on anything!


Played older DQ games - while great, they are not close to VIII I think. Since DQ games are basically all traditional RPGs, I think the prize for me has to go to the most polished and refined traditional RPG. Which in my opinion is VIII.


Yeah, I have to agree. Without bias for or against any machine or company, for the sake of the games, I'd much rather IX and/or X were on PS3/360. Still, X has a chance of being as good as VIII.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've only recently begun playing DQ8 and I'm having a lot of fun. I started playing old school RPGs (mostly PC titles) about a year ago, and DQ8 is the first modern (non-handheld) console release I've tested which plays a lot like the classic PC RPGs. I love DQ8's focus on challenging combat, character development and loot-based exploration, and it's hard not be impressed by those astounding production values (most currentgen titles don't look this stylish and the soundtrack is impressive to say the least).


As for the DS DQ4&5 remakes, I think they look great and perfectly suited for the handheld console (which, amazingly enough, is by far the most hardcore-oriented RPG console available at the moment). Would sure be nice if they made DQ10 a technologically impressive PS3/X360 title, though...

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  • 5 months later...

Bumping this thread because I have gone back to play it.


With much more time spent on the rest of the Dragon Quest series, I must say, it feels very slow Dragon Quest VIII comapared to the rest of the Dragon Quest series. I would have loved to have an option where I didn't have to sit through the whole attacking sequence. Plus I also played the Japanese version of this game and now I am upset about one little thing that the US got rid of that the japanese had in the game.


The menu. I am now in love with the simple menu system on all the Dragon Quest games only to remember how DQVIII US version has a menu that's downright annoying and covers the whole screen. The amount of times it loaded for that menu was annoying and would have loved the old school menu.

I can only Hope Square-Enix don't do this to Dragon Quest IX and X when they come to the US


Also with caves and dungeons...they are fat, there is so much useless space in this one compared to the other DQ games, made me think that the team were originally thinking of having monsters seen roam and you battle going up to them, but cancelled the idea near the end of production.


Still, I love this game, just wanted to nit pick some of the things I wished could have changed after playing the game again. :heh:


Out of all the Dragon Quest games I think it's probably the 5th best one out of the series.

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Hmmm, I'm not seeing many reasons for 'Why is it so good?' there. ;)


The game is still good (Heck I would put this in my top 3 RPG of last gen), it's still a new and unique fresh game, with the perfect overworld map and enjoyable old school battle.


I am only comparing this game now towards the other Dragon Quest games now thats all, and all of them are above average games as well as the spin offs they have, I don't think any other series can really top that.

When making Dragon Quest it's obvious they put a lot of heart in it, hence why I don't give a rats ass if Dragon Quest XI goes on WiiWare over the 360 and PS3 for purty grapchics. As long as Yuji Horii, Akira Toriyama and Koichi Sugiyama continue making the game it will always have the charm that no other game really has.

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Putting superficial aspects aside (menu), it still is a glorious game with a fully orchestrated soundtrack, a fantastic atmosphere (in part contributed to by graphics and graphical style) as well as feeling like a far bigger game (at least in terms of world map) than the others. You can tell that just by playing it that a lot more work has gone into it. DS RPGs are fun but IMO never come close to the big console RPGs (hence the disappointment for me regarding IX). That's just the way it always is.


And with regards to 'graphics not being everything'. Why trade off gameplay OR graphics? With it being on the DS that's a hardware limitation off the bat - in terms of graphics, soundtrack/voice acting and the overall presentation. I'm not one who normally cares so much, but with DQVIII having looked so splendid as well as playing brilliantly, I can't help feel that there's been a huge error to limit the potential of the upcoming game.

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as well as feeling like a far bigger game (at least in terms of world map) than the others.

Agreed, although still smaller compared to DQVII, it's what I wished FFX did rather then going from one point to another.


You can tell that just by playing it that a lot more work has gone into it.

But that's the same with all the DQ games, it didn't just start on this one, DQ VII took more then 6 years to complete and it bigger then DQVIII plus had only 30 people working on it, it was really a game that had a lot of effort put into it and it showed (A lot of people dissed it because of the graphics but it's a far greater game compared to VIII IMO).


