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Planet Nibiru - The 10th Planet


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Do you mean close to our sun as in in our Solar System? Thats not what it is showing. That dwarf star is obviously distant enough to make Nibiru's orbit cross ours ever 3000 some years.


But the nearest star isn't even a dwarf star.

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i tried looking using google, almost every article i read kept calling it the 12th planet.... ok assuming these were written pre-2006 when Pluto was stripped of it's planetary status, they are still counting the Sun and the Moon as "planets"... why? That alone just leaves me saying..... NO



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I read about this years ago. The theory was that this mysterious Planet X fucked over Uranus' (haha, no) axis, hence why it's totally different from all the other planets. I can believe that if it did exist and was coming the government wouldn't say shit. However it's too big a secret to be kept in this day and age. Surely if it happened in the past people survived it anyway so I don't get the doomsday bit.

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I've not watched those videos. But I do find it interesting that when these types of videos come out they're always some dudes youtube video. I'd be more worried if NASA or another notable scientific organisation published a video of such 'importance'.








My personal favourite link.

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I've not watched those videos. But I do find it interesting that when these types of videos come out they're always some dudes youtube video. I'd be more worried if NASA or another notable scientific organisation published a video of such 'importance'.








My personal favourite link.


Most of these organisations are heavily controlled by the government. Of course what they may find in deep space and the information we are told are filtered.


Nibiru is also known to many astrologers.

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Most of these organisations are heavily controlled by the government. Of course what they may find in deep space and the information we are told are filtered.


Nibiru is also known to many astrologers.


Astrology is hardly scientific, though.


While it's true that we cannot know for certain just how much info the government is keeping from us, we can't just jump on every single theory out there. Reading about the circumstances regarding this theory, I severely doubt its validity.

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This story is so crappy, uses fake evidence, and is so easily disprovable.


I'm sorry, it's just sad people even remotely buy this. The people trying to promote it don't know jack about physics or astronomy, and I can tell that from having seen just two videos.


They use pictures and code names of trans-neptunian dwarf planets (notably Eris) which are tinier than the Moon and have a perfectly stable orbit around the Sun. They also keep on suggesting that the solar system needs a 10th large planet to explain Neptune's and Uranus' orbits, but that suspicion was debunked more than thirty years ago when the Uranus' and Neptune's mass were properly measured.

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i tried looking using google, almost every article i read kept calling it the 12th planet.... ok assuming these were written pre-2006 when Pluto was stripped of it's planetary status, they are still counting the Sun and the Moon as "planets"... why? That alone just leaves me saying..... NO




They also listed The Sun, the moon and Pluto as planets.



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Most of these organisations are heavily controlled by the government. Of course what they may find in deep space and the information we are told are filtered.


Nibiru is also known to many astrologers.


Well you continue to worry about the governments cover up of dooms day planets, and I'll just live out my life. Enjoy.

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Most of these organisations are heavily controlled by the government. Of course what they may find in deep space and the information we are told are filtered.


Nibiru is also known to many astrologers.



There are plenty of non-government organisations who, if this was real, would notice it hundreds of years in advance.


Also, the two-star orbit makes no sense whatsoever. The planet would have to slingshot around the sun, which wouldn't send it back in the same direction as the red dwarf and vice verca.

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Do you also beleive that 9/11 was done by the US Government?


My friend, to each his own. But you obviously believe everything that you are told by the mainstream media - whether thats right or wrong or a good or a bad thing is up to each individual.


But if you're asking me personally, I would have to say, yes, it is not an impossible thought to think America would sacrifice it's own people in order to plunder and rob another.


The media controls our mind and politicians know this... Try to view my new topic with an open mind..

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My friend, to each his own. But you obviously believe everything that you are told by the mainstream media - whether thats right or wrong or a good or a bad thing is up to each individual.


But if you're asking me personally, I would have to say, yes, it is not an impossible thought to think America would sacrifice it's own people in order to plunder and rob another.


The media controls our mind and politicians know this... Try to view my new topic with an open mind..


I believe stuff when there's evidence for it, the evidence points towards planes going into the towers and pentagon.


Also, do you really think America is in anyway capable of covering up something that big. If they could why wouldn't they just plant a WMD in Iraq and 'find' it?



EDIT: And towards this planet nibiru thing, when there's evidence for it that isn't some bad youtube video, I'll believe it.

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I believe stuff when there's evidence for it, the evidence points towards planes going into the towers and pentagon.


Also, do you really think America is in anyway capable of covering up something that big. If they could why wouldn't they just plant a WMD in Iraq and 'find' it?



EDIT: And towards this planet nibiru thing, when there's evidence for it that isn't some bad youtube video, I'll believe it.


LOL... How do you even know there are 8 planets out there? How do you know we have a planet Jupiter in our system? You only know, because you were told. Just think about that carefully. As an infant, you only knew what your parents told you... Until you knew for yourself.


Same thing here, you are being spoon fed your information by organisations and politicians who have a whole heap of secrets and tell a good deal of lies... regularly.


Don't get me wrong, I'm no different, I only know what i have been told but I still realise we are not being told EVERYTHING about everything. The fact is so-called planet Nibiru has some history to it is intriguing enough - forget the doomsday aspect for a minute. Ancients have noted it, a few thousand years later, some experts are noting it... Who knows. You don't have to care; get high, get drunk or whatever.


But the fact that you just DON'T know, shouldn't make you think its not possible. (to everything in general).

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It is people like this that make me extremely sceptical about anything involving Conspiracies.


And while this 9th planet may exist, I'm not gonna believe it until I see evidence that isn't from some youtube video trying to be all mystic with the creepy music etc.


The reason I believe Jupiter exists is because so do the scientists who have credibility.

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It is people like this that make me extremely sceptical about anything involving Conspiracies.


And while this 9th planet may exist, I'm not gonna believe it until I see evidence that isn't from some youtube video trying to be all mystic with the creepy music etc.


The reason I believe Jupiter exists is because so do the scientists who have credibility.


"Credibility"?... and so what if they [the scientists] are just making it all up? How would you know? In this sense, they are no different than the guys making these sort of videos. Its only mysterious and shadowy if you make it to be, and thats what our minds usually does towards things we don't or seemingly can't understand or find an answer to.


But hey, to each his/her own really.

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