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Why Zelda Wii will probably be the best game ever.


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I like both styles and would like to see them both continued. I certainly wouldn't want cel-shading banished to handhelds, as it deserves the full power of a console (as does the realistic style).


As for the next Zelda game, if it's on Wii, I fancy realistic graphics again (for some reason). If it's on Wii 2, then bring on cel-shading, as I'd love to see what an HD console could do for it.


More than anything, I suppose whichever style they use depends on whether the story is set in the Wind Waker universe or not. I really would love Wind Waker 2 on Wii 2.

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I like both styles, but I don't think Nintendo has much space to improve upon TP's style on the Wii. I think they could make the The Wind Waker style look even more richer and vibrant with the Wii's extra power.


Nintendo might want to save the realistic Zelda for the Wii2 so we can cream ourselves over the graphics again like in 2004. If all goes well the Wii2 will be more powerful than the PS3 and have digital surround. Zelda fans are going to be sore for days.

That was the most epic Nintendo fan moment of all time.

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I definitelly say realistic graphics. Cel shading can be somethong for the portable consoles.

Nintendo should most certainly change the series, but cel shading firstly doesen't feel very Zelda. Secondly, Wind Waker was the game that single-handedly gave the GC it's kiddy-image.


The idea of a Zelda taking place in a more advanced hyrule would kick ass. Imagine a steampunk-ish zelda:




Like I've said so many times before: if Nintendo want to make a cel-shaded action-rpg, make a new franchise. Leave Zelda alone.

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I definitelly say realistic graphics. Cel shading can be somethong for the portable consoles.

Nintendo should most certainly change the series, but cel shading firstly doesen't feel very Zelda. Secondly, Wind Waker was the game that single-handedly gave the GC it's kiddy-image.


The idea of a Zelda taking place in a more advanced hyrule would kick ass. Imagine a steampunk-ish zelda:




Like I've said so many times before: if Nintendo want to make a cel-shaded action-rpg, make a new franchise. Leave Zelda alone.


You were one of the people who broke down into tears when 'Celda' was announced, weren't you? *Patrick Stewart Facepalm™*

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Nah, this particular rendition rathes highest on the epic-o-meter:



God, I so wish I were there...


Everytime i see this, i get a big orgasm

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Wind Waker was the Zeldast of all Zeldas. I really don't get the idea why people think it has to be realistic, adult and epic and stuff. It's not the point of the game at all. Twilight Princess is the only game that tried that, and look how that got received. The Wind Waker captured the essence of Zelda way more than Twilight Princess (which I do really like).

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Wind Waker was the Zeldast of all Zeldas. I really don't get the idea why people think it has to be realistic, adult and epic and stuff. It's not the point of the game at all. Twilight Princess is the only game that tried that, and look how that got received. The Wind Waker captured the essence of Zelda way more than Twilight Princess (which I do really like).


QFT. This can't be repeated enough.


I definitelly say realistic graphics. Cel shading can be somethong for the portable consoles.

Nintendo should most certainly change the series, but cel shading firstly doesen't feel very Zelda. Secondly, Wind Waker was the game that single-handedly gave the GC it's kiddy-image.


The idea of a Zelda taking place in a more advanced hyrule would kick ass. Imagine a steampunk-ish zelda:



I still don't understand how you don't accept the cel-shaded graphics, yet insist on the non-medieval Zelda.

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You were one of the people who broke down into tears when 'Celda' was announced, weren't you? *Patrick Stewart Facepalmâ„¢*


That is correct.


But one thing however: don't kill the messenger. I just remember that before WW was released, Nintendo was crap because the games were small and it was difficult to pirate. After suddenly there was a storm on the internet where everyone said WW is kiddy. I didn't feel that WW was kiddy, I just thought it was plain old ugly, and a dissapointment after the prommise Nintendo had made on E3 2000:


When Zelda took the leap to 3D with Ocarina of Time, they showed how a Zelda game is supposed to look. And claiming that WW looks Zelda too is just plain weird. In that case Mario should be about twenty times as cell shaded as WW, and so should Kirby, Pilotwings and pretty much all Nintendo franchises. Should MGS be cell shaded too? I mean, ALL 8-bit, and most 16 bit games looked toony because of technical limitiations.


I'm saying that if Nintendo had made a new franchise called quite simply Wind Waker (with a DS sequel called Wind Waker: Phantom hourglass), I wouldn't have said anything. I would have thought that it kicks butt.