DS RPGs are fun but IMO never come close to the big console RPGs

Then how come I am playing RPG's on the DS more then I am on consoles? There are RPG's on the 360 and PS3 as well as the Wii, but I am loving the DS RPG's much more compared to most of the crap on the PS3 and 360


(hence the disappointment for me regarding IX). That's just the way it always is.

Yuji Horii clearly stated he wanted this game to be a connection to everyone which is why it's so heavily multiplayer base, you look at pics and see Japanese everywhere having their DS's out playing with people. It's done it's job and no other system could have accomplished what he had in mind.


And with regards to 'graphics not being everything'. Why trade off gameplay OR graphics?

Why waste millions of more $$$ when you can still make people smile on a system that costs less and still does the requirements you want? This is not Final Fantasy, it's a game that does not need super uber high polygon graphics to be a good game.


With it being on the DS that's a hardware limitation off the bat - in terms of graphics, soundtrack/voice acting and the overall presentation. I'm not one who normally cares so much

DQVIII didn't even have voices in the Jap version, I am fine with no voices to be honest, as long as I can still enjoy the fun and simplicity of the game I don't care, as well as midi music was in the Jap version, don't like not having a orchestrated track, go and buy the album.


but with DQVIII having looked so splendid as well as playing brilliantly, I can't help feel that there's been a huge error to limit the potential of the upcoming game.


So you complain because the creator who gave you VIII decided not to put it on the 360 and PS3? Obviously he thinks he can still create good games on systems not as powerful as them, and he is showing, many people are still playing DQIX with people almost over 100 hours having too much fun with what you can do in it.


In the end, this game is...wait for it....wait for it...CASUAL!!!! oh yeah I said it, it's much simpler and easier compared to most games, and anybody can play and enjoy the game, the Wii market and DS market have the casual audience and that's where the team want to make the next DQ game, and I say good on them. Want pretty colours and pointless cutscenes, wait for the new FF game.


To me I really don't care where it goes because I know Horii won't fuck up and he hasn't, whatever system it's on there must be a reason behind it. So you can keep complaining about how you can't have your DQ HD or just go and enjoy the games that come out.

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Then how come I am playing RPG's on the DS more then I am on consoles? There are RPG's on the 360 and PS3 as well as the Wii, but I am loving the DS RPG's much more compared to most of the crap on the PS3 and 360


Probably because the current console RPGs aren't very good...there's hardly been any on PS3 at the moment for instance. But the best RPGs of all time (IMO) have all been on home consoles where you usually have games that contain more than a handheld of the same time period can provide. Slight exception would be Golden Sun, but I still prefer PS1 FF games.


Yuji Horii clearly stated he wanted this game to be a connection to everyone which is why it's so heavily multiplayer base, you look at pics and see Japanese everywhere having their DS's out playing with people. It's done it's job and no other system could have accomplished what he had in mind.


Sorry but I couldn't care less how it benefits Japanese people! They're the only ones who all get their DS's out in public. Maybe in some of the busy cities in America, too, but definitely not here.


Why waste millions of more $$$ when you can still make people smile on a system that costs less and still does the requirements you want? This is not Final Fantasy, it's a game that does not need super uber high polygon graphics to be a good game.


Yeah well, just look at Valkyria Chronicles on PS3 and now the upcoming 'sequel' on PSP. Seems like a downgraded load of bull. No doubt if they just released both games on PSP to begin with it would have made people smile, but once you give people a slice of pie they'll be damned if they get stale cake as a follow up! Sure it won't exactly be a stale cake, but there's no doubt it is in some respects a downgrade.


DQVIII didn't even have voices in the Jap version, I am fine with no voices to be honest, as long as I can still enjoy the fun and simplicity of the game I don't care, as well as midi music was in the Jap version, don't like not having a orchestrated track, go and buy the album.


Yeah, and how great the voices are (Ray Whinstone as Yangus)! Again, what happened in Japan doesn't make much difference to us, lol. The soundtrack was one of the best things about the game. Taking these bits and bobs away makes for a worse experience...don't know about you, but if I have the option of voices (maybe an option to switch off in menu) and an orchestrated soundtrack I'd take them any day! Why settle for less...



So you complain because the creator who gave you VIII decided not to put it on the 360 and PS3? Obviously he thinks he can still create good games on systems not as powerful as them, and he is showing, many people are still playing DQIX with people almost over 100 hours having too much fun with what you can do in it.


