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X-Factor 2008


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All the boys were awful, that I saw (I left the room when Eoghamama came on, can't stand him anyway).


Diana, Alexandra and Ruth were superb.


But Rachel was amazing. I think her unfemininity added something to the song. Like the antithesis of Diana just before her.

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Am I the only one that dislikes rachel? When she sings, the tone of her voice sounds like millions of cats being strangled. I know she can belt out a tune, but when she sounds that bad doing it I can't help but turn down the volume.


I thought Diana and Alexandra were superb.

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Am I the only one that dislikes rachel? When she sings, the tone of her voice sounds like millions of cats being strangled. I know she can belt out a tune, but when she sounds that bad doing it I can't help but turn down the volume.


I thought Diana and Alexandra were superb.


Nah i dont like her either really, sounds the same as everyone else really.


Thats why i really like Diana, shes unique and awesome at the same time :heh: which is hard to do

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Diana verges on becoming sickly sweet after too long, I feel. I do really like her voice, and it's uniqueness, and so far she's done no wrong whatsoever, but I get a bit of a headache at the thought of an album of the stuff, unless it's really catered to her voice, not just the standard "X Factor Winner" album.

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I really liked Rachel's and Alexander's perfomance. I was shocked to see Scott go, it should have been Daniel considering he is the weakest out of the two. Should've went to Deadlock, lol.


By the way, does anyone else laugh when a judge chooses deadlock and the whole studio turns red and DEADLOCK! is on the screens...no...just me :laughing:

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I was reading Popjustice and I read a comment about the new Paris Hilton for President video she made. On it they say "Maybe "Deadwife" should sing this next week on the Xfactor".


I know I shouldn't laugh, but I had too. It's so goddamn true. I don't even know his name, I just know he mentions his dead wife constantly.

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I was reading Popjustice and I read a comment about the new Paris Hilton for President video she made. On it they say "Maybe "Deadwife" should sing this next week on the Xfactor".


I know I shouldn't laugh, but I had too. It's so goddamn true. I don't even know his name, I just know he mentions his dead wife constantly.


This is going to sound horrible but that dude has used the sympathy card so much this series. IMO, he wasn't good at all. Oh well, that's a position for a chance to be in the final wasted.

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Eoghan was vocally the worst of the night. He's my least favourite anyway.


Diana did better with Call Me than I thought she would, but it didn't fit her much at all.


Best of the night were Laura and Ruth.


Austin was dull as dogs.

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Why do the judges not pick up on the fact that Owen and Austin are out of tune most of the time!! Daniel to go though, he's in a world of his own.


Diana, Laura, and Ruth were all gooooooood.


It seems to be the year with the most talent, but also the year where Simon's facade slips, revealing what we all know; he's in it to get a product. Austin caters to teenage/young girls, as does Eoghan. Both also to older women.


They're staying for a while yet, I predict.

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It's truly a hideous (looking at least) name. Eoghan Quigg. It's like a type of herbal remedy a witch would grudgingly give you to cure some kind of gential itch.


"Hmm...I could give you some Eoghan Quigg. Y'know it's, like, really nasty, though, right?"




Austin went. Yay. Colour me surprised (happily so).

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