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I am currently weighing up whether it is worth getting something to play in the build up to this as not really got much I want to play through. Problem is know as soon as this hits won't be playing anything else.

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Yeah same boat as Flamey but I think I've decided I'll use my time to rank up in Resistance, I've got so far it would be a shame to not push myself over the line.


I'm going to use the 3 months of Lovefilm after Killzone 2 has died down a bit (Although I'm not sure it's possible to wait for 20 years ;))

Could use it now so that when I have a break from Killzone I have something else to get on with. Saints Row 2 would be on the list.

Yeah same boat as Flamey but I think I've decided I'll use my time to rank up in Resistance, I've got so far it would be a shame to not push myself over the line.


I'm going to use the 3 months of Lovefilm after Killzone 2 has died down a bit (Although I'm not sure it's possible to wait for 20 years ;))

Could use it now so that when I have a break from Killzone I have something else to get on with. Saints Row 2 would be on the list.


Hmm perhaps I will put Saints Row 2 on my rental list have Sonic Unleashed to send back...could see what its like cos been weighing up buying it.




I can't be bothered with R2 anymore. I was annoyed when people started losing stats so kinda got disillusioned and now the patch has hit its too little too late as feel KZ 2 will take over.


Ill have SOCOM C. in 2 days to tide me over untill SFIV and KZ2 get here. I mainly got it for the headset but hopefully the bugs will have been worked out of the game by then too. Does anyone else have this already?


I don't but the trailers for it are very cool. If they iron out lag (if there are lag issues) then I may buy it. Thing is it looks like a prologue to the game MAG. Isn't it being made by the same developers or something?

Ill have SOCOM C. in 2 days to tide me over untill SFIV and KZ2 get here. I mainly got it for the headset but hopefully the bugs will have been worked out of the game by then too. Does anyone else have this already?


I imported it from the States, then sold it just before the UK release was supposed to come out. :mad:


I really enjoyed it, but I love tactical objective based games rather than just Deathmatches.


I'm guessing I might do but do I need to know the events of the first game prior to playing this? I haven't really been looking into this at all until recently and seeing as I love a good shooter I'm looking to get this upon release. Looks fantastic in the trailers and gameplay videos I've seen. Only thing that's got me a bit worried are the controls on the dual shock/sixaxis seeing as the thumbsticks are in the positions they are in and I'm used to playing with a controller where the left stick is where the d-pad is on the PS3 controller.


You don't need to know the story apparently, it isn't really a sequel. However if you've played the other Killzones you will recognise some of the characters from the PS2/PSP titles.

You don't need to know the story apparently, it isn't really a sequel. However if you've played the other Killzones you will recognise some of the characters from the PS2/PSP titles.


I think it is a sequel actually. You drove the helghast off, and then took the fight to them. But no, I'm pretty sure knowing the previous events really aren't needed.


Think of it like Fallout 3 compared to Fallout 1&2. You'll recognize some things, and story elements, but they're standalone.


Ok, that's good. Means I don't have to track down a PS2 and a copy of the first one and trudge through it (I say trudge because with the small amount of time I spent on the first one, it was pretty bad).


Well...firstly, it's much to small to truly be comfortable for me. If the controller was bigger I wouldn't care about the joysticks being on the same plane, but at it's current size....well idk if offsetting them at it's current size would help. Another issue is that in the 12 years that I've used PS controllers, I have never ever felt comfortable with the shoulder buttons. I was absolutely pissed when I read about the 360's controller doing something similar, which incidentally, the way they did it (larger controller, Offset shoulders from triggers(since my main thing was the dual buttons)) I'm fine with.


Oh, incase you haven't guessed by now, I was talking the whole controller in general rather than just the stick. The whole thing just feels wrong to me when compared to GC, 360, or either (yes the big one and small one, I loved the big one) Xbox1 controllers.


Idk if it truly deteriorates my abilities, but it still doens't feel right.


Just out of curiosity, I have a sixaxis (it came with the console and I didn't have £40 to spend on a dual shock) but does the dual shock have those awful L2/R2 shoulder buttons/trigger things? I hope not because unless you're playing a racing game then they are pretty damn awful. Just hate the way they feel and move under finger pressing.


Yea, the triggers are the same type, but iirc the DS3 ones are a bit better...or their identicle. Not much of a diff either way I think.


I just got a 360, and wish I could use my sixaxis when playing Gears/Halo. The 360 controller makes my hands ache, something my sixaxis never does. And whats the point of that stupid 'D' pad? Its arse.

Send it to Sony. Persona 4 cant be that demanding :o


Great, I can use my crappy SIXAXIS only to have them send me the DS3 back because it is imported.


The sticks are awfully positioned. I can deal with it but I agree that they are rubbish.


The triggers are horrendous. They are painfully spongy and their shape means that more often than should happen your fingers slip off.


The D-pad also isn't great.


Best face buttons though.


I can understand the gripes with the DS3, but it is still my pad of choice. My hands are small and so I find it easy to hold, and I don't find anything wrong with the shoulder buttons. There are pad triggers you can buy if you don't like the curve.


Gamecube controller was really nice to hold but the d-pad and c-stick were crap. 360 controllers are probably equal to DS3 in retrospect, although they love collecting dirt and muck. My opinion of course.


2000 Posts :0 Can't imagine how many posts in total it would be if it counted the Cube & Revo Europe days.

I flat out disagree. The Z button on the GC and the bumpers on the 360 are just... I cant say any good words regarding them, they are genuine design flaws/afterthoughts.


Issues like those are something people do not say about the Dualshock. Despite some people's unfounded worries :cough You dont see PS owners saying 'i wish i had another pad/controller for playing this game', which is something other console owners constantly do for their games.


The pad just works. Always.


Yea, the "Z" button was probably an after thought on ninty's part.


I've seen many many people absolutely love the 360's design. Conversely I've seen many many people hate the PS controller for the reasons I stated. The pad may work for you, but not everyone is you. Like I said, if it was just a bit bigger the layout would be more tolerable similar to the Dual Analog that were available for a short time preceding Dual Shock.

Sony has said that the European Killzone 2 playable demo will be made available through the PlayStation Store this Thursday, 5th February.


The demo consists of the first two sections of Corinth River, which is the first proper level of the game, so you'll finally get to run through the beach landing and warehouse sequence that's formed the basis of so many previews.


There's also a tutorial - the same one that features in the main game.


Not sure if I actually want to download the demo. I think I want to come to the game completely fresh.

Not sure if I actually want to download the demo. I think I want to come to the game completely fresh.


hmmm...I'm the same but I am desperate to give it a go....

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