Nope, he's just putting on a system where it will sell a lot more because more people have a DS. Nothing to do with what he thinks he can do with the game...it's pure, cold-hearted money making.


In the end, this game is...wait for it....wait for it...CASUAL!!!! oh yeah I said it,



Don't be ridiculous - it's a long-winded RPG where you slay orcs to gain EXP, with a much slower levelling system than most RPGs. I clocked over 135 hours when fully completed with the game, and even then I was only L66. This game is not at all casual. It's just popular in Japan because Japan is full of nerds. If you want the definition of casual look at Wii Sports, Brain Training or Fifa. That's casual - not a grinding RPG!



The point is that it's limited to begin with. It will still be good in all likeliness, just not as good as it could have been.

Edited by Sheikah
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Out of interest, how would you rate each game?


1.Dragon Quest VII (PS1)

2.Dragon Quest V (SNES)

3.Dragon Quest III (NES)

4.Dragon Quest IV (NES)

5.Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)

6.Dragon Quest I (NES)

7.Dragon Quest II (NES)


I would keep arguing with Sheikah but there really is no point if I reply back he will reply back with the same defense

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DS RPGs are fun but IMO never come close to the big console RPGs


Then how come I am playing RPG's on the DS more then I am on consoles?


This made me laugh - I love these sorts of hard-headed responses. You're asking why Sheika's opinion of something isn't the same as yours. Shock horror! I suppose if he'd said his favourite colour is blue, you'd have said 'Then how come my favourite colour is red? Huh? HUH? Answer that then!'.


I would keep arguing with Sheikah but there really is no point if I reply back he will reply back with the same defense


Yep, it's pointless trying to change someone's opinion on the internet. Far better to accept that everyone has different tastes and discuss, rather than snipe, no?


I was hoping for some more positive comments about the game to get me hyped. I'm already quite hyped, having played the game for a few minutes just to get a taste for it. It looks very cartoony and light-hearted, as I expected.


I've never played a DQ game before, will this be a good introduction to the series? Is it typical fare for a DQ game, or does it stray from the usual DQ formula?

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This made me laugh - I love these sorts of hard-headed responses. You're asking why Sheika's opinion of something isn't the same as yours. Shock horror! I suppose if he'd said his favourite colour is blue, you'd have said 'Then how come my favourite colour is red? Huh? HUH? Answer that then!'.


Sorry I didn't put IMO at the end of it. The fact is, I am always on the run, I can never have as much time sitting down playing games anymore, most of the time I am on a train, a bus and after all that, I just want to relax.


Most RPG's length of a game can easily fit into a handheld game now, Monster Hunter on the PSP is a prime example, it has got over 100 hours on it and I still play it from time to time.

Harvest Moon as well as Rune Factory on the DS waste a lot of my time and I should also add all those SRPG's I have.

People diss the handeheld too much and it really gives me the shits, it's always bad mouthed by 'console people' because it doesn't have realistic graphics but graphics like a N64. Making a game on DS doesn't automatically make it a bad game compared to what it could have been on the 360 or PS3, to know that I will be playing DQIX, a brand new DQ game in the main series on the train or bus is something I am very happy about.



It looks very cartoony and light-hearted, as I expected.


I've never played a DQ game before, will this be a good introduction to the series? Is it typical fare for a DQ game, or does it stray from the usual DQ formula?

Yeah it's a good introduction to the series, it's a slow game compared to the rest of the Dragon Quest series so you can take your time with it and enjoy it ^_^

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I've been playing an equal number of RPGs on a handheld and on a console for years now. Handheld-wise, I love revisiting RPGs from my youth. The last three RPGs I've played on the DS have been Chrono Trigger, FFVI Advance and FFIII (DS remake).


Console-wise, I am planning to start DQVIII soon and possibly a Persona game after that. I have also revisited RPGs from my youth via the VC.


It doesn't bother me that a handheld game has inferior graphics - the gameplay is where it's at for me.


Yeah it's a good introduction to the series, it's a slow game compared to the rest of the Dragon Quest series so you can take your time with it and enjoy it ^_^


Thanks. By all accounts, I'll be playing it for a while.

