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Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd


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You are now an honorary member from Portuguese Mafia, Diageo :P


(Doesn't care if Hellfire is the boss)


And yes, we're getting too offtopic at the moment, but its always nice to have some Mafia chats from time to time

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You are now an honorary member from Portuguese Mafia, Diageo :P


(Doesn't care if Hellfire is the boss)


And yes, we're getting too offtopic at the moment, but its always nice to have some Mafia chats from time to time


Strange kid

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*Shuts the fuck up*


Anyway, back to the topic :heh:


Hum... it sure was a nice Conference, don't you think? :heh:


No, seriously why do you even watch the conference if you ADORE your precious X360, I mean, get a room...:indeed: :indeed: No for real, you change your opinion more often then me changing socks for crying out loud (and I don't mean this literally ;) )


Dazkarieh you should give the 360 to me:heh: :heh: , it's kinda dumb to buy a console for one single game (even if its Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts for nostalgies sake!!)

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Why's everyone picking on Maase? It's pretty clear to me that he was just expressing his honest opinions after E3, yet is probably just trying to make the best of the Wii now.


Let's face it, for the true Nintendo fan, this generation is about "making do!" I'm glad they're financially secure and I'm not saying I'm abandoning them or anything but, put it this way, I'm looking forward to their next console!

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Let's face it, for the true Nintendo fan, this generation is about "making do!" I'm looking forward to their next console!
In before the "let's face it, Nintendo doesn't care about us; after the October second conference"


*looks up* :blank:



We're not picking on him, honest opinion or not, it has been that of a troll.

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Why's everyone picking on Maase? It's pretty clear to me that he was just expressing his honest opinions after E3, yet is probably just trying to make the best of the Wii now.


Let's face it, for the true Nintendo fan, this generation is about "making do!" I'm glad they're financially secure and I'm not saying I'm abandoning them or anything but, put it this way, I'm looking forward to their next console!


Yep, pretty much...


Bear in mind i don't think the Wii is bad, i just think xbox360 is better, and i regret buying a Wii instead of a 360, but now its too late, and i'l try to have good times with my Wii..




Well you was the one at E3 that was shouting out




Nop, here's what i said:


"Wii is a disappointment, i expected a lot more from them, putting it on Ebay immediatly..."

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Let's face it, for the true Nintendo fan, this generation is about "making do!" I'm glad they're financially secure and I'm not saying I'm abandoning them or anything but, put it this way, I'm looking forward to their next console!


As much as I can't wait for the Wii HD. There are still tons of great games on the Wii that just get overlooked by a lot of core gamers.

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Yep, pretty much...


Bear in mind i don't think the Wii is bad, i just think xbox360 is better, and i regret buying a Wii instead of a 360, but now its too late, and i'l try to have good times with my Wii..



And who cares about that in 232435 Wii threads? I sure don't. That's the problem, you want a X360? well, this is a Nintendo forum. We shouldn't the wall of lament for such petty things. Last year in UK you could walk in and trade a Wii for a X360 at cost zero (Wii's were always out of stock, whereas x360 was always in stock) but oh well.


I don't regret anything though, and if anything I'd regret giving Microsoft any money ^^'


I really think this thread has run it's course though, now we're basically feeding the kid who wants a X360 for christmas when most of us could just go into a store and buy one.

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Yes, other 232435 threads...


Oh, wait, it was only in two... And one of them was because Shino started the conversation... :indeed:


Edit: Let's see what happened here:


"Ahahahah, Maase wanted to trade a Nintendo Wii, but now he doesn't, does he?"


"Actually, i do"




"... Sure"

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Very well then, i'l shut up about it as long as you stop going on war with me just because i like more the xbox360 than the Wii :)

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What? I'm not trolling.....


Whatever, let's all shut up and go back to the topic...



Hum.. so what's the biggest surprise for you in the Nintendo Conference?


Mine was Punch Out, i expected it to be a stupid rumour

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I end it on a high! It was a very positive conference overall...looking at my wii list for next year has me excited! Good one Nintendo!


Let's just hope all those interesting looking Japanese titles end up being translated. :) Most of the DS games actually interested me, including the DS Fit thing with the pedometer and the game where Shigsy ends up singing opera. :heh:


I just wondered if anyone else noticed that a lot of new DSi games actually featured Miis? Could we be seeing a new DS transfer feature for the Mii Channel?

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