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Killzone 2


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To those who've played it, how does the gameplay improve over the original? I played the first and turned it off after a half hour because I thought it was extremely mediocre and uninteresting. I am a big FPS fan but it just bored me. What does the second do differently?


I only played the demo of the first game. Kz2 does too many things right in comparison...

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I played probably 4 hours of the first, and it was only average on all fronts. Gameplay was standard, and quite easy too. Graphics were good at times, yet always in a perpetual fog. Don't remember sounds though, story was....well it was there.


I don't think it deserved nearly the hate it received, but it definantly wasn't special in anyway.


KZ2....honestly early vids looked the same to me. Now though, it looks to have improved on gameplay alot, and the graphics/sound are obvious. Story....well it has one. Really that's most fpses though.

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I take it you're enjoying it?


That's a good sign.


Yeah, its really good. Feels well weighted like i said before, and its just so much fun. There was a boss of sorts at the end of level 5 that took me a few attempts to beat, hence the awesomeness.


I cant really fault it. Taking cover is a bit of a pain i guess as you have to hold L2 the whole time, and some objects you think would work fine as cover dont actually work, but other than that i've had a blast with it.

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Btw Choze, I think I remember you saying there weren't destructibles in the game but in the online trailers there are oil drums, pillars that crumble and barred windows that brake open.

Or did I think wrong?


There are destructibles. What i meant was that in multiplayer it has little bearing on gameplay. Save for abit here and there like columns being worn down and some bits that act as one off cover. Even in the single player demo the destruction is mostly cosmetic. Its not an integral part of the gameplay like say Red Faction.


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Please dont post spoilers. There are tons on the net right now. More than a month before release...


I forgot that COD4 did not have coop either. But still i think splitscreen is important.


Gun info on website:


Including weapon stats e.g. damage, accuracy etc. This is handy info.








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Just finnished it. The last level was EPIC! Truly frakkin' awesome, and pretty hard to boot.


I'll just say this. Theres a trophy for beating the final boss in less than 20 mins. 20 minutes! It tallies up from the moment you meet him i think so if you die and restart at checkpoint the time keeps going though so, in fairness, it doesnt take 20 minutes in one life to kill him, didn't seem that way anyway! Took me 14 mins or so.


Anyway. Awesomeness. Hope you all like it too.

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Just finnished it. The last level was EPIC! Truly frakkin' awesome, and pretty hard to boot.


I'll just say this. Theres a trophy for beating the final boss in less than 20 mins. 20 minutes! It tallies up from the moment you meet him i think so if you die and restart at checkpoint the time keeps going though so, in fairness, it doesnt take 20 minutes in one life to kill him, didn't seem that way anyway! Took me 14 mins or so.


Anyway. Awesomeness. Hope you all like it too.


Well good to hear single player is great too.


Play the multiplayer! The beta was all sorts of amazing. I wonder how many journalists are online? You could start the clan now right? :heh:

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Damn this game can't come quick enough! So are we having an online meet up on the day of release? Or are people going to be playing through the single player first?:heh:


I'll be on multiplayer. It's out on a friday right? Have to hope it arrives the day before otherwise I won't get chance to play until Sunday.

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Eurogamer's review goes up 5PM tomorrow.


Although ever since MGS4's 8/10 and after they gave Fable II 10/10 I've lost faith in them. Why even call it Fable if you aren't going to put any effort into a story? Bizarre.


Personally I don't really have faith in any gaming journalist now. Occasionally my views may coincide with theirs, but... generally they seem like a bunch of bung.


*disclaimer* I'm talking US reviews, as I don't follow Euro reviews, They may be better for all I know.

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Well if you think about it Reviews can't represent everybody's opinion. You have to get a general overview which can help, but even some games that are rated badly are great (Worms 3D!)


This is going to be 9/10 and 10/10 from everyone I expect.

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