For me, the first leap into 3D for every franchise sets how it's supposed to look. I'm not complaining on Tales of Symphonia or Punch Out Wii, because those franchises made it into 3D looking that way. I would be equally pissed if Jet Set Radio would come in a realistic looking version.

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I'm saying that if Nintendo had made a new franchise called quite simply Wind Waker (with a DS sequel called Wind Waker: Phantom hourglass), I wouldn't have said anything. I would have thought that it kicks butt.


I get what you're saying, but don't you think there's a chance you would have cried foul if there was some new Zelda like franchise called Wind Waker? :heh: It may well have been a new franchise (hurrah!) but people would have yapped about it being a pointless new franchise (ie not original enough seeing as it would be so Zelda like anyway) and would have said it could have just fitted into the Zelda series.

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Why do you care so much about what it looks like. Wind waker played fine, and thats what should matter. It was a different kind of Zelda, why not have a different graphic style to show that. And it was enough like a zelda game that if they had called it something else, most people would just wonder why they didn't just call it zelda.


And with your argument, you could argue that in most of the Zelda games you walk around, but in WW you sail around, so this shouldn't be a zelda.


Its still a zelda, but its a different kind of Zelda that gives a different experience, the graphic style adds to that experience. If it was realistic looking, it just wouldn't have that same effect.


And also, you say that WW is ugly, but you don't complain about the cell shading in ToS and PO, shouldn't these be just as ugly to you?

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Why do you care so much about what it looks like. Wind waker played fine, and thats what should matter. It was a different kind of Zelda, why not have a different graphic style to show that. And it was enough like a zelda game that if they had called it something else, most people would just wonder why they didn't just call it zelda.


And with your argument, you could argue that in most of the Zelda games you walk around, but in WW you sail around, so this shouldn't be a zelda.

Like you wrote below, the appearance adds to the experience. If Nintend had made Wind Waker a new franchise, the story, characters and probably a big part of the gameplay would have changed. The team working on WW thought at least to some extent "let's make a Zelda". Had they not thought that way, and instead thought "let's make an adventure franchise centered arround sailing and exploring a large sea", we might have gotten something that feels even more different.


Its still a zelda, but its a different kind of Zelda that gives a different experience, the graphic style adds to that experience. If it was realistic looking, it just wouldn't have that same effect.




And also, you say that WW is ugly, but you don't complain about the cell shading in ToS and PO, shouldn't these be just as ugly to you?

Punch Out looks better than I could ever immagine, because it's stylish, and because I didn't really have any expectations of anything else (Unlike with Zelda, where we had OOT, MM and the 2000 demo that told me before what the game was going to look like).


Imagine if Rockstar were to bring out a GTA game for the PS3. Not only have we got the history of 3D GTA's, they even give us a trailer with the hottest, most realistic graphics ever. And a year later they show the new look, which has vector graphics more resembling Tron, Defcon or Rez. The graphics would be stylish, some people would consider it amazing, modern and imaginative graphics. But it wouldn't be GTA, nor would it be what the audience had been promised.


Imagine if we turn this arround COMPLETELY. What if there would be a Zelda with nudity, blood, cursing and darker than life-graphics. Would you be happy then? I most certainly wouldn't.



The reason I want a more modern Zelda is because all Zeldas supposedly take place with about a hundred years between. That would mean that sooner or later, hylian technology would become more advanced. I'm not talking about a complete change into a depiction of today.

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But that GCN trailer was a tech demo, not a trailer for WW. Instead of having expectations, and not liking something only because it wasn't what was expected, approach things with an open mind, see if they're any good before you decide.


Blood probably wouldn't change it that much, neither would cursing, and like I've said before, I don't care about the graphic style as long as it represents the game well. The nudity is a different thing all together, I probably wouldn't care that much, but parent groups would probably attempt to get the game banned and such (not that they should be able to) and kids wouldn't be able to play it since it would end up with an M, and perhaps even Ao sticker on it. And Nintendo wouldn't do this for marketing reasons.


Actually, I agree with you on that last point. I'd love to see zelda take place in a different time.

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I agree with some of the points in this thread; I think average Nintendo games are still better thanmost other games. Sunshine is still better than ANY non Nintendo platformer. Mario Kart Double Dash is still better than ANY arcadey multiplayer racer etc. But because of their heritage, they get slated!


Anyways, I personally think Twilight Princess is the best Zelda; I also think Wind Waker is incredible. I also think the new Zelda has the potential to be the greatest game the world has ever seen. I also think it could be dumbed down to a terrifying degree. I also think I will probably come a little bit when they show it off this year!!