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I've never played a DQ game before, will this be a good introduction to the series? Is it typical fare for a DQ game, or does it stray from the usual DQ formula?


Yes, it's a great introduction to the series, although there are a few key differences. In Dragon Quest IV and V (the only others I've played), you have a huge amount of party members to choose from. In DQVIII, there are only enough characters to fill your party, which I prefer.


Dragon Quest VIII also has skill trees, so be careful where you put your skill points! :) Spears and Axes are very important.


Also, generally speaking, don't sell your items, especially rare ones, because they come in useful later.


Overall, I would say DQVIII has more tactical gameplay. In DQIV and V, you can pretty much plough away at the bosses, with healing when necessary. In DQVIII, the special moves seem much more important, perhaps the buffs too.

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Hey, thanks for all the info Grazzy.


I have mixed feelings about having a big cast of characters to choose from. On the one hand there is flexibility and good replay value and on the other hand, there is the constant nagging feeling you're neglecting someone who could be really useful!


Spears, axes, don't sell items. Gotcha. Though I'm dying to know what a 'buff' is.

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Hey, thanks for all the info Grazzy.


I have mixed feelings about having a big cast of characters to choose from. On the one hand there is flexibility and good replay value and on the other hand, there is the constant nagging feeling you're neglecting someone who could be really useful!


Spears, axes, don't sell items. Gotcha. Though I'm dying to know what a 'buff' is.


LOL, thanks for the new nickname, I like that one! :)


A buff is just a stat boost, like "Protego" in Final Fantasy. There are buffs to increase defence, and buffs to lessen fire/ice damage etc.


What I like about having only four characters is that you know that, between them, they will be able to do all the spells and moves you need.


Oh, by the way, 8 points into "Courage" (you learn Zoom) and 10 points into "Humanity" (Yangus learns Heal) will be very useful at the beginning of the game too.

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A buff is just a stat boost, like "Protego" in Final Fantasy. There are buffs to increase defence, and buffs to lessen fire/ice damage etc.


Ah, I see. They 'buff' you up. Also like the 'Source' items in Final Fantasy. Magic Source, Power Source etc...


Thanks for the tip about Humanity and Heal. Getting Heal early on sounds like it would be very useful.


Seems like your inferring that RPGs have gameplay...?


Oh yeah. Good point. Revised:


It doesn't bother me that a handheld game has inferior graphics - the length of the cutscenes is where it's at for me.

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Overall, I would say DQVIII has more tactical gameplay. In DQIV and V, you can pretty much plough away at the bosses, with healing when necessary. In DQVIII, the special moves seem much more important, perhaps the buffs too.


Really? To be honest I think DQVIII is still a bit on the easy side,

like yeah you can't just go attack attack attack all the time, but if you get jessica with the whip skill twin dragon lash, Angelo's falcon blade, Hero's special spear attack (Forgot what you call it but you attack 3 times rather then one) and have Yangus have his axe lvl up, it's really quite easy to get through the game.



Oh yeah and phyching up, may be a good thing to start with, but once you have all characters, it's not really worth using at all (Unless you have that certain item you don't get till the end anyway :P )

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Oh yeah and phyching up, may be a good thing to start with, but once you have all characters, it's not really worth using at all (Unless you have that certain item you don't get till the end anyway :P )


I found is was still worth using. Although it was harder to use against later bosses.

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Really? To be honest I think DQVIII is still a bit on the easy side,
like yeah you can't just go attack attack attack all the time, but if you get jessica with the whip skill twin dragon lash, Angelo's falcon blade, Hero's special spear attack (Forgot what you call it but you attack 3 times rather then one) and have Yangus have his axe lvl up, it's really quite easy to get through the game.


I've been thinking about why I feel DQVIII is more tactical, and it's not that the game is particularly difficult, rather that the bosses are a lot harder compared to the minions in their dungeons. For example, you can level up until you can get through the dungeon easily, but you still have to think a lot on the boss battles.


Also, the bosses can psyche, so you have to adapt your tactics on the fly - whether to attack, defend, heal, buff, insulate, diffuse their psyching etc. It just seems like it's more important to the battle.


The special moves also let you control your tactics a lot more, eg. lower the enemy's defence, one with a 50% chance of critical hit, 50% risk of missing.

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