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Killzone 2


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you can get more ammo from the lit boxes that engineers repair. They vary map to map. Repair needs to be unlocked.


Unlocking badges are tougher than leveling up. Body count seems to be the big points earner. If thats what you want.


I notice alot of shotguns now.

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you can get more ammo from the lit boxes that engineers repair. They vary map to map. Repair needs to be unlocked.


Unlocking badges are tougher than leveling up. Body count seems to be the big points earner. If thats what you want.


I notice alot of shotguns now.

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you can get more ammo from the lit boxes that engineers repair. They vary map to map. Repair needs to be unlocked.


Unlocking badges are tougher than leveling up. Body count seems to be the big points earner. If thats what you want.


I notice alot of shotguns now.

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Dont know what happened. I was on my mobile. Going to rest abit since i hardly slept...


Be on soon.


We can set up longer games to give higher chances for ribbons.



just finnished the campaign, lots of fun there.


doing a bit of online and im starting to find my feet. i need longer matches to get into the swing though.


need an invite to the n-e elites so we can get some clanning goin on.


Thanks for reminding me. I will promote everyone to officers so they can invite too.

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Got the mechanic badge. I didn't realised you were forced to use a shotgun...I'm not a fan.


I think some of the maps are borked. The Academy totally screws over the ISA and that long alley one just has the Helghast getting cornered.

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You can create a new game. Lots of options to make your own game type. Its like Warhawk, very customisable. Have some play with you so the server populates faster.



I will be on later tonight. Might set up a game with longer times and high requierments. You can disable weapons if you want like the sniper rifle or shotguns if you hate them :p


I am pretty good at the shotgun.

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Playing a game with Daft and Caris. Loads of people standing at the top of the stairs while I'm readying a grenade... 3 team kills inc. Daft


This is what I'm talking about the maps being borked. That's a massive bottle neck and you're completely exposed. I was actually trying to pull back when that grenade landed but I couldn't move because I was surrounded by my own team.


It is basically like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Got the mechanic badge. I didn't realised you were forced to use a shotgun...I'm not a fan.


I think some of the maps are borked. The Academy totally screws over the ISA and that long alley one just has the Helghast getting cornered.


Try the shotgun more. Its a 1 hit kill with close impact.


Radec Academy is fine. Its just that if one team is weak their base gets taken over. New players keep rushing to their death by not realising there are underground tunnels that take you to the center of the stage.


The long alley one is Blood Gracht i guess. Thats an excellent stage. I think you had bad luck with getting dominated. :( Some of the clans do this. I was in that game with you yesterday and i could hardly move without dieing... But there are at least always two different routes so you can find a way out. Its just that so far nearly everyone uses the fastest route.


this is why i am good. I go the long way round and then shoot them in their backs.

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ranked up quite a bit and finally unlocked the engineer, fitted with shotgun! Awesome combo when you are the target for assasination. Just set up two turrets in one little room and wait for the enemy to rush into your headshots as they see the turrets first.


Quite good as a medic too, but it's funny, as soon as someone sees you are a medic, you get so many team invites.

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Well I was on the ISA side for ages until I thought I'd give Helghast a go to see if I could do any better.


What's the long way round? The only two ways I see are the two ramps. Both are death traps.


As for Radec Academy every match I've played on it, 15+, has ended with the Helghast pushing the ISA back to their spawn point.

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Well I was on the ISA side for ages until I thought I'd give Helghast a go to see if I could do any better.


What's the long way round? The only two ways I see are the two ramps. Both are death traps.


As for Radec Academy every match I've played on it, 15+, has ended with the Helghast pushing the ISA back to their spawn point.


Both sides have underground routes to the middle building. ISA have it where the tanks are. Helghast have a blow out hole. Both at the back of the bases. Its where the speakers sometimes appear. Also use other spawn points when they appear. There are tacticians about.

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Yeah, no tacticians in this game. I guess that'll even out. It wasn't that big a deal. I was only Helghast for 4 matches because I refused to quit until we won. :heh:


I think I'll go for tactician when I get it. Do they score points when they place a pawn point?


When can you combine skills? Is that when you get your class specific medals?


I guess the whole thing will even out when everyone levels up.

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I was looking at the clan page and i have a red ribbon behind my rank, what does that mean?


Really loving the online now, seemed to have got totally used to the controls and I'm coming in the top 1/4 every game :)


Oh if anyone doesn't have me on PSN add me- NegativeCharge

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You dont need them either. You can use anyone spawn point. As well as squad leader spawn point.


Here is Battle Replay of me getting first on radec academy. Note the tactics. Its not worth staying at the bases.






Yeah, personally I don't have a problem. I've always got a positive kill ratio and I tend to hang back, pick people off, stuff like that. A lot of other people get mullered and bring the whole team score down.


I don't mean the Academy, I knew about the tunnel. I tend to go over the top. What are the alternate paths in Blood Gracht?

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Can I get a clan invite?


I was looking at the clan page and i have a red ribbon behind my rank, what does that mean?


Really loving the online now, seemed to have got totally used to the controls and I'm coming in the top 1/4 every game :)


Oh if anyone doesn't have me on PSN add me- NegativeCharge


General of the Army?

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Played a bit more online. Love the Pyrrhus map, the one with the 3 warped bridges and the shanty homes. I'm not doing great though. Languishing around the bottom half of the matches I'm playing in but my kills:death ratio is pretty close. Only played 4 of the maps on Body count and so I'm still trying to get my bearings abit. I'll be trying to find my way around and get hammered by one of the enemy. Also got in some single player and I'm part way into Visari Square, up to the bit with Natko and Rico. For some reason I'm getting the same feeling I had when playing Gears of War 2 when I'm playing this in single player. It's not bad by any means, some intense bits so far, but there's something about it that's not sitting right. ::shrug: Meh, who cares. I'm enjoying it and it's making me glad that I bought a PS3 for the first time, although I have missed out on some must-have titles for the PS3 like LBP so they could have made me feel this as well.

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When playing multiplayer, press the PS button and bring up the XMB. You can then listen to custom music from your PS3 to go with your killing sprees. Nothing says “Kill the ISA scum” like the super swinging sounds of Burt Bacharach.


I did NOT know this.

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