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Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd


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A remake of MG and MG2 could be good, though I think that would be more likely for the PS3.


That could be possible. Alot of people have been hoping for 1080p for a while and I don't think Nintendo will wait with the number of people with HDTVs going up every day.




I'm sure if we got MG on the DS it would probably be a port of Acid.




Even just a remake of MG and MG2 (in 2D) would be good. I can't see an exclusive MG game coming to a Nintendo system, Its only happened once and that one isn't really considered an official MG.




I think if they revealed even one of those games we would all forget about E3.




Probably. Hopefully Nintendo will make Monitor cables for it.



I will buy it and do you mean a HD leed? Do you want a MGS game to come out for a Nintendo Console?

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This is conference leaked news


Reports out of Japanese newspapers Saturday indicate that Nintendo is preparing to announce a new version of the Nintendo DS hardware in the coming days, one that adds non-gaming functions to the popular portable machine.


Nikkei Net, the online arm of Japan's foremost economic newspaper, reports that the new model will launch this year in Japan and include a camera and music playback. Nikkei's take on the new machine is that Nintendo is moving outside the boundaries of the "game industry" and attempting to create a device that will compete with more general electronics like cell phones.


The machine's wireless communication functionality will also be strengthened by allowing it to connect to "information terminals," possibly allowing a user to find nearby train stations or restaurants using his DS.


Nikkei does point out that the camera function of DS could be integrated with gameplay, by allowing games to use the photos taken with the hardware.


The online version of the story omits a line that is present in a photograph of the print story, which says that the new model will cost less than 20,000 yen (about $188). The DS Lite costs 16,800 yen ($158) in Japan.


Nikkei says the new model will go on sale in Japan first, this year, and that a U.S. release is "being considered."


And there might be more to this new model -- another version of the Nikkei report, since removed, apparently ran on a site called Monex and said that the hardware would have larger screens and be able to transfer data from the Wii or an SD card.


Note that we may not be getting the full picture of the device's capabilities from these reports; note also that the current version of the story does not confirm the two data points in the above paragraph.


Nintendo will hold media briefings in Tokyo and San Francisco on Thursday. Simultaneous media events generally mean some big piece of news is to be announced, so this would seem like a likely topic of discussion.

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I'm straying out of that rumor, I won't say it is fake, but I'll say it seems to something very unlike nintendo to do, they don't sell music for instance, and I doubt they're trying to release something like iTunes, so what's the point?


Seems to be a good move for Japan though, since PSP is selling and selling no software along with it (neither UMD's) so Nintendo might have reached the conclusion it's the mp3 playback and integration. But as for the rest of the world? not so sure, unless they want to go after the iPhone but that would be giving it too much credit. I also reckon games shouldn't use the camera.


So... no game announcements October 2nd? and if this is true, could this trully be a leak? I mean, why not releasing the info now, and nintendo is not known for leaks.

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I'd love it if this was the successor to the DS, considering that Nintendo haven't released a decent first party game for it since Phantom Hourglass, but if it's just a normal DS with photo and MP3 features, I'm not interested, as my phone already does that (as does pretty much everyone else's).

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On one hand, there seems no sustainable income with these additional features. On the other, didn't Reggie say that the storage solution was "so much better than a hard drive".


I like your thinking! A DS would prove a little more costly than a hard drive though... Maybe it's just an option.


Anyway, this news could be correct. I guess manufacturing costs for the DS have dropped dramatically, so they can probably afford to do this. It'd sure drive up the DS's sales against the PSP in Japan.

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I'd like to tip-toe into the same boat as pedro. It could be true, and would perhaps make sense on a financial level. But there is one monumental paradox in this report:


Nintendo will hold media briefings in Tokyo and San Francisco on Thursday. Simultaneous media events generally mean some big piece of news is to be announced




Nikkei says the new model will go on sale in Japan first, this year, and that a U.S. release is "being considered."


Sounds like one, big, unnecessary carbon footprint.

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If this is the news then it is EXTREMELY disappointing. Why update the DS again and again.... Why don't they just add all this to the DS2??! Also, it's not exactly for gamers; after the backlash of E3 and the self admitting that it was a terrible E3 you would have thought they would address some gamers concerns; namely some bigger franchise games and a FUCKING HARD DRIVE!!!!!!!

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If this is the news then it is EXTREMELY disappointing. Why update the DS again and again.... Why don't they just add all this to the DS2??! Also, it's not exactly for gamers; after the backlash of E3 and the self admitting that it was a terrible E3 you would have thought they would address some gamers concerns; namely some bigger franchise games and a FUCKING HARD DRIVE!!!!!!!


If anything, this is screwing over the people who were disappointed with E3 again. I hope they've got some new DS games to show...

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A DS remake has been hinted at since the DS lite went on sale. As nintendo say, they are always looking at new ways to improve their products so I wouldn't put it passed Nintendo to make one more iteration of the DS to hold everyone at bay while they finalise the next handheld. But I hope they don't show a new iteration and, as has been said, keep it for the next one.


I think we'll be lucky for many big announcements. I'm hoping that the storage solution is announced but I'm not hopeful that it'll be shown or that it'll be a hard drive, which of course will lead to some drawn out stupid way to store data. I believe they'll announce Disaster's release date for America at the American conference which should put it roughly in November/early December. I'm not holding out for any big game announcements. But yeh I would like to see some new DS games but I think Nintendo's DS studios are working on stuff for the next handheld. We'll just have to wait and see.

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I'm inclined to think think that any new redesign could be a wireless storage solution for Wii. How much is a 40gig solid state drive at bought in bulk wholesale, not that much i'd wager.


Wouldn't using your DS as a storage space for the Wii be just as incovenient as SD cards or 'clearing the fridge'? I don't want to have to get out and switch on my DS every time I want to download something or use a file saved on the DS. We just want soemething that can be plugged into the Wii's USB slot and stay there permanently, as an extension to the existing flash memory.

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Wouldn't using your DS as a storage space for the Wii be just as incovenient as SD cards or 'clearing the fridge'? I don't want to have to get out and switch on my DS every time I want to download something or use a file saved on the DS. We just want soemething that can be plugged into the Wii's USB slot and stay there permanently, as an extension to the existing flash memory.


Its a nice, funky idea, but maybe your right. I'd probably be quite happy with it, but others won't (wireless battery drain, hassle. Besides, its far too technically advanced for Nintendo- i'm expecting a 3.5" floppy drive for Wii (i always confuse " with ', since i'm a metric boy. Anyone fancy a 3 and a half foot Wii Drive?).

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Its a nice, funky idea, but maybe your right. I'd probably be quite happy with it, but others won't (wireless battery drain, hassle. Besides, its far too technically advanced for Nintendo- i'm expecting a 3.5" floppy drive for Wii (i always confuse " with ', since i'm a metric boy. Anyone fancy a 3 and a half foot Wii Drive?).


It's not at all unlikelly, Nintendo do seem to have compulsory behaviour to not do anything that anyone else already have done.

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