Oxigen_Waste Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Yep its about mixing your abilities for the situation. There is always an answer to all the situations in the game thanks to the classes. I have unlocked everything in multiplayer now. Also got the gold trophy and 1% rank award. I imagine it will get easier as time goes along. Best to attempt it when you have good bonuses and are scoring high consistently. Going to focus on single player moreso this week. Playing in Veteran. Its tough but very enjoyable. The game seems to lend well to replayiblity. Lots of good moments to replay. I love how you're the most biased person alive. I've played like 4 hours or so and so far I agree with Edge. Nothing terrible to report, nothing outstanding to report... it's just like Resistance... competent FPS experience, nothing to write home about, though.
Cookyman Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 I love how you're the most biased person alive. I've played like 4 hours or so and so far I agree with Edge. Nothing terrible to report, nothing outstanding to report... it's just like Resistance... competent FPS experience, nothing to write home about, though. I'm sorry but we only take peoples views on here seriously if they post their PSN ID :heh: . Go on, you know we want to add you! I'd give the game more time - the online is very deep but great fun too!
Oxigen_Waste Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Play the damn game. I could play 4 hours of LBP without going online and say meh just another cutsey platformer. : peace: Keep playing, also play on medium at least for single player so you use the gameplay mechanics abit more. The online of this game is a must play. So dig into it asap. Comparing it to Resistance is laughable (sorry Dwarf). The first 5 mins of LBP were enough to let me know it was something else entirely. And to both of you, come on... I'm obviously gonna finish the game, but what is really there to set it apart from other similar games? I mean, I'm sure the game is good, but this will never be a Bioshock.
Cookyman Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 The first 5 mins of LBP were enough to let me know it was something else entirely. And to both of you, come on... I'm obviously gonna finish the game, but what is really there to set it apart from other similar games? I mean, I'm sure the game is good, but this will never be a Bioshock. Suit yourself then - your loss.
Daft Posted March 9, 2009 Author Posted March 9, 2009 I agree with Edge's score. Not with their awful review, though.
Oxigen_Waste Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Suit yourself then - your loss. I'm playing the damn game, how am I losing anything? My loss would be to just not play at all. I've been playing it (though only on weekends, since that's the only time I get to be with the PS3), trying it out, gettint to know it for myself... on what basis am I "losing" anything at all?
Cookyman Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 I'm playing the damn game, how am I losing anything? My loss would be to just not play at all. I've been playing it (though only on weekends, since that's the only time I get to be with the PS3), trying it out, gettint to know it for myself... on what basis am I "losing" anything at all? Try the online and don't compare it Bioshock - thats a completely different title. Single play is a fairly competent game in Killzone but it's online where it truly excels. Don't dismiss it just yet as that would truly be "your loss" - then again it might not be your cup of tea but I was just saying. Get your PSN ID up! We're one big happy community here!
Oxigen_Waste Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Try the online and don't compare it Bioshock - thats a completely different title. Single play is a fairly competent in Killzone but it's online where it truly excels. Don't dismiss it just yet as that would truly be "your loss" - then again it might not be your cup of tea but I was just saying. Get your PSN ID up! Don't treat me like I'm ignorant, I only compared it to Bioshock in the same sense in which you can compare any two games... my bad for choosing another FPS. I guess I could've said it's never gonna be a LBP instead of Bioshock, because that's pretty much what I mean, it's never gonna achieve excellence. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but it'll never be great. And fyi, I have played online... it's good... but that's about all I can say about it... it's the same thing that's been done over and over and over and over again. A very solid game, but not one that'll turn any heads is what I meant. And yes, I intend to finish the game, rest assured, and "complete" it, in the sense that I'll really make it be worth what I paid for it. But my point is, I'm sure it'll be very good, but I also know it's going to be irrelevant.
Cookyman Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Don't treat me like I'm ignorant, I only compared it to Bioshock in the same sense in which you can compare any two games... my bad for choosing another FPS. I guess I could've said it's never gonna be a LBP instead of Bioshock, because that's pretty much what I mean, it's never gonna achieve excellence. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but it'll never be great. And fyi, I have played online... it's good... but that's about all I can say about it... it's the same thing that's been done over and over and over and over again. A very solid game, but not one that'll turn any heads is what I meant. And yes, I intend to finish the game, rest assured, and "complete" it, in the sense that I'll really make it be worth what I paid for it. But my point is, I'm sure it'll be very good, but I also know it's going to be irrelevant. I'll just have to agree to disagree then. I'm not trying to start an argument here mate, your view is as valid as mine. Can we have a group hug now?
