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Help me choose a TV!


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For Christmas I want to buy myself (with parentals xmas pressie money too) a new TV. An LCD but I don’t really know what size. Apparently you can get better deals on 32’’ than 26’’ these days. I want a decent picture quality and freeview, as there’s no sky in my room. I’ve seen a really nice Samsung 32’’ but it’s £384 with a 5 year guarantee and I don’t know if that’s a good deal. I do love Samsungs though, for electrical equipment they are extremely sexy. My brother got his 42’’ plasma for £250, from a contact admittedly but still; I hate the thought of paying loads more for a smaller TV.


Any suggestions or recommendations?

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Samsung, Samsung......SAMSUNG!!!


Ahem....you should consider going for that 32" set providing it has freeview, I've got a 37" one at home and my lord it is awesome. Plus they are indeed very sexy....like me....


....I'll get my coat. Good luck finding the one you want :)

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I have a Samsung LE32R87BDX (the one below.)


Its alright, Freeviews not bad on it... Contrast ratio is below average. Its a cheap HDTV, through and through.


Save, buy a decent one. Hence i just bought a Sony Bravia KDL40W4000. Okay, so its a 40" and a little out of your budget. But theres a 32" online thats going pretty cheap. Seriously, I saw one of the sets in real life and the difference is night and fucking day.





Cost £560 last year





Cost £689 online this week.

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Thanks guys :) It seems like the sony bravias all have better contrast ratios, i assume that means a better picture, but the samsungs look amazing. Style or substance? hmmm it's a toughie.


Do you remember where you saw the deal on the 32'' bravia Jordan? Richer sounds.com seems to pretty good from what I've seen.

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Whilst i'd agree on the Samsung looking nicer, technology wise the R87 line is drastically out of date.


Cheapest I can find a 32" Bravia is: http://www.pricelesselectronics.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=976




My 40" was £675... O_o. Bare in mind the W4000 series is fairly new and pretty expensive. I think I just got a good deal.

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I have the updated version of Jordans Samsung (though I believe there is another version again up from mine) and it's awesome.


(Haven't looked around for price, but this is roughly the one I'm referring too)


Obviously, it's a way lower spec than the Sony. 33k:1 ratio rather than 10k:1, for example. In my experience however, the Sony ratio is rather inflated - 10k:1 is probably about average to above average for this size, I think. Smaller TV's can have as low as 600:1.


Also it should be noted the Samsung doesn't do 1080p, which should only really affect you for now if you have a PS3 / BluRay player. It's probably an important future proofing thing, but I bought mine about a year ago and went on the assumption I would be upgrading again anyway when 1080p is becoming standard.


Don't go on you're brothers price either, as it may be a pretty rubbish model. The size of a TV isn't the ultimate measure of it's value. It would probably help if you could give an approximate budget.

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Well to be fair I don't have a PS3 and don't plan on getting a BluRay player until I can afford to actually buy BluRay discs (probably some time) so I guess 1080p is unnecessary for me.


Originally I was thinking of spending about £200 but now I've got my heart set on 32'' the budget has gone up to £350-400, ideally including a wall mount and some kind of guarantee.


That one you linked, is this pretty much the same http://www.richersounds.com/showproduct.php?cda=showproduct&pid=SAMS-LE32A457?? cos that seems a good price. In fact it's gone down £10 from yesterday, jees.

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Juding by the numbers in the name, I'd venture a guess that the one you linked to is virtually the same, with one or two small features to distinguish it. With my TV Samsung did the same thing; there was the 87, and the 88. The 88 was the 87 with a blue shiny light and touch controls instead of buttons, and was exclusive to Dixons. Other than that, no difference. I'm guessing that this is the same thing, with the 57 being exclusive to Richer Sounds.


If anyone knows otherwise feel free to shoot me down.

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Juding by the numbers in the name, I'd venture a guess that the one you linked to is virtually the same, with one or two small features to distinguish it. With my TV Samsung did the same thing; there was the 87, and the 88. The 88 was the 87 with a blue shiny light and touch controls instead of buttons, and was exclusive to Dixons. Other than that, no difference. I'm guessing that this is the same thing, with the 57 being exclusive to Richer Sounds.


If anyone knows otherwise feel free to shoot me down.


You are correct - the differences are essentially (completely maybe?) cosmetic.

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Well no one can accuse me of overthinking things! Drove to the richer sounds in MK today and they matched the website price so here it is (again, rubbish picture due to stupid camera but yeah, I went for the samsung 32'')...