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Wouldn't cel-shading be the same no matter the console? Or are you wanting more shades added... for some reason.


I don't have any specific demands, I'd just like to see what they could do.


I definitelly say realistic graphics. Cel shading can be somethong for the portable consoles.


Phantom Hourglass was so visually and technically inferior to Wind Waker, though. The style deserves better.


Had they not thought that way, and instead thought "let's make an adventure franchise centered arround sailing and exploring a large sea", we might have gotten something that feels even more different.


You've definitely got a point there, but as others have said, in order to make it unlike Zelda, they would have had to take out so many good things. Personally, I just want them to build on the good things and include worthwhile new ideas, which (to me) they did.


I just don't see a problem with the Wind Waker franchise being associated with Zelda. The "series" could go on and on and they could be the Zelda games Nintendo use cel-shading on. The adventures needn't be related to Ganon or the Tri-Force, but there's no harm in knowing that the protagonist is the Hero of Time (Hero of Winds) for that generation.

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The reason I want a more modern Zelda is because all Zeldas supposedly take place with about a hundred years between. That would mean that sooner or later, hylian technology would become more advanced. I'm not talking about a complete change into a depiction of today.


This is still something I don't understand.


Why do you want hylian technology to be more advanced? The zelda series already has cannons, bombs, magnetic gloves, photographic cameras, crazy spinners, etc. None of that stuff fits in a medieval setting, yet Zelda makes it work. Hell, they could add lightsabers and make them fit (although it would be pointless).


So why would a more technologically advanced Zelda be any different?

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Wind Waker was the Zeldast of all Zeldas. I really don't get the idea why people think it has to be realistic, adult and epic and stuff. It's not the point of the game at all. Twilight Princess is the only game that tried that, and look how that got received. The Wind Waker captured the essence of Zelda way more than Twilight Princess (which I do really like).

So you're saying Wind Waker isn't epic. A very good point, considering how shite it was.

This is still something I don't understand.


Why do you want hylian technology to be more advanced? The zelda series already has cannons, bombs, magnetic gloves, photographic cameras, crazy spinners, etc. None of that stuff fits in a medieval setting, yet Zelda makes it work. Hell, they could add lightsabers and make them fit (although it would be pointless).


So why would a more technologically advanced Zelda be any different?

Well ya see, instead of Hyrule Town it'd be Hyrule City, instead of Epona you've got the Honda E-P Ona200, a Rolls Royce you can pimp as you go.


The Triforce is actually a three-way drug/gun/whatever smuggling cartel route, split into three triangles, given three codenames: Power, Courage, Wisdom. He who controls all three routes controls the world of illegal smuggling.

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I really don't get how people can hate on WW's graphics..I mean, come on, the game was absolutely stunning. The levels and characters gave off so much and it really made you feel apart of the game, more than TP did imo.


Also, WW was far more epic imo. A massive landscape (granted there were only a few big islands, but the game WAS rushed remember), a great soundtrack and it also had Windfall Island which is one the best Zelda areas ever! I mean, it was so amazing, so much to do..it was so vibrant and full of character. Remember that little gang of lil kids who were giving their teacher a hard time? Or the camera guy who made you do 3 missions for him which involved taking pictures of certain events across the island..Or then there was the auction (which was a cool little extra). And best of all there was that night time thing where you had to follow that girl around and catch her stealing for that dudes safe...


oh wind waker....<3

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Agreed on all points. As I've said, TP was fantastic but it was missing all those little nuances which made Wind Waker pretty much perfect in my eyes. The beautiful graphics opened the door to let them have a little more fun with the series without turning it into a 'kiddy's' game.

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The levels and characters gave off so much and it really made you feel apart of the game, more than TP did imo.

I'm not sure I agree with this, because neither did a good job of this.

Also, WW was far more epic imo. A massive landscape (granted there were only a few big islands, but the game WAS rushed remember)

The only reason it was a massive landscape was because 90% of it was water.

it also had Windfall Island which is one the best Zelda areas ever! I mean, it was so amazing, so much to do..it was so vibrant and full of character. Remember that little gang of lil kids who were giving their teacher a hard time? Or the camera guy who made you do 3 missions for him which involved taking pictures of certain events across the island..Or then there was the auction (which was a cool little extra). And best of all there was that night time thing where you had to follow that girl around and catch her stealing for that dudes safe...

The only reason there was so much to do was because you couldn't do it anywhere else... with the 90% water and all.


I think I might have to play Wind Waker again so I can get fresh stuff to whine about :D

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