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The guys with the pre-review release thingy for this say it's amazing. They're pretty dedicated FPS'ers but I guess that'd only raise their expectations?


It's shaping up to be a huge release for Sony though, I can feel the hype building now.

Floaty guns FTW!!


If you look down in CoD4, THERE IS NO FEET!!!


Now thats a proper floating gun.

No feet in Killzone 2 either, I'm afraid. I guess they decided to place their effort elsewhere, as it's hard enough to make leg movement look convincing in a third-person game — even Faith from Mirror's Edge has rather ridiculous looking legs, and that game does it better than most.


I'm going to be ordering from ShopTo: it's currently on pre-order for £33 — although that might change come release — and they've been good to me in the past; I got Crackdown an entire week in advance, although I very much doubt that would be the case here.

Gametrailers Preview




- No Co-op mode.


Do you not think the levels are quite repetitive looking?

Graphics are outstanding mind!


I think they are slighltly too similar as well but that's why I think this will be better online. Supposedly after the first 5 levels there is a bit of a change though.


Edit: I haven't seen a video that has been that impressive visually! That looked awesome!

Shopto deliver quickly for or before release day right?


Most of the time, very quickly. Must say, first time i used them, my order of okami went missing and then when i tried to get a new one sent (they gave me credit) they had run out of stock. Got something else instead though and it arrived either the next day or the day after that.


Just P-O'd this off Amazon for a nifty 3 bucks off and some codes for Home outfits. I really need to get around to getting SOCOM too for the headset


Could just be a US promotion or maybe theyve just yet to implement it for the UK site. Either way im not too bothered about wondering around Home in a Heighast helmet


This is out on a Friday in the UK right? I'll just pick it up from a shop since I'm in uni in the morning.


I finish at 12 though!! Woo!!


Playing this at the moment. Just done the first two levels and have to admit i'm loving it. It has the weighty feeling of Gears, but it doesn't make aiming too clunky. I think they got it right. Plus i forgot how cool it was to kill enemies with red eyes, let alone their screams and insults, its awesome.


No complaints at the moment really. Not had any bosses yet, aside from a single stronger enemy, but i'm sure there will be one at some point.


Oh and there are some well hidden 'symbols' to find and shoot too i have to say, the sneaky buggers.


He works for a games magazine...

awesome video...just watched the preview as well surely the best looking game ever...


Im trying not to spoil myself so barely watching any videos. Funny thing is that I have pre ordered this thing with money that does not exist yet :blank:

Im trying not to spoil myself so barely watching any videos. Funny thing is that I have pre ordered this thing with money that does not exist yet :blank:


Yeah I'm gonna not watch any vids now, did it with GTA IV, MGS 4 and Super Mario Galaxy and it makes things so much better.


I always try to do that and end up failing. Please help me! Just imagine if we picked the game up in the shops, knowing nothing about it, popping it in and then discovering it's sheer awesomeness.


That would be as intense as the time I bought Prime and knew jack all about it. Favourite game of all time.....


Yeah that's good actually, might go and play on the 64 for a month! Hopefully in a months time I'll have forgotten a lot of what I've seen.


K2 is the best loooking game i've ever played to be honest. I'm only three levels in, but man its sweet. Plays great, looks immense... this game had better get some 9's out of 10's. I'm defo giving it a 9, possibly a 10 if it continues impressing in the next seven levels.


Just by looking at the trailers I can tell that this game is going to be whoopass. Usually you shouldn't judge but having already played a bit of the online and seeing some of the graphics in the trailers I just know.


Will have to get my PS3 back in use as soon as possible.

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