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We're all going to die....


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No matter if all these scary prophecies are true or not, I can't help but feel sorry for all those kids whining. All this is going to go on for about TWO YEARS!


Besides, two things worry me: CERN's main argument, that the earth is bombarded with teeny weeny black wholes all the time, isn't the same as faking one in Geneve, as that one would stay still. The natural ones may be thousands of times stronger, but they are also quite (read: EXTREMELY) fast, and thus they just pass by without having time to say hello.


And the Hawkings radiation that is supposed to neutralize the "false" black holes is only abstract talk, something that hasn't been proven.


But hey, if something bad is gonna happen, we won't be there to see it!

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A 16-year-old girl in Madhya Pradesh allegedly committed suicide after watching news about the possibility of the end of earth, following the atom-smasher experiment in Geneva that began on Wednesday.


Chhaya, a resident of Sarangpur town in Rajgarh district, consumed sulphos tablets (an insecticide) on Tuesday, her parents said.


The girl was rushed to Indore's MY Hospital, where she passed away on Wednesday.


Her parents told reporters that she had been watching reports about the world's biggest atom-smasher experiment in Geneva on news channels since the last two days, following which she got restless and ended her life.


The police have registered a case in this regard and they are investigating the matter.


The experiment is being carried out to recreate the birth of the Universe and unlock its secrets. Scientists have rubbished reports of threat to the planet due to the experiment.


that is a stupid way to die over nothing :sad:

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And the Hawkings radiation that is supposed to neutralize the "false" black holes is only abstract talk, something that hasn't been proven.


But hey, if something bad is gonna happen, we won't be there to see it!


First of all how big does everyone think this black hole is going to be? I was under the impression that it would be so small that nothing would happen unless you tried to grab one. Only then would you kiss your arse goodbye.


I really wish I knew why people would consider the world to have ended today. I'm not talking about people here, mainly the media. It's probably just for the sales though. In fact I have The Sun here. Let me quote it.


If you are reading this after 8:30am it means the world has not been destoyed by the Big Bang Machine . . . YET.


Scientists were due to switch on the Large Hadron Collider. But the first high-energy collisions are not due untill October 21st


Now if they knew this then we was all over the papers and the radio that the world was ending today? Simple. They are more or less printing money.


The point of my post? Don't believe everything the media tell you. If it concerns you enough then do a bit of research. Hell, wiki is probably a more reliable source than the media.

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The point of my post? Don't believe everything the media tell you. If it concerns you enough then do a bit of research. Hell, wiki is probably a more reliable source than the media.


Hear, hear, I've also searched for reliable information. I don't know if the Hawkings radiation is the only thing that can prevent black holes from growing. The idea about the ultra small ones that never get a change to grow am I also familiar with, but then, I don't know if that's two versions of the same theory, where the latter just doesn't mention the Hawkings radiation. Hm!

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Why did she do that? She had depression problems, im sure of that...

I feel so bad, she died because of those assholes at magazines trying to get money

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Besides, two things worry me: CERN's main argument, that the earth is bombarded with teeny weeny black wholes all the time, isn't the same as faking one in Geneve, as that one would stay still. The natural ones may be thousands of times stronger, but they are also quite (read: EXTREMELY) fast, and thus they just pass by without having time to say hello.


And the Hawkings radiation that is supposed to neutralize the "false" black holes is only abstract talk, something that hasn't been proven.


But hey, if something bad is gonna happen, we won't be there to see it!

If you don't understand the physics you're really not in a position to talk. Your theory doesn't really hold, but I can't be bothered to explain it. If the CERN uses it as an argument, they're right. It's not like they would take any sort of risk.


Even if Hawking radiation turns out to be false (and thereby disproving much of what is otherwise established quantum mechanics), it wouldn't matter. These mini black holes just aren't even destructive. People just get scared because of the name black hole, but forget that the death black holes have masses of severals stars, whereas these black holes have the mass of several sub atomic particles at best (maybe slightly more as they'll go close to light speed), and cannot possibly attract matter.


If nobody at CERN would've said "We might create a mini black hole" so that people might understand better, but just said "We might create a quantum singularity", no Sun would've taken it out of context and we'd all be perfectly happy with it.

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Hear, hear, I've also searched for reliable information. I don't know if the Hawkings radiation is the only thing that can prevent black holes from growing. The idea about the ultra small ones that never get a change to grow am I also familiar with, but then, I don't know if that's two versions of the same theory, where the latter just doesn't mention the Hawkings radiation. Hm!


I'm sure it is. I remember reading something about it but it was late and I probably didn't process half of it. I even heard he would get a Nobel Prize if, it turns out to be true.

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If you don't understand the physics you're really not in a position to talk. Your theory doesn't really hold, but I can't be bothered to explain it.


Huh? My theory? Correct me if i'm wrong, but I wasn't stating anything, I just said what I've heard. After all, this forum is not the spot for scientists.


But IF the potential black holes are so small, why does that microscopical chance of DOOMSDAY exist? Even CERN admits that it does. That's what I don't understand.

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Huh? My theory? Correct me if i'm wrong, but I wasn't stating anything, I just said what I've heard. After all, this forum is not the spot for scientists.


