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Bioshock 2


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Been replaying this through on Easy to pick up all the achievements I missed (which I didn't realise was so many). Still shits me up in places but i'm pretty much just running around because nothing can really hurt you on that setting. Hope they keep up atmosphere in the next one.

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Been replaying this through on Easy to pick up all the achievements I missed (which I didn't realise was so many). Still shits me up in places but i'm pretty much just running around because nothing can really hurt you on that setting. Hope they keep up atmosphere in the next one.


yeah for me that was the single greatest thing about the game and was as a result of the art deco/retro fitted/steam punk look and the ambience, the enemies all helped create this incredible atmosphere that brought the game alive in a way that few games can...

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I've had to cancel my preorder :( can't really afford it this month because spent too much money on other stuff, namely dvds and cancelling my phone contract. Get paid 15th Feb so will only have to wait 6 days I guess...managed to stay spoiler free on the original bioshock for the like the year and half between the 360 release and PS3 release, so sure can handle 6 days.

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I've been renting for a year now. Don't know what I'd do without it tbh.


yeah I cancelled my account because wasn't getting through games fast enough to make it worth while...had one game (can't remember what) for 2 months by which point I could have bought it...but I do have more time these days so perhaps its more worthwhile.

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Had 2 emails from GAME concerning my pre-order. They keep putting the price down, i was paying £39.99, then it went to £37.99, now i am paying £34.99. All good i say, if they keep reducing the price i reckon they'll be paying me to have a copy off them.

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Lol, I paid only £26 for it. The PC version of the original was the best, and I have no reason to believe this will be any different.


I don't think it will be any different, except probably better. If 2K have implemented all the new PC technology into Bioshock 2, then i will be guessing that it will be 10x better than the original.

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I don't think it will be any different, except probably better. If 2K have implemented all the new PC technology into Bioshock 2, then i will be guessing that it will be 10x better than the original.


Doubt it will be anywhere near as conceputally astounding as the original to be honest. But at this point, all I really want is the chance to revisit that world with all the impact of a big daddy; the original is always there.


Its funny how I managed to incorporate a videogame into my American Romanticism essay on Emerson :heh:.

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I thought the ending wasn't that bad. My only complaint was more to do with the moral binary of the "choices" you made. But then, the last third of the game was really an exposition on how little agency you have as a player anyway.


Would you kindly not blow all my hopeful expectations out your ass like molten effluence, 2K Marin?

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If anyone wants a more detailed look at the special edition of Bioshock 2, here's the official unboxing video:



Glad I pre-ordered now. <3 I'd like to see the 'Uber Edition' though! xD


Will ours be quite as good as that though? I am STILL stung by that Batman Special Edition!


Anyway a recap of the first game for anyone who wants to watch it:



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Will ours be quite as good as that though? I am STILL stung by that Batman Special Edition


Your never going to get over that trauma! Ur vid of ur unboxing made me laugh!


Everything shown in there is what is going to be in the UK version, from the pics on sites that are selling it should be the same!

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