Oxigen_Waste Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 I'll just have to agree to disagree then. I'm not trying to start an argument here mate, your view is as valid as mine. Can we have a group hug now? Did I give the impression I was getting involved? It's just the way I write, I guess. No problem, I'm not getting riled up or anything. : peace: But seriously, come on, rationally speaking, why do you disagree, what really sets this one apart? (I'll have to get back to you on this one later tonight, cause I'm just about to go out)
Chris the great Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Also the single player is great. The second half blows COD4 out of the water, first half is similar with better AI minus invisible lines and infinite respawning enemies. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it also lends itself to excellent replayability. Cover system was a great idea and adds much depth, (COD badly needs this) and the AI is easily the most advanced in a game so far. i think you make alot of good points about the game, but this, i just dont see. COD4 was a better experience then killzone 2, so many of CODs scenes stick to mind, but only a few single player moments in KZ made to much impact. i have enjoyed killzone 2 imensely, especialy online. finding it the most balenced multiplayer since goldeneye. as for killzone doing nothing remarkable, offering no real change. I agree, it dosent exactly redefine what the fps is. what it does is to damn near perfect the formula we have had for years. every apect of the game was a highly polished example of the fps genra. true, its hardly revolutionary, but its certainly an evolution.
dwarf Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 I think that in this game the graphics play a huge part, I mean if the graphics were average it would still be a great game but I think this is one of the rarer cases in which graphics significantly improve my enjoyment of the game. The online mode is the best for the FPS genre in my opinion. Haven't bothered really playing the campaign because it isn't that fun, but the classes and weapons in this keep it really interesting. OK, Killzone is the better game but the campaign in Resistance is more engaging and is faster paced. The online mode isn't as great but it's different in style. Whereas in Killzone you usually have little one-on-one battles with a lot seeming to happen around you, Resistance is about being better than the other guy outright whilst being able to fend off and survive the attacks of others. The experiences are entirely different in ways that are hard to explain.
The Lillster Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Ok I was just kicking major arse online, and the fucking thing disconnects me. Normally I wouldn't give a shit, but it's the best i've ever done. It was a big match too. I was gonna come in the top 3-4. Fucking vagina of a host got disconnected, so he probably fucked it up for everybody.
Oxigen_Waste Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Hardly. It mixes stuff from different fps but nothing is like this package. Also there are plenty of unique and fresh touches. Much more than other fps this gen when it comes to gameplay. This is where the other reviewers failed as KZ2 does advance the genre. It feels like a 1.5 gen game. Especially in comparsion to stuff like COD4 or R2. Also the single player is great. The second half blows COD4 out of the water, first half is similar with better AI minus invisible lines and infinite respawning enemies. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it also lends itself to excellent replayability. Cover system was a great idea and adds much depth, (COD badly needs this) and the AI is easily the most advanced in a game so far. I don't disagree with anything you wrote on there, except maybe for the AI comment, but I'll reserve that judgement for when I get myself through the game on hard (it's tough only being with the ps3 on weekends...), but I don't think you get what I'm getting at. I'm not saying it's a bad game... like I already said, I'm pretty damn sure it's very good. I'm positive it's the PS3's Halo 3 (minus the engaging storyline), but that's just "it", that's as far as it'll go, just as with Halo 3... Very good games indeed, but none of them will transcend into the anals of history, catch my drift? Again, the comparison to Bioshock is quite simple, I wasn't comparing them because they're similar, I was comparing them in the same sense in which I would compare any other two completely different games... Put it this way: this current gen, there's 4 games so far that'll go down in history: Bioshock, Fallout 3, LBP and Super Mario Galaxy, that's what I meant... KZ2 isn't that sort of game. As far as comparisons go, I guess I can only really compare it to R2 and Halo 3, in which case I'd rate it 2nd place after Halo (after only 4 hours, I can see it's a tad bit superior to R2). Now, let's get this out of the way... it's a good game, sure, I won't ever deny that, my point is... it's unremarkable (just like Halo 3, which I happen to love). I'm sure I'll grow to love it and I'm pretty sure that since I have both Halo 3 and COD4 for the 360 and that's the one that's near me during the weekdays, I'll be spending a lot of my free time on the weekends inhabitting the online community of KZ2, when I feel the mood for "that" sort of experience. Speaking of which, I guess that's the only 2 other online gaming experiences right now I can really compare to KZ2's (some might say Gears of war, but that's a different breed of shooter), and from what I've experiences from KZ2, I'd say the online is on par with COD4's, and they're both just a small notch below Halo 3, which, in my opinion, still dominates the genre. What this means is... it's very good. If you ask me, I'd say it's tied for runner up to the crown of best online fps, and that's saying quite a lot, considering it's on the PS3! My whole point is just, I don't really see it breaking away from anything, it's just a (rock)solid fps, period. Oh, and I really don't agree with the 1.5 gen thing, but I guess I'll just shut up and finish the game before I elaborate on that. (also, excuse the late reply, but the forum was updating during the night, which is usually when I come here)
dwarf Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Super Mario Galaxy is vastly overrated. It's a good mario game but it was made far too easy and there wasn't enough actual platforming like you got in 64. Fallout 3 a great game yes, I think Killzone deserves the same amount of recognition as it because it is graphically the best but also the best online. I'll probably remember it more fondly than Fallout. (Even though it is awesome) R2 isn't going to be remembered like any of the previous but I like the style of it and the action and I sort of nailed the aim of it. I know all the intricacies and pleasures of the game and it's these little hints and tricks that made me play it so much.