But IF the potential black holes are so small, why does that microscopical chance of DOOMSDAY exist? Even CERN admits that it does. That's what I don't understand.


Maybe because something else will fuck up? I couldn't honestly tell you.

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But IF the potential black holes are so small, why does that microscopical chance of DOOMSDAY exist? Even CERN admits that it does. That's what I don't understand.


Because no one knows exactly what happened at the big bang, therefore they aren't a hundred percent certain on what they'll find from the experiment.


Surely that was obvious..

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Because no one knows exactly what happened at the big bang, therefore they aren't a hundred percent certain on what they'll find from the experiment.


Surely that was obvious..


Why? If they don't know exactly how it all went, how can they then exactly know that the risk is very small? Maybe something completely unpredicted happens.

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What Ramar said.


But then, as the universe isn't fully understood, the microscopical chance for "DOOMSDAY" is there every second. The only thing they can't promise is that something unpredictable might happen (hence its unpredictability) as they are pushing the limits of physics. But that doesn't mean that this unpredicted event will destroy the Earth - it might as well be that they discover a particle very different from the Higgs boson they're searching for.


These particles naturally collide in space as well, at much larger speeds too. The difference now is that we're watching one. The chance of catastrophe happening is as big as always, namely extremely small.

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Exactly what DCK says, what ever the LHC will create/find only further prove that these events happen in every day life. For example when the suns rays hit our atmosphere. We're at risk every second of the day from things the LHC could potentially create.

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Whatever, let them go, we will have a painless death anyways.

It will be too quick for us to even notice it killed us.

To be honest, when i die, i want to die that type of death.

Then again, i don't want to die at... (Makes calcules)18 years ;_______;

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Whatever, let them go, we will have a painless death anyways.

It will be too quick for us to even notice it killed us.

To be honest, when i die, i want to die that type of death.

Then again, i don't want to die at... (Makes calcules)18 years ;_______;


You don't seriously believe the rants of one smacked off his tits German scientist.. do you?

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Here's a something i just thought of (maybe someone said it already, i haven't read the whole thread)


But if the experiment is trying to recreate the begining of the universe... what if they actually create a "new" Universe, which starts to expand and engulf ours? Maybe this is how our universe started, a bunch of people trying to do a similar experiment and BANG, out they go and here we come. Maybe it's just a never ending cycle of Universe expanding so far until a planet create life and that life create another universe engulfing/destroying the one that came before it.


Or something weird like that....oh noes


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Here's a something i just thought of (maybe someone said it already, i haven't read the whole thread)


But if the experiment is trying to recreate the begining of the universe... what if they actually create a "new" Universe, which starts to expand and engulf ours? Maybe this is how our universe started, a bunch of people trying to do a similar experiment and BANG, out they go and here we come. Maybe it's just a never ending cycle of Universe expanding so far until a planet create life and that life create another universe engulfing/destroying the one that came before it.


Or something weird like that....oh noes



It's possible, but saying that there is so many differernt possabilies in life! It could explain why the universe is always expanding though! It is just taking up more space from the universe before!!!

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Here's a something i just thought of (maybe someone said it already, i haven't read the whole thread)


But if the experiment is trying to recreate the begining of the universe... what if they actually create a "new" Universe, which starts to expand and engulf ours? Maybe this is how our universe started, a bunch of people trying to do a similar experiment and BANG, out they go and here we come. Maybe it's just a never ending cycle of Universe expanding so far until a planet create life and that life create another universe engulfing/destroying the one that came before it.


Or something weird like that....oh noes



It's possible, but saying that there is so many differernt possabilies in life! It could explain why the universe is always expanding though! It is just taking up more space from the universe before!!!


It already happens in space so, I doubt it. Plus the univerese is expanding is supposed to be because of dark energy or something which they have yet to prove. Maybe when they get the LHC up and going we'll find out why.

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There's a pretty good Q&A bit with one of the scientists at LHC on the BBC website. It lays everything out nicely in plain english.


Also love this guy simply for the ending:


I am in fact immensely irritated by the conspiracy theorists who spread this nonsense around and try to scare people. This non-story is symptomatic of a larger mistrust in science, particularly in the US, which includes intelligent design amongst other things.


The only serious issue is why so many people who don't have the time or inclination to discover for themselves why this stuff is total crap have to be exposed to the opinions of these half-wits.


Wow, tell it like it is why don't you. He also responds well to one of the most ridiculous questions on there.


Would it be possible to put various simple bacteria into the experiment to see if they survive? We are relatively certain that plant RNA probably evolved during the Big Bang.


Animal DNA on the other hand could not and possibly came from meteorites carrying bacteria from other worlds (Panspermia theory). It would put this idea to bed if it couldn't survive the Big Bang.


Plant RNA evolving during the Big Bang? You're early by a few billion years mate.

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I had an argument with some one on msn over this experement, she belived it was going to end the world, i explained that the risk was minute, and just about every single competent physisict had said it wasnt going to happen. she said if we dont know what would happen, we shouldnt do it, saying the experement was too big and expensive and had no point, i rattled out a list of reasons why it was possibly one of the most important physics exeperements of our time, if not ever, and that it was more likly to bennifit the world then destroy it.


she did what all people do when their logic is quashed, she went quiet and didnt talk again.

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