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New Red Dwarf episode to be made!


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Isn't that what I said[ish]?


The crew trying to adapt to the mirror dimension would've been an interesting concept. Also, wouldn't there be double the crew since the mirror ship would have it's own crew before the "normal" crew escaped?


Yeah I guess that is kinda what you assumed...still doesn't explain how he is hard light though although guess they either could have gone back to see Legion or Kryten could have come up with a way to create it themselves.


I think one has to assume that the crews in both parallel universes abandoned their ships? But then who knows...one thing I always wondered why were there not 2 kochanski's? The one we know was another universe so technically isn't part of the crew, with that in mind the a version of her should have been recreated with the rest of them...a whole different issue I know but putting out there none the less...

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In all I was very disapointed with the new episodes :(, the only one I liked was the 2nd episode and that was poor compared to the old classic ones.


It was kinda like they were trying to make it more like Dr. Who.

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I think I liked it, altogether. First was a bit meh, second a bit better, the third kind of...good. Felt very red dwarfy come the end of it all, and I think they did it rather well considering, too. It's not what it was, no, but I'm rather pleased with what it managed.

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This is on Dave's website;




So there you have it. Three brand new episodes of Red Dwarf. The best Easter treat you could ever have. But what did you think of Back to Earth? Doug Naylor has already said there won't be a Series 9 - but should there be a Series 10?


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So Dave are perhaps at least considering it?


Oh Rummy you aren't alone in your thought about RD BTE being alot like Doctor Who;




Red Dwarf Meets Doctor Who. Arg!

Posted Monday, April 13, 2009 at 01:46 NEW


After finishing the trilogy I have to say that its been a bumpy ride. I decided to stay away from the news leading up to the episodes so not to ruin the plot. I sat down expecting a good hour+ of classic boys from the dwarf comedy. This wasn't to be though.


Before I start I just want to congratulate the actors. They look great! And played there roles really well. I was a little concerned with The Ksts first speech, didn't quite sound right. However come second episode after that dance I was convinced.


Now to my point. Doctor Who he says. What I mean by this is, in the old Doctor Who's (like Red Dwarf) the budget was tight and technology was limited so sets where small and models/costumes where used instead of CGI etc. The more recent Doctor who however has abandon these fundamentals and gone with cheap CGI and special effects. Everything looks super imposed and shiny. Its like the people from BBC have been brought in to do it. Personally I hate it. I can't stand CGI when its not done well and to do it well you need to spend months on it and millions of pounds. I don't just mean it looks awful either sometimes its just wrong for example the opening scenes when Lister is holding an Orange and you see him walking along through the windows- How large are those windows :S why was the windows never present before. I enjoyed the cyberpunk feel of the old Ship. Run down 3 million year old hunk of junk somehow turned into a shiny battle cruiser, yuk!


I didn't like the plot either. Sorry, England isn't that "gay". In fact there are only a few places you could get on a bus and have a meaningful one to one with a couple of kids. You'll either get arrested, or possibly if your in London, the kid might just rob you. Props more likely the latter if your famous.


And why the need to make references to Red Dwarf! Its so obnoxious, I felt like subliminal messages where being written into my head to go out and buy series 9 if it gets released or as if that message wasn't meant for me at all but a 10 min ad to anyone that might be able to fund series 9.


Not to say it didn't have it moments. Rimmer pushing the science officer into the road was classic as well as the ending being not half bad however in all I felt that it tried to do too many new things and failed at most of them. The comedy was different, the sets/locations where all different. I would of preferred that they got new actors in and called it a Red Dwarf spoof. Not to say it's left a sour taste in my mouth I'll just have to put it to the bottom of the list just above Red Dwarf University Challenge.




p.s I'm still trying to work out why the plot turned into Blade runner from about half way onwards what was the point? Other that to fill out what was already rather short episodes.

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That Dan bloke has pretty much said it blew goats, I applaud him for his honesty. Although now we'll have to wait for seasons 9 and 10 mention [not] so often in Back To Earth to cover all this assrapingly bad plot holes.


I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it.

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True, a laughter track is needed to rectify said problem. If they put a track into the parts on the Dwarf only, thus making it more believeable that it was a TV show they were from when coming into the real world as such.


I must disagree, even though we're watching them in a world where people are watching them, this could all be part of the plan and they're still being watched [by us] and they haven't come into our world [the real one watching them], it's time twistingly confusings.

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I must disagree, even though we're watching them in a world where people are watching them, this could all be part of the plan and they're still being watched [by us] and they haven't come into our world [the real one watching them], it's time twistingly confusings.


Could be, one reference of proof is on the set of Corrie, where it could of been on TV. But the bus scene rectifies this with the channel mention.

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  • 5 months later...

Series 10 Confirmed on Robert 'Kryten' Llewellyn's Twitter!


Series 10 of Red Dwarf announcement just been made at DJ 09. To clarify the scripts have been commissioned, wont be filming til 2010


I look forward to watching it, even though I wasn't too impressed by the specials. I assume Rob Grant won't be back to help with the scripts, so I hope Doug Naylor gets someone decent to co-write with him - series 7 onwards (plus his solo novel) showed that he struggles to be funny on his own. Hope it's filmed in front of an audience, as Back To Earth was sorely missing that.

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Series 10 Confirmed on Robert 'Kryten' Llewellyn's Twitter!




I look forward to watching it, even though I wasn't too impressed by the specials. I assume Rob Grant won't be back to help with the scripts, so I hope Doug Naylor gets someone decent to co-write with him - series 7 onwards (plus his solo novel) showed that he struggles to be funny on his own. Hope it's filmed in front of an audience, as Back To Earth was sorely missing that.


GET IN THERE! Yeah they need to bring back the audience and he defintely needs to bring in some script writers to help him...at the very least they need to get in some gag writers...


Cracking news though.

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I wouldn't say shite...just no where near as good...


This is bad news for me though. I've been a fan since forever and it really ended for me after Series 6. I really tried to like 7 and 8 but the characters just seemed weird and different. Though that being said BTE did rectify a few things. The Cat became a bit more intelligent again like the old series and there was some better Rimmer/Lister banter. It was still pretty shocking in my opinion.

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See I think BTE was in some ways trying to be a different beast with its approach and for better or for worse it is what is it is...it was better viewed as a whole as split up it was a bloody mess and I have no doubt there are plenty of stories left to tell and maybe one day they will get home...who knows...

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I think my biggest problem with BTE, to be honest, was the Bladerunner concept. As I've never seen Bladerunner, I didn't get any of the references. At least the new series won't have that problem.


I hope that, throughout the series, they reveal what happened between the series 8 finale and BTE; there are a lot of unanswered questions. I also hope Holly's back - Norman Lovett wasn't too chuffed with being cut out of BTE, but I'd still love Hattie to come back. In fact, I'd probably rather see her than Norm, who I didn't find that funny in series 8.

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I think my biggest problem with BTE, to be honest, was the Bladerunner concept. As I've never seen Bladerunner, I didn't get any of the references. At least the new series won't have that problem.


I hope that, throughout the series, they reveal what happened between the series 8 finale and BTE; there are a lot of unanswered questions. I also hope Holly's back - Norman Lovett wasn't too chuffed with being cut out of BTE, but I'd still love Hattie to come back. In fact, I'd probably rather see her than Norm, who I didn't find that funny in series 8.


Yeah see as a bladerunner fun loved it for that. I think Norman has really burnt his bridges with all the rants he made around the time...


so are they just going to ignore a season 9?


Yup looks like way can't say I am surprised...

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