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Obviously, it's a way lower spec than the Sony. 33k:1 ratio rather than 10k:1, for example. In my experience however, the Sony ratio is rather inflated - 10k:1 is probably about average to above average for this size, I think. Smaller TV's can have as low as 600:1.





It's not a pop its more of wtf does all that mean

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Take it from someone who helped a guy wall mount a 32" Samsung... Wall mounts are a pain in the fucking ass and more effort than they're worth

yeah I didn't buy one in the end, gone for the *on top of the chest of drawers* option instead, it works and involves less drilling.


Nice TV.

Thanks bud. :)

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I'm a bit late to this thread, but oh well.


Quick bit about contrast ratios for future knowledge. A contrast ratio is basically just the difference from the whitest white to the blackest black. There are two kinds of CR also, Static Contrast Ratio and Dynamic Contrast Ratio. SCR is what a TV can display at any one time, while DCR is more of a simulated experience. A DCR of 1K:1 is close to 2500:1. Newer Samsungs and Plasma TVs are now displaying 1M:1 DCR, and for the last few years Plasmas had much better CRs than even an LCDs DCR.


None of that really matters though since you've already made a choice. Besides, think of it this way the majority of PC Monitors only have a CR of around 600-1000:1 if your lucky some go higher.

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It's not a pop its more of wtf does all that mean


Sorry, reading back what I said isn't too clear. :heh:


leetpants description of contrast ratio is pretty good.


Basically, while Sony TV's tend to have a far larger contrast ratio, it's mostly unncessary. Small (around 19") TV's can have contrast ratios of around 600:1. Average sized HDTVs tend to be more around the 8000:1 or 10000:1. Sony tends to have a far larger, usually around 30000:1.


As you can probably guess from those figures, what I was saying is that while the Sony seems massively better than the others, it is more just a figure to encourage sales than anything that you should worry about.




Nice one Molly, hope it serves you well. Mine sure has :smile:

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Basically, while Sony TV's tend to have a far larger contrast ratio, it's mostly unncessary. Small (around 19") TV's can have contrast ratios of around 600:1. Average sized HDTVs tend to be more around the 8000:1 or 10000:1. Sony tends to have a far larger, usually around 30000:1.


As you can probably guess from those figures, what I was saying is that while the Sony seems massively better than the others, it is more just a figure to encourage sales than anything that you should worry about


It's not just a Sony problem. Samsung have always been the most guilty of exagerating contrast ratios. Using this year as an example the top end started out with the Samsung A656 (50,000:1), Sony W4000 (33,000:1) and Panasonic PZ80 (30,000:1). Reviews had the Panny down as having the best black level response and lowest level of black crush (loss of detail in dark scenes). The Sony and Samsung were pretty much equal. To cement the joke Samsung have claimed a 2,000,000:1 ratio on their new A956 model. It's become that much of a joke that Pioneer have actually stopped publishing figures for their sets.


That said black level has improved dramatically in the past few years. The figures being quoted do give a true impression even if they are exagerated, both LCD and Plasma technology are fast approaching true black at the top end of the market (Pioneer are already there, Samsung and Philips are close, Sony and Panasonic will release their attempts soon).

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It's not just a Sony problem. Samsung have always been the most guilty of exagerating contrast ratios. Using this year as an example the top end started out with the Samsung A656 (50,000:1), Sony W4000 (33,000:1) and Panasonic PZ80 (30,000:1). Reviews had the Panny down as having the best black level response and lowest level of black crush (loss of detail in dark scenes). The Sony and Samsung were pretty much equal. To cement the joke Samsung have claimed a 2,000,000:1 ratio on their new A956 model. It's become that much of a joke that Pioneer have actually stopped publishing figures for their sets.


That said black level has improved dramatically in the past few years. The figures being quoted do give a true impression even if they are exagerated, both LCD and Plasma technology are fast approaching true black at the top end of the market (Pioneer are already there, Samsung and Philips are close, Sony and Panasonic will release their attempts soon).


Actually I had no idea about any of that. My post was just in reference to the importance of the difference between the ratios, not the accuracy.

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Cancer research technology? or Clinical Research training for scotland?


Looool! Surely the S would be capitalised.



Actually yeah....it is Scotland....



Right....why is my work mouse sticking. Someones done something...


I know, always trying to be a comedian and failing.


Oooh hidden message. Yeah. I don't know anyone like that.

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