dwarf Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Dwarf has natural skills, i would hate to play aginst him in R2. I can post specific stage tips too. I come into my element in R2, I think there is a more level playing field in Killzone where it's not always obvious where your enemies are and if they see you first and you have good aim you can't do a whole lot, which isn't the case in R2 And yeah can you tell us the specific locations as well (in depth) please? Lots of that was kind of obvious.
tapedeck Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 Bought this... It wouldn't let me join Cookyman's game last night as I'm ranked too low. Meh. Loving just playing against bots though. Reminds me heavily of Perfect Dark. Lovely balance to it all with some glorious scenarios to get involved in. I didn't really look into it as much as I wanted to be surprised by it. Imagine my pissed-off-ness when a stellar, AAA £40 FPS game was only 1 player. Still, it's a good job it's an incredible single player experience when you take into consideration the online facets too. Look forward to playing with some of you guys online... But...Must...get better
Deathjam Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 Bought this...It wouldn't let me join Cookyman's game last night as I'm ranked too low. Meh. Loving just playing against bots though. Reminds me heavily of Perfect Dark. Lovely balance to it all with some glorious scenarios to get involved in. I didn't really look into it as much as I wanted to be surprised by it. Imagine my pissed-off-ness when a stellar, AAA £40 FPS game was only 1 player. Still, it's a good job it's an incredible single player experience when you take into consideration the online facets too. Look forward to playing with some of you guys online... But...Must...get better The skills will come with time. Or at the very least, the rank will. One bit of advice i would give is play in your own style meaning don't join the hordes that are playing as soldiers rather than the classes, just so they can get many kills with the light machine gun or w/e that weapon is. There is little teamwork in that style imo. Much more satisfying when you can see the decisions that you made to help the team have paid off. Saying that, it maybe an idea to go back to playing as a medic as helping was alot of fun.
dwarf Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 I cba to sign up to that. Tried twice but got it wrong on both occasions somehow.
Jav_NE Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 I can imagine the final level being a bitch on hardest difficulty, it was pretty hard on normal! That massive fight area, then the waves of enemies before the boss. Ouch. Still havn't played this online though. Sounds complicated and i like things simple. Bunch of players, guns to pick up, good maps - shoot to the death. That's all you need. I hate different classes and rubbish like that. Ah well, will have to give it a go someday.
Chris the great Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 I can imagine the final level being a bitch on hardest difficulty, it was pretty hard on normal! That massive fight area, then the waves of enemies before the boss. Ouch. Still havn't played this online though. Sounds complicated and i like things simple. Bunch of players, guns to pick up, good maps - shoot to the death. That's all you need. I hate different classes and rubbish like that. Ah well, will have to give it a go someday. im on elite atm, and its not too bad, nothing like COD on veteran, as in usualy its fair. train level was a propper bastard mind, just the bit killing the tank makes me cry. it really points out how much more dificult the one gun and pistol system makes things. im at the very end now on vet, and its not noticably harder then on normal. just noticed etran in hard on killzone but very hard on cod. fun. oh, and get it online. its the whole point of the game.
Daft Posted March 11, 2009 Author Posted March 11, 2009 train level was a propper bastard mind, just the bit killing the tank makes me cry. Worst bit of the game. I hated it. Really is incredibly badly designed. The only way to do it, after dying 30 odd times, was just running in grabbing rthe rocket launcher and nailing the tank before the Helgahst got to you. Nothing tactical about it. Just brute force. It really showed the weakness of your teammate's AI.
Deathjam Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 OMG. Playing online with morons is a no-no. So tired of it, yet it keeps happening to me. You tell them to stop running into a hail of bullers but they dont fucking listen! A well placed spawn grenade, they still dont listen. Inches away from scoring on search and retrieve, they still dont give you back up and you just get gunned down. Most of the time I have lost a game, it because I joined halfway through, and it was with a bunch of idiots.
LegoMan1031 Posted March 12, 2009 Posted March 12, 2009 I had a few good games last night. I was the 5-7 rank guy in most of my matches. Tegg/Choze just pawned everyone and came top! lol We should get another forum game goin soon! When does everyone think they will be available for another game?
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