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What Would Be Your Perfect Day?


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You have to explain a best day ever for you. This must include ;


What activities you would do, who you would spend it with, what you would eat and so on and so forth? Include as much detail as you like, weather is within your control aswell.





Oh its such a perfect day...

Im glad I spent it with you...

Oh..such a perfect day..

You just keep me hanging on...

You just keep me hanging on......

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The perfect day..... hmmmm.... I believe mine would go something like this:


It would be a very sunny and warm day. Very little wind. I'd get up, have breakfast and spend the day in the sun listening to music, drawing, perhaps painting in the local town park. And I'd do that until it got to dark to do it. In which case, I'd sit and watch the sunset (or watch it from a hot air balloon). I'd have my favourite dinner of Chicken piri-piri before sitting out and watching the night sky for a few hours.


It sounds so lazy and I know it basically just involves me, I probably wouldn't have it any other way (except at the sunset bit where I'd hope to be with the girl of my dreams :heh:). Short and simple though. And believe it or not, I've done it on many occasions. So I'm not sure if it counts or not. The hot air ballooning bit while watching the sunset actually happened while I was in Sweden. Stockholm and the surrounding area at sunset is beautiful from a hot air balloon.

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hum, well, id get up fairly early, around 9, the weather would be sunny, id meet up with friends plus gf and all spend a few hours messing around in a field, then head to a pub for lunch, after a few drinks later go shopping in smaller groups, keep changing who i was with, pick up some stuff i didnt need but wanted. go back to a decent sized house, with an ample supply of cans in the fridge, nicly cooled. sit around, maybe have some super cheese 80's film on, order a take away to eat with the film, talk with friends about anything and everything, play a couple of daft party games till it got dark, then head back to the field, have a bonfire and talk about life, wait untill the fire burns itself out completly with the gf, then look up at the stars and pretend to know some constilations, make her laugh, and tell her how beautiful she is, eventualy head home late at night for a well earned sleep.



all i need now is a gf, a sunny day, some were to host it and a feild were i can get away with a fire.

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I think my perfect day would be a nice sunny day, not hot but a nice temperature.


I would probably visit Swansea with a few mates and attempt as best as we can to re-enact Twin Town scenes, we have always wanted to do this since watching the movie numerous times. (we wouldn't do the scenes that resulted in damage to property or drugs or the club/pub)


Then make a visit to Lisa's house (who lives in Swansea btw), go out have a few beers and head back home i guess.

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A hot sunny saturday in May. Up early, hearty breakfast (fry up of course). Then head down to London, few beers, watch the Arsenal win the league. Few beers afterwards, partying etc. Then where ever the night should take me, with me ending up back at home safely to sleep off much alcohol abuse.

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Oh its such a perfect day...

Im glad I spent it with you...

Oh..such a perfect day..

You just keep me hanging on...

You just keep me hanging on......


I find it ironic that this was used as a feel good advert when the song was originally about heroin.

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